Astral Pet Store

Chapter 555 - Secret Weapon

Chapter 555 Secret Weapon

“Are you sure about that?” Tang Ruyan finally found her voice, although trembling “Of course I’m sure. Why else do you think you rose in rank so quickly?” Su Ping answered with a question. “But... But I’ve never heard of anyone who could do that. You’re not lying to me, are you?” Tang Ruyan was still suspicious. “No, I’m not.”

Su Ping sounded sincere. “I would never lie to you. There are tons of stuff you don’t know from this world. Do you think of me as a liar?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then I want to break off our relations.”

After a moment, Su Ping heard Tang Ruyan’s voice again. “You imparted your astral powers to me. Will that harm you? Will your rank drop?”

“You don’t have to worry about that. Go and deal with the mess in your Tang family,” answered Su Ping casually.

Tang Ruyan said nothing in reply. The call was hung up. She looked down at the street from the sky, the small dots that were vehicles and people. She felt the surging astral powers inside her. Tang Ruyan bit her lips. He had offered a great help to her and yet he still managed to sound nonchalant. That guy... always pretending to be distant...

She took a deep breath and opened a swirl in the sky.

She had a flying pet with a ninth-rank bloodline but was still at the eighth rank. Since she had become a titled battle pet warrior, she could ride her flying pet and fly back home across the wilderness.

That would allow her to fly in a straight line, and thus be able to get home faster.


The swirl opened and a multicolor crested bird came out.

Tang Ruyan hopped onto the back of the bird and put the Little Skeleton on the bird as well. Tang Ruyan told her pet to fly away at full speed.

“It’s strange. I think I have an extra pet...”

As she sat on the back of her pet, to her surprise, Tang Ruyan noticed that there was an unfamiliar consciousness in her mind. Like her other pets, that consciousness was sleeping so she didn’t notice it before.

What is that?

Did I pick up a pet when I was out of it?

How so?

She didn’t remember signing a contract with any pet.

Was it...

Did Su Ping give me the pet when I was drunk?

She tried to summon the pet.

Soon, that consciousness woke up and answered her call.

She gained a close feeling to that consciousness immediately and that would only happen with contracted pets. “It is my pet. But what is it?”

Curious, Tang Ruyan summoned the pet.

From the swirl poured out a stressful energy. A pair of dark, golden eyes opened and gazed at Tang Ruyan who was standing outside the swirl.

Tang Ruyan could hardly believe it. A beast king?

She established eye contact with the beast king. Her heart was racing. She felt her blood was boiling; it was as if she were getting excited uncontrollably. Was it because of this beast king?

That was not the most important question right then.

She was sure that Su Ping was behind this.

He was the only one who would give out beast kings left and right!

No one else could afford that!

She closed the swirl. Thrilled, she dialed Su Ping’s number. Her number was still in service, as she had yet to leave the base city’s territory. “Did you give me a beast king?” She blurted the question right out.

Su Ping was taken aback by that question. He slapped his head. “Ah, I forgot to tell you. Yes, I captured a beast king for you. It’s a good one, be sure to treat it nicely.”

Tang Ruyan was full of mixed feelings. Surprise wasn’t added to that mixture; only Su Ping could give away beast kings like this. But, did she deserve it?

Was she worth it?

After a moment of silence, she murmured, “If I can get back, I will repay your kindness.” “Of course you will. I’m counting on you to come back and clean the store’s waste,” Su Ping gave her a perfunctory response and ended the call.

He had just happened to capture that beast king which was merely at the Ocean State. He didn’t want to waste an enhanced advanced beast-catching ring on that beast king so he thought he might just as well give it to Tang Ruyan. It was suitable for her.

A ninth-rank battle pet warrior could sign a contract with beast kings of the Ocean State.

Su Ping would save the beast-catching rings for Fate State beast kings; those creatures were the ones that would earn him more money. Tang Ruyan bit her teeth. She wasn’t upset because of Su Ping’s attitude. She simply realized that there wasn’t anything she could give to repay him, considering his strength and status.

That was the hardest thing for her. “One day, I will catch up with you.” Tang Ruyan promised herself.

Soon, she reached the Longjiang Base City border.

A person approached her; it was a titled battle pet warrior who was in charge of guarding the border.

“Miss Tang, is that you?”

The middle-aged man was going to check who was approaching. The fact that it was Tang Ruyan took the middle-aged man aback.

He was able to sense that the girl had reached the titled rank.

But wasn’t she working in Su Ping’s store? How could she have become a titled battle pet warrior at such a young age?

Many big shots in the base city knew about Tang Ruyan; after all, she was one of the two girls working in Su Ping’s store, and all titled battle pet warriors in the Longjiang Base City knew Joanna, the legendary battle pet warrior. When the Tang family sent armies to the Pixie Pet Store... It caused such a huge sensation that it was impossible to cover that information.

People knew that the Tang family went there to ask for the girl to be returned but failed.

As for the other girl who went to Su Ping’s store, many titled battle pet warriors collected her information as well, later finding out that she was Su Ping’s student.


Tang Ruyan nodded to the middle-aged man. “I have to be away for a while.”

The middle-aged man stepped to the side and said with respect, “Sure thing, sure thing. This way, please.” Although he, too, was a titled battle pet warrior, he couldn’t afford to be rude to the girl who worked for that legendary store owner.

Tang Ruyan felt flattered. In the old days, the only titled battle pet warriors who would treat her with respect were the ones who belonged to the Tang family and they only respected her because she was the future family head. “Thank you.” Tang Ruyan expressed her gratitude and flew away.

The middle-aged man noticed the Little Skeleton on the back of the bird. He told himself that indeed the girl was the store owner’s favorite; he had sent his own battle pet to keep her company. How nice.

The night ended. Dawn broke!

Over the Yedou Base City, the darkness of the night was fading away and the light was shining with increasing radiance. However, that was not the light of hope. It merely allowed for people to clearly see the blood and corpses that were hidden in the darkness of the night. The fight was still ongoing. Beasts were howling

The Tang family was still trying to push back the Situ and Wang families! One night passed. The Tang family remained standing, but it cost them dearly! The once elegant and breathtaking garden had been turned upside down. The lakes and ponds had been tainted red with blood; humans and beasts’ corpses were everywhere. Charge! Battle pet warriors from the two sides were fighting at close quarters.

Even after one night, the fight was still intense and there was no sign of it reaching an end. Outside the Tang family compound, the beast king had fallen. The hill-like beast king had a huge wound in its stomach. Its internal organs had slipped out. Not far from the dead beast king there was something like a python but it was more than two hundred meters long with iron-like scales. There were sharp blades on its cheeks. The python beast king was lying in a pool of blood. Huge cuts ran across its scaled body. That beast king had also died.

Many titled battle pet warriors from the Tang family were gathered together. Most of them were drenched in blood. They were there with the healers, trying to recover. Tang Linzhan wore golden armor. He supported himself with the broken umbrella. He, too, was tainted red with blood.

There was a deep wound on his face and the blood had dried up. However, the unhealed wound did give him a hideous look.

Tang Ruyu was wearing silver armor, carrying a sharp sword on her back. She looked very tired. The caked blood had turned her hair into a mess.

She could still hear the screams and shouts, which meant the battle had yet to end.

The sun was rising on the horizon. Light was breaking through the clouds, but it had only illuminated the desperation and fatigue on everyone’s faces.

They were worn out as if having fought for a year!

She had no idea how many members of the Tang family had passed away. She had no idea how many remained standing! There were so many people she was familiar with who had perished, even some were still kids.

Many titled battle pet warriors had died as well.

On the other hand, the Situ family and the Wang family still had a large number of warriors hiding at the back, safe and sound. They were taking the slow approach so that they could cut their losses.

It wasn’t surprising for them to resort to that method. The Tang family would not get any more reinforcements for this battle. The Tang family had asked for aid to all the connections they had and all the titled battle pet warriors that would have offered help were already there. Some of them had died. Some of them were being treated and would reenter the fight after being healed!

Suddenly, a shout came from outside and it was so loud that it traveled across the battlefront and reached everyone’s ear in the Tang family compound. “Listen up!!”

A person at the peak of the titled rank was talking

“Lay down your arms and we’ll spare your lives!

“Those who surrender to us will be granted positions in our families corresponding to your strengths! “When the Tang family is gone and the Wang family gets all the resources, our Wang family will be much more powerful. Join us to get better treatment! “Those who still want to put up a fight will only be punished with death!!” The loud shout echoed across the battlefield.


An elder who was having his wounds treated spat out some blood and screamed, “Alive or dead, I am one of the Tang family. I will not go to another family!” “You’re right!”

“I will be the first to kill anyone who surrenders!”

The titled battle pet warriors shouted viciously.

Surrendering? That was just a ruse for the Wang and Situ families to cut losses. Once the Tang family went down, none of their members would be spared, whether surrendering or not.

Tang Linzhan was furious. He clenched the umbrella in his hand.

The umbrella had lost its glow. It was hard to imagine it had been the Tang family’s protection.

Lying next to the umbrella was a corpse. It had once been the seventh elder of the Tang family, the one who Tang Linzhan trusted the most; the one who Tang Linzhan had killed with his own hands.

Tang Ruyu had previously informed him that something was wrong with the umbrella. But it turned out that the umbrella itself was not broken; the seventh elder didn’t have the strength to destroy a legendary artifact yet. It was the Ocean Umbrella’s container that was


The safe had a problem. The keys were missing and the combination lock had been broken. The safe couldn’t be opened.

That container was quite strong and Tang Linzhan exerted great strength to pry it open. Since opening the case made him waste some time, dozens of titled battle pet warriors died while fighting against the beast king. Tang Linzhan killed two beast kings in a row, once he was able to get the Ocean Umbrella, stunning the Situ family and the Wang family.

They had heard rumors about the strength of the Tang family’s Ocean Umbrella. But they had only realized the truth when they witnessed the deaths of two beast kings!

After catching a breath, the Situ and Wang families threw themselves back into the fight. But the energy of the Ocean Umbrella had been exhausted.

Being a titled battle pet warrior, Tang Linzhan was unable to tap into the full potential of the legendary artifact; killing two beast kings was the best that he could do. He had used up the energy stored in the umbrella, rendering it useless.

“Humph, you fools!”

Outside the Tang family compound, the family heads of the Situ family and the Wang family wore grave expressions.

The Tang family turned out to be tougher than they had imagined. They failed to conquer the Tang family even after one night had passed!

The Tangs had received more reinforcements than they had imagined. They had carefully calculated the Tang family’s strength before they initiated the attack, including the number of titled battle pet warriors they had, including those who could be invited to lend a hand.

When the battle broke out, the Situs and the Wangs noticed that the Tang family had mobilized some hidden connections they didn’t know of.

Some very well-known titled battle pet warriors were connected to the Tang family, but no one knew about it. Those titled battle pet warriors went to help the Tang family; they were so determined that they would even die for them!

The Tang family was more resourceful than they thought!

The strength of the Tang family’s Ocean Umbrella was also beyond their expectation. The Situs and the Wangs thought that the umbrella was not going to work. It was rumored to be able to stop beast kings but it couldn’t offer any help when two beast kings were charging together. However, the two beast kings ended up dying. “Damn it. This lair of the Tang family is unbreakable. The Yedou Base City is working with the Tang family as well. Both the city and the family deserve to die!” the family head of Situ family cursed. The Situ family and the Wang family had reserved some strength!

After all, apart from the three contending families, there was another ancient family who wasn’t involved in the fight!

No one could say for sure whether that fourth family, the most scheming among them, would sneak and attack their families while they fought against the Tangs. As the saying went, the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind them.

As such, the Situ family and the Wang family had kept some of their forces back at home. Both families devoted half of their forces; they should have overpowered the Tang family, together with the two beast kings. However, the two families had suffered great casualties!

“We’ll have to take out our secret weapon!” The family head of the Wang family was more composed.

His counterpart was hesitating. “The secret weapon won’t aid us in the future if we do that. It’s a one-time thing. Are you sure we want to waste the chance on the Tang family?”

That was against his wishes.

The secret weapon had strong powers but it was disposable. It would be best if it could be saved for the future. “The person who gave us the secret weapon never meant for us to save it. Also, say we do, how would our two families split it?” The Wang family head gave a meaningful glance. The Situ family head heaved a sigh eventually. “Let’s do it then.” A beast stepped out under his command. That vicious tiger carried an ancient-looking bell on its back.

The Situ family head stepped over, picked up the bell, and walked to the dilapidated Tang family compound. As he stared at the battlefield, the Situ family head poured out his astral powers and slapped the bell. The bell’s opening was facing the Tang family compound. A sonic wave was blasted out. There were invisible ripples in the air. With a bang, an area in the Tang family territory suddenly caved in.

Bang! Clap!

Many titled battle pet warriors were resting in that area. Caught off guard, they almost fell. The healers, on the other hand, did fall into the pit. Blood was oozing out from their eyes and noses.

“What was that?”

Tang Ruyu sprang up to alert. She reacted quickly, and used astral powers to hold herself up. It was a narrow escape from dropping to her knees.

“Was that a tremor in space?” Tang Linzhan was mildly affected. A glow rose from that broken umbrella and protected him.

That strange feeling alerted him. He had met legendary battle pet warriors before and he knew one thing or two about their means. He had recognized that space disturbance.

Of course, the bell was the cause.


The Situ family head felt sorry as he stared at the broken bell. Still, that was a hard-earned chance. He shouted and took the lead to run forward.


Behind him was the Wang family head. He couldn’t have stayed at the back. He knew that such an attitude would upset the Situ family head.

The two family heads dashed forth with their titled battle pet warriors and killed many Tang family disciples standing in their way.

They forced their way into the Tang family compound. Many Tang family disciples had been wounded because of that bell and sonic blast. They quickly gave in, having no ability to fight back. “Tang Linzhan, here we come!”

Instantly, the family heads had reached the rear of the Tang family compound. They could already see the titled battle pet warriors that were still resting there.

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