Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 45: Sparring I


Liu Jin walks towards the Xiao Sect with the decisive steps. His face is dirty, and his clothes are torn in various places. Yet, the guards immediately open the gates upon seeing him.

Liu Jin walks through them alone.

“Watch? Do you not think I have better things to do with my time than watching children squabble, disciple?”

Those had been Old Jiang’s words when Liu Jin asked him whether he had any interest in seeing his spar against Xiao Fang. The memory is enough to make Liu Jin’s lips curl up. Of course Master wouldn’t see any point to this. From his point of view, it really is nothing but a childish squabble. No, in fact, it may be just that.

Just children squabbling.

When did it start?

Try as he might, Liu Jin cannot pinpoint a specific event. As far back as he can remember, people have said unkind things about his father. Fraud. Liar. Fake. He has grown up hearing such things. Xiao Fang was no better or worse than anyone else in that regard. He never made a secret of his dislike for Liu Jin and his family.

Whenever Liu Jin and his father went out to gather herbs, people from the Xiao Sect would escort them. This was especially necessary when they went to gather herbs in the outer parts of Poison Fang Canyon. In return for this service, they’d give some of the herbs gathered in Poison Fang Canyon to the Xiao Sect as well as some medicine made by his father.

Whenever Liu Jin delivered that medicine, Xiao Fang had been there.

He’d been a butthead.

Never once had Xiao Fang been shy about expressing his dislike for Liu Jin’s family. His words never went too far. Yet, the ever-present disdain with which Xiao Fang looked at him was something that started to wear on Liu Jin’s patience. Xiao Fang became a constant irritant in his daily life, one he could not get rid of no matter what. If other kids said unkind things about his father, Liu Jin could at least strike back. He often didn’t win when such things happened, but at least he got a degree of satisfaction out of it.

However, Xiao Fang was untouchable. Liu Jin dared not harm the relationship his father had with the Xiao Sect.

Perhaps, it was the same for Xiao Fang. Due to the gratitude Xiao Zheng felt for Liu Jin’s father, there was no way Xiao Fang could get rid of Liu Jin. The most he could do was be his usual unpleasant self. Even if Xiao Fang did not like him. Even if Xiao Fang believed Liu Jin's father did not deserve the preferential treatment shown to him by the Xiao Sect, there was nothing he could do about it.

Xiao Fang had no choice but to accept that Liu Jin would always be a part of his life.

It may have been like that for him.

Stuck in each other’s presence, slowly becoming more annoyed by one another. Maybe that is how the two now find themselves in this situation. It is not something Liu Jin has ever considered. He doesn’t even know why he is thinking about stuff like this now.

All Liu Jin knows is that he doesn’t really care.

The theory merely drifts through Liu Jin’s consciousness without creating any ripples. Could this all have been avoided somehow? Could he have tried harder to make friends with Xiao Fang? Could Xiao Fang have tried to be less of a butthead? Could their elders have tried to make sure they got along better? Maybe.

It doesn’t matter anymore.

Right now, Liu Jin is not dreading the coming fight or anything like that. He is not thinking about the potential consequences.

He just wants it to happen.

It is petty, Liu Jin realizes, his hands clenching into fists. He is being petty. Pettier than he has ever been before.

Yes, this is nothing but a childish squabble.

But that’s fine.

He’s a child still. Just this once, he’ll do his best to act like one.


Su An’s voice makes Liu Jin look to the side. The young woman rushes towards him, her face a mix of surprise and worry. Liu Jin lifts his hand to wave.



Clearly, that is not the right thing to say. Sun An’s face turns red with indignation.

“Hi?” She repeats. Her voice does not rise above a whisper so as to avoid being overheard, but her displeasure is clear. “Boss, do you have any idea how worried I was?! It’s been weeks!”

Almost a month, really. Actually, it’s been exactly one month.

“People were saying Boss had run away! Naturally, this Su An put those people in their place, but as the weeks passed, the rumors grew! People kept coming to me, and I didn’t know what to say! I asked Boss’ father, and he said everything would be fine. I tried looking for Senior Brother Xiao Nan, but he’s always busy, and I’m just an Inner Disciple! This Su An has undoubtedly lost years of her life worrying! If Boss is going to disappear like that again, please let this Su An know, so she doesn’t worry!”

Su An is almost panting by the time she finishes speaking. It is then that Liu Jin finally notices her bloodshot eyes and unhealthy skin tone. Her hair, which is usually tied in a messy ponytail, is now matted down and lifeless.

That’s how much of a toll his absence has taken on her.

Ah. This is what Old Jiang was talking about, isn’t it?

Somehow, it is only by looking at Su An’s tired and worried face that it clicks for Liu Jin. Even though he has repeatedly thought about it, it is only in this exact moment that he truly comprehends the truth of it.

She’s his responsibility.

Regardless of why she approached him, he is the one who accepted her services. True, Liu Jin could say that since she had only come to him out of self-interest, he should just do what he wants without any regard for how it affects her.

But that’s not how his Father would act.

It is not the type of person Liu Jin is.

“I am sorry.”

The words come easily enough from his mouth, yet there is no doubting the sincerity behind them.

“When I left, I knew there was a possibility of me not returning for a while,” Liu Jin continues, looking straight into Su An’s eyes. “I should have properly prepared you for that eventuality. I apologize. It will not happen again.”

“Ah, no. Boss shouldn’t really apologize so easily like that,” Su An says, taken aback by his sudden earnestness. She looks away, nervously. “It’s just... not proper.”

“No, I’d say it is proper enough.” Liu Jin nods to himself. “I’ll try to be a better boss in the future. Right now, however, I hope you’ll forgive me if I have other matters to attend to.”

“Other matters?” Su An blinks before it dawns on her. “Boss intends to go to Young Master Xiao Fang? No, of course Boss does. However, will it really be okay? Boss looks…”

She waves her hand in Liu Jin’s direction as if that was all she needed to do. Indeed, Liu Jin knows he does not cut an impressive figure at the moment. Still, doubt does not appear on his face.

“It will be fine.”

“Will it?” Su An asks, her face scrunching into a frown. It is then that she finally reaches out to feel his Qi, which Liu Jin has been keeping low ever since leaving Poison Fang Canyon. Su An is close enough to him that she is easily able to discern its magnitude.

“Oh.” A second passes. Her eyes widen. “Oooh.”

The right corner of Liu Jin’s mouth quirks up. “I would appreciate some discretion.”

“Naturally, Boss! This Su An will accompany you to where Young Master Xiao Fang is right away!”

Su An takes a spot at his right instantly. Many gazes follow the pair, most of them aimed at Liu Jin. They know what is about to happen, and they cannot help but be curious about it. The Young Master of the Xiao Sect is about to spar with his brother-in-law.

Doubtlessly, there are many rumors about how serious their spar is going to be and why is it that it is taking place. Liu Jin imagines some rumors are probably fairly close to the truth.

It doesn’t matter. They lose most of the crowd once they pass a checkpoint. Outer Disciples are not allowed beyond a certain point. After that, it is only Inner Disciples after them. Core Disciples are unlikely to have any interest in something like this.

Even if Xiao Fang and Liu Jin are the Patriarch’s son and son-in-law respectively, Core Disciples are people with secure positions in the Sect who have important duties to fulfill.

“What do you mean I am not allowed inside?”

The guard’s face is resolute as he answers Su An.

“Only Core Disciples are allowed past this point.”

Certainly, he’s not wrong. Liu Jin’s spar with Xiao Fang is to take place in one of the indoor sparring arenas near the main house. As such, it is located in a place only allowed to Core Disciples. Liu Jin fully expected the other Inner Disciples following them to be left behind once they reached this area.

However, surely, he should have been allowed to take Su An?

Liu Jin’s eyes narrow as he examines the face of the guard currently arguing with Su An.

“It is okay,” He says, raising his hand to stop the argument.


“It is fine,” Liu Jin says, looking at her. “I’ll go in alone. There is no problem. It is enough for me to know your thoughts are with me.”

This is Xiao Fang’s work. Doubtlessly, he is the one who told the guard to only let Liu Jin in. While Liu Jin is pretty sure he could force the guard to let Su An enter if he made enough noise, such an action could have potential repercussions for him and her. The best he can do is let it play out.

Su An frowns, clearly not happy with his decision, yet seeing the serious look on his face gives her pause.

“Very well, Boss.” To Liu Jin’s surprise, she suddenly plops herself down, right next to the guards and crosses her arms. “Then this Su An will be waiting right here for Boss to return victorious.”

Liu Jin smiles. “You will not be disappointed.”

With that, Liu Jin nods at the guards who open the gates for him.

As soon as Liu Jin passes through, he’s alone.

No Outer Disciples. No Inner Disciples. Even the Core Disciples are nowhere to be seen, likely busy with their duties. The sound of his footsteps against the cobblestones is loud to his ears, yet Liu Jin doesn’t let that bother him. It is curious. He thought he’d be more nervous when the time came. To be honest, he’s still not sure if he’s going to win or not.

Yet, all Liu Jin feels at the moment is an odd sense of calm.

“You have arrived.”

Xiao Fang speaks the moment Liu Jin enters the indoors sparring arena. It is a large room with a high ceiling and no windows. The floor is wooden and devoid of any obstacles. The bounds of the sparring ring are painted on it. Numerous candles illuminate the room.

“I am surprised,” Xiao Fang says. He has already taken his position inside the sparring ring. “I thought you would run away.”

“Now, now, Little Fang. I know young people like to exchange harsh words before a bout, but there is no need for it.”

Elder Hui.

Seeing him here is a surprise, yet it really shouldn’t be. The Elder is standing to the side, a benign smile on his face. However, Liu Jin is not put at ease by it. Suddenly, the spar with Xiao Fang becomes a second priority.

His salvation arrives right at exactly that moment.

“Oh, right on time! Excellent, I was worried I’d be too late.”

“Cousin Nan?”

It is Xiao Fang who speaks, yet Xiao Nan’s name is echoed in Liu Jin’s mind with considerably more relief.

“Hello, dearest cousin. Little Brother, Elder Hui, I’m so glad to see you are all well!” The number one prodigy of his generation in Eastern Port City cheerfully waves at them as he moves to stand next to Elder Hui.

“I must say this is a surprise, Little Nan,” Elder Hui says, his eyes now completely focused on the new arrival. “I did not expect you to be here.”

Xiao Nan laughs. “Oh please, Elder Hui, I would not dream of missing this. I believe this will be an important experience for both of them.”

“I… see.”

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Xiao Nan asks, gesturing at the two children. “Do begin. Elder Hui is here to oversee the match, right? Then please, do not mind me. Just act as if this Xiao Nan weren't here at all.”

Though confused, Xiao Fang places his attention back on Liu Jin. Similarly, Liu Jin allows himself to look away from Elder Hui and Xiao Nan. He takes his place opposite to Xiao Fang just as Elder Hui goes to stand beside the ring.

“If there are no objections, this Elder shall be the one to oversee the match.”

“I have no objections,” Xiao Fang says immediately.

“None as well.”

If Xiao Nan weren’t here, Liu Jin wouldn’t know what to think. However, if he is here, Liu Jin can trust his Elder Brother to look out for him.

That means all he has to worry about is Xiao Fang.

“In that case… Begin!”

Xiao Fang moves in a flash!

In the blink of an eye, he’s suddenly before him, his fist ready to strike, moving closer to Liu Jin’s face with every fraction of a second.

It is precisely what Liu Jin expected.

He knows this is not Xiao Fang’s full speed. He is also not using his full strength. Just feeling Xiao Fang's Qi is enough to discern that, though sparring with Su An has also been helpful in better understanding the strength available to those on higher realms than him.

He’s being looked down on.

Such a course of action is completely reasonable. Xiao Fang thinks he’s dealing with someone in the First Level of the Inner Realm. One could even say this is Xiao Fang’s kindness. His full might would likely kill someone in the First Level of the Inner Realm.

That is why this one exchange is the key to Liu Jin’s victory.

As Xiao Fang’s fist keeps getting closer, Liu Jin’s hands lash out, his face betraying nothing but intense concentration.

He only has one shot at this.

Xiao Fang fist connects.

However, it doesn’t connect with Liu Jin’s face. His arms have expertly blocked the blow, stopping Xiao Fang in his tracks. At that moment, Xiao Fang should continue attacking. However, he doesn’t. He’s too shocked because the blow he expected to end the fight was so easily blocked.

He instantly jumps back instead, now watching Liu Jin with wary eyes, a question written all over his face.


“Young Master, I do believe that counts as the first move.”

As he speaks, Liu Jin raises his Qi, letting all around him feel it.

Inner Realm, Seventh Level.


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