Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 240: At His Side


Liu Jin rides at Murong Bang’s side.

He has been given a pale mare to ride, an animal easily twice the size of a regular horse. According to the old man in charge of the stables, she is a Storm Steed, a breed native to the Storm Dragon Empire with the curious distinction of supposedly being the only living creatures that Murong Bang bothers to care for. Considering how well-fed and formidable the red horse Murong Bang rides looks, there might be some truth to that.

All the officers marching at the front of the army, including Bright Sword, ride on Storm Steeds. When Liu Jin asked Murong Bang why they needed horses–surely, running or flying would be faster–the general only had one thing to say.

“An army rides on horseback. That’s just common sense.”

While Murong Bang’s idea of common sense is clearly twisted, his talent for all things violent cannot be denied. The general has split his forces in five to simultaneously strike at critical points of the border. It will be a swift and brutal attack that is sure to open General He’s territory for them, allowing Murong Bang’s army to pour into it.

The main force, which Liu Jin is part of, is on their way to Fort Anvil, one of the largest fortresses on the border controlled by General He Bin. Due to the size of their army and the power of the people involved, it should be extremely easy for anyone at Fort Anvil to sense them hours before they arrive and sound the alarm.

They will not.

They cannot.

Murong Bang’s army marches across the countryside, and no one notices them. They are not just invisible to the naked eye; they are completely undetectable. The soldiers of Fort Anvil won’t notice their presence until it is too late.

Just like how the soldiers at Ox Storm Fortress were unable to sense Han and his raiders.

Just like how the people of Eastern Port City were unable to sense Murong Bang and his army.

Long has Liu Jin wondered how such a feat was possible, and he finally has his answer in the form of the small oil lamp carried by Bright Sword. It is a plain thing made of dull bronze. Few people would look twice at it.

However, its power cannot be denied.

As long as its light remains bright, the artifact will conceal everyone in its range from most forms of detection. The duration and scale of the effect depend on the one using it. Once its light goes out, the lamp will disappear until it is fit for use once more.

When Liu Jin asked him about it, Bright Sword called it the Thief’s Lamp. Murong Bang’s army has used its power several times in the past to great effect. Bright Sword even lent it to Han a few times, which is why he had it during the attack on Ox Storm Fortress.

No matter how Liu Jin looks at it, the Thief’s Lamp is an incredibly high-class item. It is essentially an item version of Art of the Roaming Thief that can be used on large groups of people and maintained for hours. It is precisely the sort of thing the four great sects would keep locked away in their vaults and only take out for special occasions.

How can it be in the hands of a Heaven Realm cultivator of Murong Bang’s army?

As Liu Jin glances at Bright Sword out of the corner of his eyes, he feels a far more intense stare trying to burn a hole into the back of his neck. The stare does not belong to any of Murong Bang’s high-ranking officers, who are jealous that Liu Jin was chosen to be at Murong Bang’s side. No, the one who keeps glaring at Liu Jin is Lei Cheng, one of the children of the Lei Clan that Liu Jin took hostage.

Well, Liu Jin calls them children, but Lei Cheng is probably a year older than him. Not that it matters.

Just like Liu Jin talked about with Lu Mei, he had sent the children of the Lei Clan away. He had Ten Zichun take them to Senior Brother Mud, who’d hopefully arrange for them to be taken to the Eternal Flame Clan. If not, the children would have to stay as hostages in Rumbling Thunder City.

Ten Zichun had not been happy about having to go away, but he had accepted when Liu Jin told him there was no one else he could trust with the task. Similarly, the children of the Lei Clan had not been happy about going to General Nie Dan’s territory, but they agreed to it. Likely, because they did not think they had a choice. The alternative was taking them to a war zone.

Lei Cheng is the lone exception.

The young man angrily shouted at him for daring to try to take away their opportunity to earn glory for the Lei Clan. Liu Jin did not have the energy to argue with him, so he took him along rather than have Lei Cheng make trouble for Ten Zichun. Lei Cheng might not find glory in this campaign, but he might find a way to make himself useful.

Besides, Liu Jin does not have the luxury to turn away someone in the Spirit Realm.

Huang Shing, Fan Bingbing, Ni Cai, and Senior Brother Mud are in General Nie Dan’s territory. Lei Kong is in charge of the Lei Clan, and now Ten Zichun has left as well. The capable people at Liu Jin’s side have been dwindling.

Liu Jin still has some disciples of the Eternal Flame Clan with him, but he does not know how much he can rely on them. That they had to stay in Cloudburst City while he dealt with the Lei Clan has probably not endeared them to him much. The soldiers Murong Bang assigned to him and Rust and Nail can be trusted somewhat, but they are not strong enough to be all that useful.

The situation is precarious enough that Liu Jin even considered sending Lu Mei away. He hadn’t. Mostly because he knew she’d never agree to it, and if he forced her, she probably wouldn’t forgive him.

Fortunately, there is one bright spot left.

They still have Big Sister Bai.

Big Sister Bai had not returned with them to Cloudburst. Instead, she stayed behind in the Lei Clan’s territory to do various things that Liu Jin suspected all involved violence in one way or another. The abuses the Lei Clan perpetrated against their people ran deep, and Big Sister Bai had been holding herself back for far too long.

Truthfully, Liu Jin had been worried that Big Sister Bai would not return at all. After all, she had already witnessed his progress with his dao, likely the main reason she had been traveling with them. There is no longer any need for her to be with them. Besides, being in Cloudburst City meant exposing herself to Murong Bang. That could not be easy on her.

To his surprise, Big Sister Bai arrived at Cloudburst City a mere day before they were all set to depart. She is still disguised and hiding her cultivation, though Liu Jin has to wonder if Murong Bang has seen through her already.

The man is many things. Unfortunately, stupid is not one of them.

Throughout the journey to the border, Murong Bang has kept his men on a tight leash. There has been no drinking, no fighting, and no whoring around. It is a feat that Liu Jin had not believed Murong Bang’s men were capable of. In fact, Murong Bang’s soldiers are almost worryingly quiet. There is a nervous, almost eager tension about them, and it only grows as time passes.

Finally, the day arrives. The border is in sight, and so is Fort Anvil.

“Men!” Murong Bang roars at the top of his lungs. “You have waited a long time. I have waited a long time.”

He does not use any Qi, yet everyone hears his voice. A shudder ripples across the soldiers as though they were the water upon which Murong Bang cast his stone.

“Month after month. Year after year. You have been fed insipid shit. Blood without conquest. Carnage that won’t make your hearts beat. You’re tired. I am tired of it! I am so very tired of it.”

Murong Bang’s words do not lift his men’s spirits. They do not make them afraid or give them courage. In the aftermath of his declaration, there is only confusion. Uncertainty.


“Why has the war persisted for so long? Because I am scared that Nie Dan and that dog He Bin will join forces? Do you really think I fear something like that?”

Murong Bang laughs and shakes his head.

“No, that’s never been the problem. We play this game because the Grand Storm guards the palace! As long as the Grand Storm exists, nothing matters. No matter how far we dig into that coward He Bin’s lands, the palace will never be ours. Its riches will remain out of reach, and He Bin will keep hiding behind the Storm Dragon’s legs like the cowardly dog that he is.”

Murong Bang smiles.

“That changes today.”

Three words and a drop of Qi. That is all it takes to change the mood. Everyone can hear it. Everyone can feel it.


Pure bloodlust, so strong, so palpable, so overwhelming, that even Liu Jin has a hard time telling it apart from his own emotions. It is as if a red veil has been placed over his eyes, and his surroundings have been bathed in the scent of blood.

“At last, there is someone of royal blood with us!”

Murong Bang’s large hand falls on Liu Jin’s shoulder. The gesture is so unexpected that Liu Jin can only stare at the limb in confusion.

“The Grand Storm no longer blocks our way! There is no retreat anymore! We will march into that dog He Bin’s territory until I rip out his guts and show you they’re yellow! Anyone who tries to get in my way is yours to kill! Anyone that doesn’t get in my way is yours to kill! Anything you see is yours to take! The treasures of the palace! The finest of courtesans! It’s all yours!”

The men roar and cheer. Murong Bang laughs.

“Men! Why do we kill?! Do we kill to survive?!”

“No!” the men cry out at once. They bang their spears against the ground.

Murong Bang spreads his arms. “Do we kill to live?”

“No!” the men shout again. Their voices are so loud that it feels like the very air is trembling.

“Men! Why do we kill?!”

“To kill!” The men reply as one. “To kill and kill another day! To kill and kill again! To kill and kill until there is no more!”

“Men!” Murong Bang shouts. “Go kill!”

The men charge. They rush towards the fort with all their might, leaving behind the protection of Thief’s Lamp. Murong Bang howls with laughter as they do. He raises his fist into the sky and unleashes a flurry of fiery spheres that rise high up and fall on Fort Anvil like meteors.

Just like he did in Eastern Port City.

The fireballs hit instantly. The soldiers fall upon the fort only a few seconds later. The soldiers there never sensed them until it was already too late. They can only panic and lose sight of themselves in the chaos.

Just like what happened in Eastern Port City.

Had Murong Bang given a speech before attacking Eastern Port City? Had he been shouting at the top of his lungs and flaring his Qi while being completely undetectable? Had he promised his men the riches of Eastern Port City? Its women?

Liu Jin watches with an impassive face as Fort Anvil catches fire, as its gates break, and the sound of dying screams fills the air. He does not move from his spot. He does not take part in the battle.

Liu Jin is at Murong Bang’s side and hates every second of it.


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