Chapter 248 Paused

Turning his gaze towards the army of youths who were all looking at him, Atticus's gaze turned cold.

Atticus had already accepted that he had acted stupidly and let his guard down against Emeric.

There was nothing he could do to take back what he had already done; he just had to make sure it never happened again.

Initially, Atticus had been excited about the thought of testing out his mana guns in real battle, but now he wanted nothing more than to get done with the youths in front of him, all of them disappearing.

As Atticus's gaze landed on the army of youths, many of them flinched.

The reason none of them had dared to make any sound since they arrived at the camp was that immediately they arrived, Atticus had focused his aura on every one of them, making them unable to even move an inch.

He had done this because he had wanted to see the kind of person Emeric was, much to his disappointment.

But as soon as Emeric had tried to take control of Atticus, the aura that had been holding them was lifted, freeing them and making them able to think clearly and move now.

Those eyes, looking at the eyes Atticus was using to gaze at each one of them, although none of them had met Atticus before, they all instinctively knew that he was looking at all of them as prey; he clearly wanted to fight.

But despite the fact that they all numbered in the thousand and clearly had the numerical advantage, the scene of Atticus easily taking care of the strongest amongst them, the Raven black haired and the purple haired youths.

The fact that he had somehow held them, one thousand youths, in place with just his aura was enough to discourage many.

Many of them didn't want to fight!

But as in every large gathering of humans, there would always be people whose brains weren't perfectly functioning properly.

"What the hell are you all scared for! We're numbered in the fucking thousand and he's just one person!"

In the middle of the army of youths, one youth suddenly shouted on the top of his lungs, his voice resounding across the whole army.

With a lot of youths echoing his declaration, and with a loud roar, the more than a thousand youth all started charging towards the form of Atticus, who remained unmoved, the ground trembling in response to their roars and march.

"Sigh," with a small sigh, Atticus took a step forward.

Initially, he had wanted to take his time testing out the potential of the mana guns with this army of youths.


But after what just happened, Atticus wasn't in the mood.


He decided to finish it all instantly.

Atticus's pace started increasing, his once slow steps turning into a brisk walk.

And in the next second, Atticus broke into a sprint, his legs a blur as his form sliced through the air like a meteor, leaving a visible wake of displaced currents as he surged toward the oncoming army with breathtaking velocity.

Atticus materialized in the midst of the approaching youths, his speed rendering the air it self visible as it parted in his wake.

The sudden appearance of his figure marked the beginning of a sequence so rapid that time seemed to hesitate.

With an almost imperceptible click, Atticus's arms shot up, unlocking the holsters with a precision that mirrored the swiftness of his movements.

His arms shot back down, forming a cross over his body as his right and left hands gripped the left and right mana gun respectively inside the holsters.

With a lightning fast draw, Atticus drew both mana guns simultaneously from their respective holsters, holding them both in the air.

The mana guns erupted in a dazzling display of azure radiance as Atticus channeled his mana in to them.

In a breath, he instantly created pipelines in his body in less than a millisecond, each one leading to his hands and legs.

The world held its breath as Atticus consecutively released three rapid bursts from his core, increasing his speed to impossible levels.

And as though it were a decree, the world paused.

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