
Chapter 54 - The Meeting (2) | 54

The meeting continued with Song Lei being in the spotlight.

"We now have a good surplus of red blood beads," Old Wolf said while showing the number of blood beads. "How we are going to use these blood beads will be put to vote," he continued. He took out a ballot box from under the table. He made a gesture with his hand to Damien.

Seeing this, Damien quickly got up and started distributing pens and papers for people to write on.

"We will either use these blood beads to create a new safe floor or we'll stock them for emergency usage," Old Wolf said. "If you have any different ideas, you can write them on your paper."

After Old Wolf stopped talking, the meeting room was filled with writing noises for some time. Song Lei didn't have the right to vote so he had to wait for the voting process to finish. Every single person in the room wrote some things on paper and put them in the ballot box including Old Wolf.

After everyone was finished, Old Wolf announced that the voting was finished and opened the box. He started taking out the votes one by one and counted them out loud.

"One for the safe floor," he read out loud. He kept taking the votes out and reading them. Eventually, the votes stopped at 5 for the safe floor and 5 for the emergency usage. There was one vote that suggested distributing the blood beads equally among the branch members for personal usage.

"As the votes are equal, Song Lei will be allowed to vote," Old Wolf said calmly. Song Lei's mouth twitched as all the eyes in the room turned towards him. He felt like he was being pricked by their gazes.

'This is unfair! If I was going to vote, you should've let me do so from the start!' Song Lei complained in his head. Unfortunately, he couldn't do so out loud as he didn't have the right to do so.

"I-..." Song Lei started talking. "I think that we should use it to create a new safe floor."


As soon as Song Lei finished talking, Lu Peng hit the table with his hand. His face was red and he was looking at Song Lei like he wanted to kill him.

"You really think that that's the right choice?" Lu Peng asked somewhat calmly. He was trying to keep his calm. "We need to keep the blood beads for emergency use! What if another drought happens huh!?"

Song Lei looked at Lu Peng for some time and turned his head towards Old Wolf. Old Wolf didn't seem to have anything to say.

"If we don't continue conquering more floors, we will eventually face another drought and be left with no food. Even if we keep them for emergency situations, we'll run out of them in the end," Song Lei explained his reasoning. Lu Peng opened his mouth to respond but decided not to do so. He could easily see that Song Lei had a firm standing.

Lu Peng sat back down in his chair. He was squeezing his fists so much that some blood was oozing out from them. He was hardly holding himself back from attacking Song Lei.

Seeing that the issue was somewhat solved, Old Wolf took back control of the meeting.

"Now that the voting has ended, we can decide on our strategies..." Old Wolf said. From then on, the meeting continued without any problems. A lot of ideas were exchanged in a relatively peaceful way. Song Lei was actually very surprised that these people were able to keep an order in this place. Although they all had some kind of mental problem, they still kept their rationality to some degree.

The meeting was finished and everyone started leaving the room to go back to their floors. It was decided that the new safe floor would be the 14th floor. Song Lei would be assigned to take care of the safe floor. For now, though, he had to take care of other rooms on the 14th floor by himself and clear the whole floor. As he was assigned to a new task, his punishment had been postponed to later.

He left the 7th floor after saying his farewells to Damien, Gao Jing, and Xu Chang. Reaching his room on the 14th floor, Song Lei closed the door behind him. He yawned loudly. Although the things in the dream space didn't happen physically, it still tired Song Lei out.

While laying on the bed, Song Lei started getting uncomfortable.

'I feel like I've forgotten something...' He thought. Suddenly, he heard loud noises coming from the bathroom. 'Oh... It's here again.'


Song Lei got up from the bed and relieved himself using the toilet demon. While doing so, he felt the toilet demon acting weird. At this point, he had already gotten very familiar with the toilet demon. They had an intimate relationship with each other. Song Lei could easily understand that there was something wrong with it.


The toilet demon made a small noise by closing its lid. Suddenly, a system notification popped up, momentarily scaring Song Lei.

[The toilet demon has reached its saturation! It can evolve now! Please give it a name!]

Song Lei discarded the notification with a blank expression. He didn't know what to feel.

'Uhh... It can evolve? That's weird... And what should I even name a toilet demon?' Song Lei thought while holding his chin.

"I will just name it Guyaa then," Song Lei thought. This was a name from one of his favorite novels. It was the name of a mimic accompanying the protagonist through the story.

[The toilet demon "Guyaa" has started evolving!]

Another short system message appeared in front of Song Lei. He quickly closed it and focused on the toilet demon. He wanted to see what kind of evolution it would go through.

As Song Lei kept watching, slight changes started appearing on Guyaa. Its initially white color was slowly being replaced with black and there were weird bulges appearing around its bottom side. When it finally finished evolving, Song Lei's mouth was left hanging open....

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