Ave Xia Rem Y

Interlude: The Tale of Disciple On


On breathed heavily as he lay in wait. His nails dug into his palms. It was almost time now.

On had grown up in the outer districts of Eastern Port City. He was an orphan, so his life hadn’t been the best. There were times when On had to rely on theft to get by. However, for all his misfortunes, there was one thing On took pride in.

His strength.

On was a talented child. Everyone said so, and that talent had been further honed by his harsh circumstances. He wasn’t like those pampered clan kids. For On, every day had been a struggle. There had even been times when he prevailed over older kids who had higher levels of cultivation than him.

That was how talented On was.

Eventually, On’s name started to become known to the other kids in the outer districts as someone who shouldn’t be trifled with.

That was when he set his sights on the Xiao Sect.


On breathed heavily as he stood in front of the Xiao Sect’s massive gate. If one took down that gate and chopped it, how many houses could be built? The thought was useless, yet it drifted through his mind all the same.

On shook his head. What was he thinking? Focus! He needed to focus.

The Xiao Sect’s Selection Test was only held once a year. If he failed, he could try again next year. However, the standards of the Xiao Sect became stricter the older the participant was. The difference in talent between someone who reached the Inner Realm at sixteen and one who did so at six was not something that needed to be explained.

In other words, a person’s chances of gaining admission into the Sect were at their highest when they were young.

On was barely nine. He was still in the Foundational Realm, but such a thing was okay for his age. He just needed to prove he was better than the other candidates his age to pass. That was it. Nothing more.

Of course, On thought, as he took in the crowd of people around him, such a thing was much easier said than done.

Every year, the Xiao Sect’s Selection Test was held. Every year, thousands of people from all over Eastern Port City and beyond showed up. The reason was obvious. To join the Xiao Sect was to be set for life. Even a mere Outer Disciple from the Xiao Sect was someone who commanded respect.

Once On entered the Xiao Sect, he would no longer need to worry about going hungry. He’d gain a roof over his head, training, and resources. Joining the Xiao Sect was simply the best way to succeed in life. He could have tried to take the Yun Sect’s Selection Test, but On was not someone who wanted to settle for second best.

He’d be mighty, or he’d be nothing.

Still, even as those bold words echoed in his mind, cold sweat made its way down the side of his forehead. On’s hands were trembling. He wanted them to stop, but they wouldn’t listen. How could they when On could so plainly feel the Qi of those around him?

Some of the people in the crowd were already in the Inner Realm. Certainly, they were older than him. Still, even those close to his age were far closer to his level of cultivation than he had expected.

In the outer districts, he’d been considered strong and talented, but in this crowd, he seemed downright mundane!

“Are you alright?”

Startled, On turned around and saw a pretty girl with brown hair.

“You’re talking to me?”

His voice came out more brusque than he wanted. Still, the girl nodded.

“Yeah, you looked pretty pale there. Nervous? I am too. It’s the first time I’m taking the Selection Test. Have you heard this? Even though you can take the test any number of times, people who do so are unlikely to pass since the test gets harder as you age. Well, that’s what I heard.”

“I did not need to know that,” On ground out through gritted teeth. The girl laughed nervously.

“Sorry, I ramble when I’m nervous. Hey! How about we work together? We seem to have similar cultivation levels, so if we join forces, we’ll have better chances. How about it?”

That was the first time On met Su An.

Naturally, they passed the test together.


That was how On’s life in the Xiao Sect began. He and Su An started out as Outer Disciples. No longer was he a mere street rat. On now had a place to belong. His presence was one that commanded respect.

Unfortunately, such an esteemed position was not without its downsides.


“What’s this?”

“Your portion,” the older disciple told him. He was an Outer Disciple like him, but his Qi was undeniably higher. “Surely, you were paying attention? Us, Outer Disciples, are expected to do numerous tasks around the Sect. Don’t tell me you thought you were different? Stop complaining and help carry the logs.”

That was the way of things. Outside the Xiao Sect, his presence commanded respect. Within, he was but a mere Outer Disciple. The lowest rung on the ladder.

“B-But…” On motioned to the logs he was to carry. “My pile is bigger!”

It was true. Compared to the other piles, On’s was at least twice as big.

The older disciple laughed. “Well, of course your pile is bigger. If you don’t train, how do you expect to get strong? Consider it a kindness from an older disciple.”


Two hands fell on his shoulders. The older disciple looked down at him.

“I think you should learn to accept how things work here.” He jerked his head to the side. ”Look, the new girl hasn’t complained.”

On followed his movement and saw that Su An was indeed already carrying logs. Her pile was bigger than the others, just like his.

“You could stand to learn a thing or two from her and appreciate your senior’s kindness.”



What a laugh!

It was just plain bullying. Even in the Xiao Sect, such things were not uncommon. Rather, it was because it was the Xiao Sect, that it was common. All disciples were in competition with each other, and due to that competition, a hierarchy was formed. Stronger disciples who liked to push around those weaker than themselves were not unusual.

As the newest disciples, On and Su An were easy prey.

Stil, On had endured. He and Su An both had. They had done their duties while trying to draw as little attention to themselves as possible, always relying on one another. They were each other’s only allies within the Sect, and together, they had slowly grown stronger.

That was how it had been at first.


“You’re leaving?”

Su An nodded. There was a smile on her face.

“The instructor told me earlier today.” Su An kept moving as she spoke. It seemed she could hardly contain her excitement. “I’m being promoted! Starting tomorrow, I’ll be an Inner Disciple!”

An Inner Disciple.

Those from the Xiao Sect were respected all over Eastern Port City. On had heard that even in other cities, the name of the Xiao Sect was known. However, to be an Inner Disciple meant being respected in the Xiao Sect. It was a sign that one’s efforts were being noticed.

Often times, while doing chores, On and Su An had talked about the things they’d do once they became Inner Disciples. Back then, it had been a far off goal.

Now, it was becoming true.

For one of them.

“I am sorry,” Su An said as if coming to a realization. “I know we said we’d become Inner Disciples together…”

But reality didn’t work like that. Su An’s cultivation had surpassed his for a while now. This was just the natural result of that.

“It’s fine.”

What was he expecting? For her to turn down this chance? Foolishness.


“You’re just going first,” On said, bumping his fist against his chest. “I’ll catch up right away!”

Su An smiled. Like always, he felt a little jolt inside when he saw that smile. He wanted to tell her.

It wasn’t the time, though.

“I’ll be waiting for Brother On then.”

Once he became an Inner Disciple, he’d tell her.


Unfortunately, he never did.

On trained and trained, but no matter how much he improved, it wasn’t enough. He was good for an Outer Disciple, but no more than that. As time passed, On became one of the strongest Outer Disciples within the Xiao Sect. Yet, he was passed over for promotion to Inner Disciple.

On was “someone who is only strong due to his age.” That was what people said about him, and year after year, he had to watch younger, more talented disciples be promoted instead of him. He who had been considered talented in the outer districts was nothing but mundane within the halls of the Xiao Sect.

At the very least, there was no one among the Outer Disciples who could bully him anymore. If anything, it was usually the other way around.


“But my pile is bigger!” cried out a small Outer Disciple with a big nose. He was one of the newest members of the Xiao Sect and needed to learn the way of things.

It was On’s duty to show him.

“Of course, it’s bigger,” On said, crossing his arms. “Us, Senior Brothers, are doing you a favor. How will you possibly catch up to us if you don’t put in a bigger effort? You should bow your head and be thankful.”

“Brother On, do you think that was wise?” One of his friends asked him later that day after they made the young disciple do the extra work.

“Why would it not be? He’s just another new disciple.”

On nodded in perfect agreement with himself. He was merely showing the new disciple how things worked. It was the way of things.

His friend did not look convinced.

“I’ve heard that kid’s older brother has been part of the Xiao Sect for a while. His brother could be an Inner Disciple.”

On scoffed. “Who cares? If it comes to that, I have friends among the Inner Disciples as well.”

Certainly, he hadn’t spoken to Su An in a while. In the beginning, she had visited often, but the duties of an Inner Disciple soon made that hard. They had slowly drifted apart.

Still, surely she’d help if he asked?


On never got the chance to find out. The big-nosed kid’s older brother hadn’t been an Inner Disciple.

He’d been a Core Disciple.

In his entire life, On had never committed such a colossal blunder. Core Disciples were untouchable. They were people who were held in high esteem by the Sect and had more than enough power to back that reputation.

Once it was known On had messed with the younger sibling of a Core Disciple, that was it for his reputation. Most of his friends deserted him. Worse of all, the big-nosed kid, Li, somehow became friends with Young Master Xiao Fang, which meant all the Outer Disciples started taking their cues from him instead.

In less than a year, On lost all the influence he had gained.

That was when Liu Jin first appeared.

The son of a crippled doctor. Even On had heard of him once or twice. He had no idea how someone like that had gotten into the Xiao Sect. There were many rumors regarding that, but none On considered credible.

In the end, it didn’t matter. The boy would see for himself how cruel the Xiao Sect could be.

On had been sure that was what would happen.

Sure enough, that big-nosed Li had tried to make Liu Jin do extra chores as it was common. There was always one new disciple who was picked for such things. For it to be Liu Jin was only natural. He’d have to bear it just like everyone else had done. Just like On had done.

Except that hadn’t happened.

Xiao Nan, of all people, had shown up that day to defend Liu Jin.

Xiao Nan. Patriarch Xiao Zheng’s nephew. The strongest cultivator of his generation. The greatest genius of Eastern Port City. Someone like him should not even acknowledge their existence. He had no reason to put Outer Disciples in his eyes. Doubtlessly, he had other concerns.

Yet, Xiao Nan had shown up to protect Liu Jin and spared him the troubles On had once gone through.

That was when On started hating Liu Jin.



“Yeah, Senior Brother Xiao Nan came for him again.”

On gritted his teeth as he tried to ignore the conversation happening behind him. It was bad enough that Li had been promoted to Inner Disciple. However, Liu Jin being shown such favoritism by Xiao Nan was incomprehensible to him.

What had a guy like that done to earn such a thing?

The worst of it was how arrogant Liu Jin was about it. He always kept the other disciples at a distance, as if he was too good for them.

No matter. On would make Inner Disciple eventually.


He hadn’t. While On kept failing, Li went on to distinguish himself even among the Inner Disciples. He heard Su An was doing well there as well, though he didn’t have the heart to face her as he was.

Then it happened.

Xiao Nan took Liu Jin on an official mission.

It was all Outer Disciples could talk about for weeks. It grew even worse once another piece of information was revealed.

Liu Jin was engaged to Patriarch Xiao Zheng’s daughter.

The Outer Disciple who had been stuck in the First Level of the Inner Realm for over a year and a half would soon be his superior. How was that fair? How did that even make sense? On wanted someone to tell him the whole thing was a joke.

They hadn’t.

Liu Jin married Xiao Zheng’s daughter.

On thought that was the worst things would ever get. Surely, it was impossible for his resentment towards Liu Jin to grow any bigger. A boy stuck in the First Level of the Inner Realm was Xiao Zheng’s son-in-law. Meanwhile, he, who trained every day, was still just an Outer Disciple!

Yes, surely, his resentment couldn’t grow deeper.

That was what he thought until the day he saw Liu Jin walking with Su An behind him.


“It is a rather troubling state of affairs, don’t you think so?”

“E-Elder Hui?”

On wasn’t sure what to think. He had been training by his lonesome as he often did, when Elder Hui had approached him. In all his years as an Outer Disciple, it was the first time the Elder had done so. Even though he was technically in charge of the Outer Disciples, Elder Hui usually kept his distance.

That was how it had been ever since On had joined the Sect.

“I couldn’t help but overhear your comments to your fellow disciples.”

On winced. He had been feeling a bit frustrated after seeing Liu Jin walking around with Su An, so he let his true feelings show more than usual. Even if he didn’t regret what he’d said, speaking about the Patriarch’s son-in-law like he had could get him into trouble.

“Honored Elder, this disciple apologizes from the bottom of his heart for his careless words.”


On blinked in surprise.

“You were merely emotional. Such things happen at your age,” Elder Hui said, waving his concerns away with a grandfatherly smile. “Even an old man like myself has uttered many careless words. Besides, you were not entirely wrong to say such things.”


“Your words clearly came from a place of concern, did they not? It is natural for a young man to be concerned about the fate of the Sect.”

“Of course, honored Elder,” On said, latching on to the excuse.

“Indeed, even I myself cannot claim to be without worry. The Xiao Sect is the most respected in the city. Its reputation even extends beyond its walls. If there were to be an obvious weak link, then surely, the Sect would lose standing.”

On’s eyes widened. He understood precisely what Elder Hui was saying.

“I agree completely, Elder Hui!”

Liu Jin was the weak link. His presence would hurt the Xiao Sect’s standing in the future. Thus, it was not wrong for On to feel the way he was.

In fact, it was completely justified!

“Elder Hui, could you please answer this disciple’s question? Why is it that Liu Jin became engaged to the Patriarch’s daughter?”

Certainly, there had been rumors that Liu Jin’s father had once done Patriarch Xiao Zheng a great favor, but those were just rumors, right?

After all, how could a crippled doctor help anyone?

“I am sure you have heard the rumors,” Elder Hui said. “There is a shred of truth to them. Once upon a time, Patriarch Xiao Zheng did need help, and Liu Jin’s father was the one who answered the call. Unfortunately, the other doctors in the city were too scared to do so.”

On’s eyes widened. “Then it is true he healed Patriarch Xiao Zheng?”

“In a manner of speaking,” Elder Hui replied with a soft voice. “He mixed the ingredients that were already available in our Xiao Sect. The medicine worked, but due to their quality, such a thing was inevitable. Regardless, the event left Patriarch Xiao Zheng with deep feelings of gratitude towards Liu Jianguo and his family.”

“I see.”

So that was how it was.

In the end, Liu Jin’s father had just gotten lucky. On was sure any of the other doctors in the city could have succeeded using the Xiao Sect’s high-quality ingredients. Liu Jin’s father was just the first one to try his luck.

“The situation we are in at the moment is a rather troublesome one,” Elder Hui continued. “Young Liu Jin is simply too weak to be Patriarch Xiao Zheng’s son-in-law.”

On agreed from the bottom of his heart.

“No doubt, that is why Su An went to him. She is a good-natured girl.”

Of course! Elder Hui was right! It was pity. Pity compelled her to look after a failure like Liu Jin.

“Still, by doing something like that, she puts herself in danger.”

“Elder Hui?”

“I am sure there are people out there who have evil designs towards young Liu Jin, and he is so very vulnerable at the moment. Even an Outer Disciple such as yourself is a threat to him. Disciple On, you should meditate on these things and decide to do what is best for the Sect.”

What is best for the Sect?

“Depending on the results, Disciple On may just rise to become an Inner Disciple.”


That was the first of three times On had talked to Elder Hui. All of them happened in secret, obviously. None could know the task On had been entrusted with.

It had taken some time, but On had made up his mind. His path was clear to him now. He had talked with some like-minded disciples and designed a plan.

On waited under cover of night. Today, Liu Jin would return to his house alone. It was the perfect time. Some days, Su An accompanied him, but not today. She was busy with something. He had seen to it.

It was only a matter of time. His accomplices would show up soon enough.

Then he’d get what he deserved.

“Oh, poor On. What have you done?”

“Elder Hui!” On shouted, surprised. He hadn’t seen or heard Elder Hui come close.

“What have you done, Disciple On? To think you’d actually plot to murder a fellow disciple? How could you do such a thing?”


“But.. you—”

“Naturally, I was shocked to find this out,” Elder Hui said, sadly shaking his head. “Thankfully, one of the poor disciples you tried to rope into your evil scheme talked to his superiors.”

Betrayed! He had been betrayed!

“As I am in charge of all Outer Disciples, it was only fitting for me to volunteer to handle this task. How pitiful, Disciple On. Truly pitiful. You should have known better than to approach this in such a crass way. Unfortunately, the security around Liu Jin is much better than you expected.”

Used. The old man had used him!

He had wanted to know how feasible it was to assassinate Liu Jin! He had to tell someone! Do something!

Why couldn’t he move?

“A pity. The one who spoke out against your evil scheme will surely be handsomely rewarded.”

But he was the one who was supposed to be rewarded! With Sun An! He was supposed to be-

“As for you, well, I doubt anyone will notice you are gone.”

A wave of Elder Hui’s arm.

That was all it took to end Disciple On’s life.


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