Astral Pet Store

Chapter 286 Challenge Contest

Chapter 286 Challenge Contest

“As a person, the most important thing is to remain stable mentally!

“As long as you are brazen enough, no insult can hurt you!

“If you get angry over this trivial matter, others will lead you by the nose in the future!”

Su Ping assiduously shared his life’s wisdom with Su Lingyue. At the same time, he kept his eyes half open and looked at the girl who seemed to be smart but was actually silly. “Go back and have some rest. If you still have lingering anger, go and train.

“Channel the anger into motivation. You will turn others’ insults into nutrients to help you grow. Go ahead now.”

“Hmm! Easy for you to say!”

Since she couldn’t find neither comfort nor help by going to him, Su Lingyue was not in the mood to listen to him ramble on. She walked away at once.

Su Ping’s words were harsh to hear. Even so, she understood perfectly well that at the moment, there was nothing else she could do other than to become stronger. To argue and explain would only spice up the rumors. Only after winning the championship would the rumors and slandering die down.As Su Lingyue went out of the store, Su Ping took his eyes off her. This was a test for Su Lingyue and she had to pass it on her own. To be a powerful warrior, in addition to strength, she had to have the mindset of a powerful warrior as well. It wouldn’t do her any good if she merely had the brawns and would be depressed at the first sign of a setback.

Su Ping closed the door and went back to the test room to resume training with the Dark Dragon Hound which was currently on the ground, resting.

For the entire afternoon and night, only a few repeated customers showed up.

Su Ping lost himself in his training and had Tang Ruyan take down the information of those customers. As for the pets, the dummy trainer would do since none of the customers asked for professional training.

The night passed.

The next day, again, Su Ping drove Su Lingyue to the venue in case someone would ambush her on the way.

“Drive slowly. Be careful.”

After they bid farewell to their mom, they left for the venue.

The qualification trial would take place that day. According to the schedule, the prior day’s initial test had been arranged to screen all the participants; the official challenge contest would take place this day. Every participant would have the chance to go onto the stage for a more personal battle.

Besides, the venue would be open to the general public.

The name lists of the shortlisted from all the branch venues had been made public online the previous night.

The 12 branch venues each had about seven to eight thousand participants who had passed the initial test!

The two branch venues in the shantytown area performed even better, with over ten thousand participants making it to the second round!

Considering the difficulty of the primary test, the average passing rate was about one in ten or lower, which implied that at least one hundred thousand participated in the tests at each of the two branch venues in the shantytown area!

The initial tests had come to an end. The second round would be the challenge contests at the venues, lasting for five days from that day onwards. By the end of the second round, merely one hundred would pass at each venue!

A one in a hundred chance!

The one hundred that passed the second round would go and compete at the base city level on behalf of their respective locations to fight for the championship!


Traffic was still heavy that day, even more so compared to the day prior.

When Su Lingyue and Su Ping arrived at the venue, the entrance had become tightly packed. Same as yesterday, Su Ping flew Su Lingyue over the crowd.

Inside the venue, the crowd was chanting happily.

The audience had filled up the entire venue. Since it was the official challenge contest, the general audience would be allowed to enter, and the venue could make some money by selling tickets.

The previous massive stage was gone; taking its place were eight smaller stages which had been temporarily built by pets of the stone family. The stages were not as big as the one from the day before, but they were large enough for personal contests, given the fact that each stage was like a basketball field.

“That is the seating area for us participants.” Su Lingyue yanked Su Ping’s sleeve gently.

Su Ping took her there. There were several different areas. Closer to the stages was the seating area for the participants. The front rows were VIP seats. With a closer distance to the stages, the participants could get onto the stage quicker.

Outside the seating area were an iron railing and some guards in security uniforms.

The guards stopped Su Lingyue. She was allowed in after she showed the guards her card. As for Su Ping, he had to stop outside the staging area.

Su Ping didn’t wish to bother the two guards. He understood that if he were to display his ability of astral telekinesis, he would have been regarded as a titled battle pet warrior and allowed into the seating area. And yet, he did not wish to do so because that would draw too much attention.

“Be careful,” Su Ping cautioned Su Lingyue. He would watch out for her from the back, so that no one could sneak up to Su Lingyue from behind. But he would have to trust her to handle what could happen on stage.

“Of course.” Su Lingyue nodded. She knew the responsibility on her shoulders; she would not collapse at this time.

Su Lingyue found herself a seat nearby.

Su Ping wanted to find a place close to the preferential seating area, only to find that the nearby sections were fully packed.

He took a look around but failed to find an empty seat. He had to turn away and find a seat further away.

All of a sudden, someone called him. “Mr. Su!”

That person sounded surprised and the same feeling was shared by Su Ping. He turned over and saw Fei Yanbo, whom he had just met the other day.

They ran into each other again!

“Mr. Su, come here. There’s a seat for you.” Fei Yanbo waved at Su Ping and then patted the shoulder of a boy sitting next to him. “Get up and spare us some room.”

The boy was about 15 or 16 years old. Unhappiness could be seen on his innocent face but he did move a bit to the side.

Su Ping stepped over. He was glad that he could sit closer to Su Lingyue. If the Liu family were overly audacious and sent some minions to attack Su Lingyue off-stage, he would be there in time to stop it.

Fei Yanbo moved a bit to free up more room for Su Ping. The lady sitting next to him could not stop frowning.

“Sorry for the tight space.” Fei Yanbo smiled.

“It’s okay.” Su Ping sat down between the boy and Fei Yanbo. Since he now had a better view of Fei Yanbo, Su Ping took the initiative to exchange some pleasantries. “Nice to see you here.”

Fei Yanbo laughed. “Fengtian and the other students are up ahead.” He pouted his lips to signal where his students were seated.

Su Ping looked over and saw Luo Fengtian and the other students that had passed the initial test. It seemed that they were more at ease once they weren’t with Fei Yanbo. They were talking in a jovial mood. How youthful!

Su Ping was moved by this expression of youth. He wanted to become a student again to study. But he was too old for that. He would never have a chance to experience the innocence found on campus.

“Mr. Su, what a coincidence.” Fei Yanbo smiled.

Su Ping replied with a smile. The venue was a large one. It was indeed a coincidence that they could meet each other for two days in a row.

Su Ping noticed the boy that had to curl up to the side and was a bit hostile to him. “Is he... your son?” Su Ping asked.

“Yes, my youngest son.” Fei Yanbo then said to the boy, “Fei-er, say hello to this sir. You can call him Uncle Su. You must learn from him, he is young but you should know that he is a titled battle pet warrior.”

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