
The air in the room is thick with tension. All the Elders are gathered in the audience hall. They stand at either side of Branch Master Xiao Ding. At Xiao Ding’s right side sits Xiao Nan, at his left is Liu Jin. No one makes even the slightest sound. The room is so silent the creaking of the door as it opens is heard by all.

Slowly, with meek steps, the ones who have been summoned make their way inside.

Hu Li, leader of the Hu Clan, carefully makes his way to them. He is not quite what Liu Jin was expecting. Lun Shu had been a powerfully built man, tall and with a striking face. Although his strength had not been much in the grand scheme of things, he had undoubtedly made an impression on Liu Jin.

Meanwhile, Hu Li looks almost frail. His body is thin, his back hunched, his face weathered. The way he walks is all too slow. For someone in the Nascent Realm to look like he does must mean he is anywhere between two hundred to three hundred years old. By Liu Jin’s estimates, he is someone who will succumb to old age in just a few decades. Even if he manages to reach the next cultivation realm, his body is already too old to last much longer.

Suddenly, it makes complete sense why the man was so quick to side with the Xiao Sect when the offer of marriage came.

Liu Jin then shifts his gaze to the one walking behind Hu Li. Hu Meili follows her father diligently and silently. The two do not dare meet anyone’s eyes. They know they are not worthy of such a thing and make sure to keep their gazes trained on the floor. Two days ago, they would have been welcomed with open arms. Two days ago, Hu Meili was to marry this branch’s young master. How quickly things change.

Xiao Dong is dead.

Lun Shu and Lun Kai are dead.

The members of the Lun Clan that dared to attack the Xiao Sect while Xiao Ding and Xiao Nan were away have been all suppressed. They are now either dead or captured. The Black Bear Group has been extinguished.

In New Moon Town, the Xiao Sect reigns supreme.

Hu Li and his daughter get within fifteen feet of Xiao Ding and kneel.

“Visitors from the Hu Clan,” one of the Elders says. “You two have been summoned before us to explain your deplorable conduct during our time of need.”

There is nothing subtle about his words. When the Lun Clan moved against the Xiao Sect, the Hu Clan stood by and did nothing. If Lun Shu is to be believed, Hu Li knew about the tree yet kept it a secret from them. Liu Jin did not neglect to mention this detail to Xiao Nan and Xiao Ding.

“Venerable people of the Xiao Sect,” Hu Li says as he bows his head even lower. “This old man expresses his most sincere gratitude for allowing him into your home and granting him the opportunity to explain his actions. You must understand. It was never this old man’s intention to abandon the Xiao Sect. Such a thought would never cross this old man's mind. How could I ever turn my back on the one who is to be the father-in-law of my most precious daughter.”

“The matter of your daughter’s engagement is to be discussed later,” the same Elder spoke, Elder Biming if Liu Jin remembered right. “Now speak, for what reason did you fail to come to our Xiao Sect’s aid?”

“When this old man heard the news, his heart was stricken with grief for I loved Xiao Dong like a son. Even so, I would have still gone to the Xiao Sect with my heart in pieces if another important matter had not shown itself.”

“What could possibly be more important than honoring your duty?”

“Honored Elder, my father is talking about me.” It is Hu Meili who speaks with a trembling voice. Her eyes are red and puffy as if she had been crying all night. “Xiao Dong was the love of my life. When I received the news of his death, I fell apart. In my haste, I even-”

“Daughter!” Hu Li interrupts. For the first time, his voice sounds powerful. “Speak no more!”

“You forget your place, Hu Li,” Elder Biming warns. “We recognize Hu Meili, daughter of Hu Li. Speak.”

The girl nods. Her gaze never wavers from the ground. “I was stricken by great sorrow when I learned my love was dead. That is why… that is why…”

Hu Meili does not speak further. Instead, she rolls up her sleeves and presents her arms to them. The instant she does a wave of murmurs rises.

Her wrists are wrapped in bandages. Hu Meili slowly undoes them, and in doing so, presents her wounds to the room. Liu Jin’s eyes narrow.

“I-I thought the only thing left for me to do was to join my beloved in death. My honored father discovered me in time, but after that, he dared not leave my side. My father stayed the whole night with me and demanded not to be disturbed. Venerable elders, please understand the blame of this lies solely with this little miss. If not for my weakness, my father would have surely aided the Xiao Sect.”

For a moment, no one speaks. The silence is almost suffocating. Xiao Ding looks at father and daughter. Neither one dares meet his gaze.

“Well," he says at last. "I suppose it would be remiss of me to lay blame on you for staying by your daughter’s side. As one father to another, I can understand your reasons. There is no sense in punishing you for being a good father to your daughter, and there is no need to punish your daughter for loving my son too much.”

“Thank you,” Hu Li says as his head touches the ground. His daughter follows suit.

“You are wise and generous, father-in-law.”

“However,” Xiao Ding adds. “That is not the end of this little inquiry.”

He nods to Elder Biming who begins speaking. “Hu Li, the deceased and dishonorable Lun Shu kidnapped Branch Master Xiao Ding’s second son and our guest from the main branch and took them to a hidden area of the Forest of Deceitful Whispers. In it, there was a special tree he called the Tree of Deceitful Whispers. He claimed the existence of this tree was a secret shared between the Hu and Lun clans. What do you say of this?”

“If the venerable Xiao Sect says Lun Shu said that, then he must have certainly said it. However, this old man has no knowledge of such a tree. This old man does not know of any trees beyond the Steel-Skinned Trees our clan cuts down to sell and the Gold-Skinned Trees that sometimes grow in the forest. Those are the trees I have known my whole life. I know of no hidden areas in the Whispering Woods that are unknown to the venerable Xiao Sect.”

“I believe him,” Xiao Ding speaks. “After all, if our good friend Hu Li knew about such things, he would have certainly shared the secret with us once our children were engaged. There would be no meaning in not doing so unless he was plotting against me.”

Xiao Ding laughs, and the rest of the room laughs with him. Hu Li and Hu Meili do not. They dare not move or breath.

“There is no sense in blaming them for not warning us about things they could not possibly know. There is also no sense in inquiring about the true nature of the Black Bear Group. Those bandits harmed the Hu Clan far more than they ever did our Xiao Sect. With this, I believe the matter is settled. No betrayal happened between us.”

“Thank you!” Hu Li says, sounding as if a huge weight had been lifted from his back. “You are indeed wise, Branch Master. It pleases this old man that our friendship can be renewed.”

“Naturally,” Xiao Ding chuckles. “Of course, since the Hu Clan did not know of the tree, there should be no problem if we take it for ourselves.”

Father and daughter freeze once more as they realize they have been caught in a trap. No, from the beginning they had no choice but to be caught in it. The time for conflict in New Moon Town has ceased. The Xiao Sect has won.

This is merely a victory lap. Nothing more.

“After all,” Xiao Ding continues. “There is no way the Hu Clan can claim ownership of something they did not know existed. That would make no sense at all. For that reason, there is no possible way they could have any objections to us taking something that belonged to the despicable Lun Clan. We have already harvested the fruits and split the good from the bad. We shall gift the fruits to our brightest and place guards around the tree to safeguard it. There is no possible way the Hu Clan could have any objection to this, could it?”

“O-Of course not, old friend.” Hu Li’s face is almost blue as he speaks. His head is bowed so low they cannot see his expression, and Liu Jin dares not imagine it. “I cannot possibly have any objections. It is what the Lun Clan deserves for daring to strike against the venerable Xiao Sect and taking my son-in-law’s life.”

Xiao Ding smiles the smile of a victor. “I am glad the matter is settled then. With this, the Xiao Sect is happy to accept the Hu Clan as friends once more.”

“Branch Master,” Elder Biming says. “There is still the matter of the engagement left.”

“Ah, of course, that thing. How silly of me,” Xiao Ding says, slapping his hands together. There is nothing sincere about the gesture. “Hu Meili. My son loved you, and I was ready to take you as my daughter-in-law. Now my son is dead, and we both grieve for him. However, your wedding was meant to be more than just a celebration of your love. It was to be a union between our families. Such a thing is no longer possible through my son.”

The Hu Clan was to join the Xiao Sect. With the Hu Clan’s loyalty assured, there would be no way the Lun Clan could rise against the Xiao Sect. However, there is no need for that now. The Xiao Sect no longer has any need for the Hu Clan.

Judging by their expressions, the father and daughter realize this as well. If he wishes to, Xiao Ding can throw away the engagement or just marry Hu Meili to any disciple he deems important enough.

“That is not true!” A voice cries as the doors burst open. Xiao Heng enters the room a second later.

“What do you think you are doing here?” There is nothing kind about the way Xiao Ding asks that question. Still, Xiao Heng does not back down.

“Father, you say there is no way our families can be united through your son, but that is not true.” Xiao Heng walks up to them and bows beside Hu Meili. “My brother may be dead, but you still have another son right here.”

“You will leave right now, and-”

“Father, please, look!” Xiao Heng quickly flares his Qi. It is not much. He is still in the Foundational Realm. Even by the standards of the New Moon Town branch, it is not much.

However, it is two levels higher than it was before.

“How?” Xiao Ding exclaims. He is shocked, and he is far from the only one. “How is this possible?”

Liu Jin shakes his head and sighs. He had a feeling something like this would happen.

“You lost one son, Branch Master Ding,” Liu Jin says. His gaze never once wavers. His eyes stare straight ahead even as most heads turn to him. “I only thought it fitting to return the other one to you.”

“You? You did this?”

“Xiao Heng’s condition was not untreatable,” Liu Jin explains with far more calm than he feels. “I simply fixed what was wrong with his body. Now, he can cultivate as well as anyone else. In fact, I do not think his talent is inferior to that of his late brother. That he managed to cross two levels so quickly is proof enough.”

He is laying it on a little thick. Liu Jin knows that. If Xiao Heng broke through two levels of cultivation so quickly, it is because he was long overdue for those. Now that the obstruction in his lung has been removed, the Qi that had been stilled is now flowing through his body with great force. Liu Jin is willing to bet Xiao Heng will reach the Inner Realm in half a year at most.

“I…” Xiao Ding turns to Xiao Heng. “Son, is this true?”

“Yes, father. Boss Liu is the one who fixed me. Thanks to him, I can cultivate properly once more.”

In an instant, Xiao Ding engulfs his son in a hug. Xiao Heng’s body immediately goes stiff, clearly not having expected that to happen. “What an odd feeling this is,” Xiao Ding says. “To have lost one son only to receive another one back. What pain and what joy.”

It takes a full minute during which everyone is silent for Xiao Ding to let go of Xiao Heng. “Very well,” Xiao Ding says. “I shall allow you to speak. Say what you wish, my son.”

Xiao Ding returns to his place and motions for Xiao Heng to speak. The boy looks at a loss for a moment. Liu Jin gives him what he hopes is an encouraging nod.

“I… Father,” he starts. “You say the engagement can no longer be realized through your son, but I am your son. If my brother can no longer fulfill his duty and unite our families, surely the burden falls on me.”

Liu Jin wants to roll his eyes at that. Burden. Yeah, right. In a way, it is almost impressive how quickly Xiao Heng is jumping to take his brother’s bride.

Well, it would be impressive if it wasn’t so morally reprehensive. He will need to have words with Xiao Heng later.

“Your argument is sound, my son. However, marriage requires both parties to agree,” Xiao Ding says. He looks at the two Hu clan members who are visibly surprised by this turn of events. “Do you have any objections to this. After all, your marriage to my son, though political, was also born out of love.”

“I agreed to the marriage to make peace between us, but also to make my daughter happy,” Hu Liu says. “I shall listen to her wishes on this.”

Hu Meili lifts up her head to look at Xiao Heng. “I loved your brother. I truly did. However, for the future of my Clan, this little miss shall gladly accept this marriage, and do her utmost best to be a good wife for you.”

Xiao Ding slaps his hands together even as Xiao Heng gives the biggest grin possible. “It is settled then. We shall have a wedding after all. Let’s drink. Let’s rejoice. The bad times are all gone. From now, we stand as one. With a bright future and brighter lives!”


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