Chapter 245 Instantly

"You know…," Atticus's voice suddenly echoed across the camp, the once quiet area becoming impossibly even more silent.

"For someone who claims to be smart, you sure are incredibly dumb. Did you come all the way from your division with a thousand youths just to show your ugly teeth?" Atticus asked.

Emeric's form froze.

The Psyllium family members hated many things, but when most of these incidents occurred, they always made sure to maintain a calm demeanor and think before acting.

However, there was one thing none of them could stand.

Regardless of gender, having their appearance insulted would immediately rouse their anger.

With a cold expression on his face, Emeric's eyes suddenly turned abyss black, and without a word, the youths under his control stepped forward from behind him.

Each of their expressions displayed intense anger, mirroring the intense amount of anger their master was feeling.

The purple haired youth at the fore front unleashed his aura, a vibrant display that resonated with crackling abyss black streaks of lightning swirling around his form.

The electrifying energy affected even his hair, causing it to stand on end as the purplish hue became infused with the pulsating power.

The youth focused on his space storage and instantly equipped a set of sabers.

The other Raven haired youths followed suit, releasing their own auras with slightly lesser intensity, yet still formidable to many of the youths in the area.

And then suddenly, in a moment of eerie unity, their eyes glowed intensely as each one of their forms suddenly jolted, their heads tilting upwards in unison, only to snap back downward with synchronized precision in less than a second.

And as though they were one, they simultaneously drew swords from their storage spaces and assumed an identical stance.

Every single one of their movements, every subtle twitch, was perfectly synchronized to the last detail.

One of the unfortunate weaknesses of the Psyquillian bloodline was that the controller had to be in close proximity to the ones he/she was controlling at all times.

"What the…"

Emeric was completely shocked.

Despite the fact that he had been controlling the youths, he was still able to see clearly. But even with this, he wasn't able to understand what just happened!

He knew well enough that Atticus was strong; he was the second rank, so that much was expected.

His aim had been to probe Atticus and try to figure out how powerful he was, but the last thing he had expected was him 'killing' them with such speed that he wasn't even able to see him move!

'I have to retreat,' Emeric was far too smart to make the mistake of acting surprised and hesitating here.

He decided to have Atticus face the army first and decide what to do later.

He was currently at the forefront of the youth, and just as he was about to retreat to the back lines,

"Did you really think,"

Atticus's form instantly materialized in front of Emeric, his gun already unholstered, pointed at point blank range towards Emeric's head.

"I would let you stay back and watch while I fight?"

Just as Atticus was about to channel his mana, Emeric's next words made him stop,

"Your mother would be disappointed in you!" Emeric suddenly blurted out, making Atticus pause.


Emeric's expression instantly morphed into a smile, seeing his plan worked.

And before anyone could react, he suddenly locked eyes with Atticus as his eyes instantly turned abyss black.

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