
The infirmary is full of solemn faces and pained groans.

It is here where those who receive more than a few bruises are taken. There are still many empty beds, but Liu Jin is sure that will change as the matches grow in intensity. Most people were taking it easy during the group stage as they did not want to reveal all their skills.

However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t already some serious injuries.

Pride. Duty. Stubbornness. Cruelty.

When those things mix, people are bound to get hurt.

The members of the Seven Leaves School are gathered around Cui Tian’s bed. A medical official is speaking to them. An older man dressed in green robes, likely their master, argues fiercely with the medical official. If Liu Jin wanted to, he could strain his ears to catch what they are saying, but he doesn’t. In fact, he goes out of his way to tune out their conversation, not wanting to intrude.

He already knows what is being said.

Cui Tian fought Yun Han and lost.

For the Seven Leaves School, it is a regrettable but unavoidable outcome. However, that is not the worst of it. Yun Han was not content with just winning the match. He also damaged Cui Tian’s lower dantian, grievously hampering his ability to cultivate.

If Cui Tian had been a regular person, Yun Han would have never gone as far as to cripple his cultivation so effectively. That Yun Han deliberately resorted to something like that shows that he judged Cui Tian to be a potential threat. Thus, Cui Tian’s sorry state is a sign of his talent.

Of course, saying such things will not make anyone feel better.

In the end, nothing can change what happened. Cui Tian’s dantian has been damaged. The very foundation of his cultivation has been taken from him. It is not the sort of wound one can naturally recover from. Cui Tian will most likely try to cultivate after he wakes up, but he will find it impossible.

As he is now, advancement is impossible. It wouldn’t surprise Liu Jin if the damage was enough to force him back to the Inner Realm.

The doctor is likely telling all those things to Cui Tian’s master. Of course, Cui Tian’s master has most likely already realized it. He just doesn’t want to accept it. The man’s jaw is clenched tight as the doctor bows in apology.

It is not as if Cui Tian’s condition cannot be treated. The medical staff are all linked to Doctor Wu in one way or another. As low an opinion as Liu Jin has of the man, even he must admit Doctor Wu and his disciples are not completely incompetent. They must know how to treat Cui Tian’s damaged dantian.

However, such treatments are expensive.

There is no way a small school like the Seven Leaves School will be able to afford it. As far as Doctor Wu’s disciples are concerned, their duty ended the moment they stabilized Cui Tian’s condition.

That is why there is nothing that can be done for Cui Tian.

Liu Jin watches as Cui Tian’s teacher reunites with the Seven Leaves School’s delegation to deliver the news. The outcry from the disciples who probably idolized Cui Tian is inevitable. They cannot believe what they are hearing. Chang Wei’s voice, in particular, rings across the medical bay, and he’s quickly told to mind his volume by the others. He quiets down but does not stop arguing.

The disciples of the Seven Leaves School debate the situation in hushed tones. How will they tell Cui Tian? Is there truly nothing that can be done?

What will happen to their school?

Due to their poor performance in the tournament and the loss of their number one disciple, the Seven Leaves School will likely lose disciples. In the worst-case scenario, their school might not even exist in a few years.

Such things are not uncommon. In fact, it can be said they happen almost every day. Permanence is all too fleeting, Old Jiang had once told Liu Jin. New powers rise and fall all the time. Only a few achieve stability, and even then, not forever.

Yes, such things are common. This should be no different.

And yet…

Liu Jin waits until the hushed arguments have died down. Until resignation is all too easy to see on their faces and pitying gazes look at Cui Tian’s unconscious body.

“What are you doing here!?”

The moment he gets close, Liu Jin is welcomed by Chang Wei’s hostility. The jovial youth that fought him barely hours ago is nowhere to be found. His pupils are dilated with anger, and his tightly coiled muscles speak of barely restrained violence. He is in need of an outlet, and Liu Jin’s presence has graciously provided him with one.

“It is because of you that Brother Tian is like this!” He yells, pointing at Cui Tian’s prone form. “If you hadn’t tricked Brother Tian into being first place, he’d have never ended up like this! So why are you here? Has the Xiao Sect come to laugh at us!”


It is not Liu Jin who speaks. It is Cui Tian’s master who steps in front of Chang Wei, silencing him with a look. “Chang Wei, I understand your anger, but your words cause not only you to lose face but our Seven Leaves School and Cui Tian as well.”

“But I—”

“Are you implying our Cui Tian’s loss was already decided? Do you truly have so little faith in him?”

Chang Wei takes a step back, shamefaced. “I… no. I apologize, master.”

“Good.” The master turns to look at Liu Jin. “We are, of course, pleased an honored disciple of the Xiao Sect has deemed it fit to grace our Cui Tian with his presence. Regrettably, he is in no shape to receive visitors.”

It is probably the kindest way in which Liu Jin has ever been told to get out.

That’s fine. This should not take long.

“Three-Hundred-Year Lotus.”

The master’s eyes narrow. However, it is Chang Wei who speaks.


“Three-Hundred-Year Lotus,” Liu Jin repeats. “Cui Tian’s condition is not untreatable. Doctor Wu’s disciples should have mentioned that. If you were to obtain a Three-Hundred-Year Lotus, it would be possible for a skilled enough doctor to treat him. Of course, such an ingredient is not common in Eastern Port City. I am sure you must already know this, but treating Cui Tian’s condition is not something your Seven Leaves School can afford.”

“Have come to mock us then?!” Chang Wei fires. “Did losing against Brother Tian make you so angry that you must now dangle what we cannot have in front of us?”

“Chang Wei. Enough.”

His master’s voice silences him, but Liu Jin can tell that if he had wanted to, the teacher could have stopped Chang Wei much earlier. If Chang Wei managed to say that much, it is only because the teacher allowed him to do so. Did he want to see how he’d react to Chang Wei’s words? Is this his way of testing his motives?

Well, it isn’t as though Liu Jin did not expect this sort of treatment.

“Three-Hundred-Year Lotus is not common in Eastern Port City. That is why it is so expensive. However, that is not the case in other areas of the empire.”

It is something Old Jiang made sure to instruct him in. The location of potent ingredients and their commonality in other cities and nations. For example, many of the ingredients harvested from Poison Fang Canyon were considered rare in other parts of the empire. While they were sold for relatively low prices in Eastern Port City, the Xiao and Yun Sects charged exorbitant prices for them in the capital.

“If you travel all the way to Five Bats City, you might be able to buy Three-Hundred-Year Lotus for a relatively low price. There is a famous auction house there, the Five Blessings Auction House. Once you obtain the ingredients, hiring the services of a doctor nearby should not be too hard.”

Liu Jin pauses for a moment.

“If you wish, I would be willing to perform the treatment in my father’s clinic, though I don’t think there will be any need for it.”

The doctors in Five Bats City should be capable of treating Cui Tian.

“Why?” The master asks. At his side, Chang Wei is staring at him open-mouthed. “Why would someone from the Xiao Sect concern himself with the fate of a small school like ours?”

Why? Liu Jin would like to know that himself.

Is it because he feels some responsibility as a doctor? Perhaps, it is because he partially contributed to Cui Tian’s condition by leaving him to Yun Han’s mercies? Certainly, Cui Tian is also to blame for not giving up when he could, but he’d have never been in that position if Liu Jin hadn’t put him there.

Perhaps, it is because, once upon a time, it was Liu Jin who needed to be saved from Yun Han?

“I wonder.” Liu Jin shakes his head. “It matters not. Call it a whim if you must. I would also recommend that your school leave Eastern Port City for a while. I have no doubt people other than me will try to offer their help, but the price might be steeper than you can afford.”

A weakened faction like the Seven Leaves School is ripe for abuse. The master nods in understanding.

“We will do our best to take the Xiao Sect’s words under consideration.”

For their sake, Liu Jin hoped so.


“Liu Jin of the Xiao Sect vs. Cai Chin of the Yun Sect!”

The audience cheers loudly as Liu Jin and his opponent step into the ring. A match between the Xiao Sect and the Yun Sect is something they’re all eager to see.

His enemy is tall and has a shaved head. A spear rests on his shoulder, and he looks at him with a confident smile. According to the information given to Liu Jin, Cai Chin is fifteen years old and in the First Level of the Nascent Realm.

“To think this Cai Chin will be able to honor the Yun Sect by defeating Xiao Zheng’s son-in-law! Today is indeed a good day!”

Cai Chin says such provocative words without a care in the world. From his point of view, there is absolutely no reason to be cautious. After all, Liu Jin is someone who finished second in his own group. Furthermore, Liu Jin is just in the Seventh Level of the Inner Realm, while Cai Chin is in the First Level of the Nascent Realm. No doubt, he also considers himself superior to Cui Tian, an assumption that likely wouldn’t be wrong. Due to being a disciple of the Yun Sect, it is safe to assume the instruction Cai Chin has received is superior to the one Cui Tian had.

“Did you not give up the last time you had to fight someone in the First Level of the Nascent Realm? I understand our Young Master is too scary to face. I will not begrudge you for leaving that lowly one to face him, but I do hope you put up a proper fight this time.”

Liu Jin takes a deep breath.


Liu Jin’s fist strikes Cai Chin right in the face, his natural strength enhanced by the acceleration provided by Ground Contraction. Had Cai Chin been taking him seriously, he could have dodged that attack. Unfortunately, he took Liu Jin too lightly.

Liu Jin has no intention of giving him time to recover or use his weapon. He sees Cai Chin’s weak points with perfect clarity, his body a map of acupoints he knows by heart.

His fingers don’t miss a single one.

Perhaps, this is not fair to Cai Chin.

However, Liu Jin really does not care for the Yun Sect right now.

By the time Cai Chin’s body is blown back, he has lost the use of his legs and arms. They will come back to him in time. Liu Jin has no desire to cause any permanent damage. Such is not his nature. However, it does mean Cai Chin will not be in any condition to continue fighting.

Not that it matters, Cai Chin doesn’t even get up. The Inner Disciple has lost consciousness.

For a moment, there is stunned silence. The audience cannot believe someone in the Seventh Level of the Inner Realm has defeated someone in the Nascent Realm.

The announcer raises his hand and declares Liu Jin the winner.

The cheers that follow are deafening. However, Liu Jin has no time for them. His eyes find his father in the crowd. There is a proud smile on his face.

For Liu Jin, that is enough.


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