Assassination System

Chapter 268 - How Shameless Of You!

As the zenith of the night arrived, the temperature within the virtual world drastically dropped to the extent that the muddy swamp gradually became a frozen lake. Those in the midst of a battle stopped and stared wide-eyed at the rapid changes that occurred around them.

"What in the actual heavens is going on..."

All disciples sucked mouthfuls of cold air, they wondered if their eyes were playing tricks of them. After all, the changes were so drastic and sudden that they couldn't help but think that they were in an illusion!

But the coldness that slowly engulfed their bodies and their soul were all too real! In an instant, these disciples forgot that they were fighting as they all scrambled away for their lives!

Some disciples who noticed too late stiffened and turned into frozen statues, while some who understood what was going on managed to run faraway enough that they weren't completely engulfed by the coldness that rivaled Absolute Zero.

Some disciples that had affinities on the Laws of Water acquired enough time to escape the ice-laded and frozen world, while those that had opposite elemental affinities to water like fire and earth were completely enshrouded by sheets of ice that eventually consumed them and turned them into ice statues.

"What the fuck is going on here? Something like this isn't normal, something has definitely triggered such an event."

A young man with a sword on his waist crossed his arms together and calmly walked within the world of ice. Everyone around him froze and turned into ice sculptures, but when the ice neared his body, it would mysteriously vanish, consumed by an enigmatic might.

He slowly walked and pondered as screams soared through his direction.

"Senior Brother Kwydin! Help me! I don't wanna die!" A miserable shriek echoed from behind him and he turned his body around to look. At the distance, a disciple had his lower limb completely encased within a thin sheet of ice. One could see that the thin sheet of ice slowly worked its way up to his head.

The young man called Kwydin merely glanced at him and sighed: "Junior brother, as much as I want to help you. The ice has already consumed your lower extremities, cutting them off also means cutting your lower body off. It would be much better for you to die like that than die in agony under my blade..." He declared and ignored the disciple who continued his shrieks.

Turning to look at the distance. Kwydin found a cave entrance that the world of ice couldn't reach. Lightly smiling, he leisurely walked towards it. His footsteps light and his movements, graceful and contained a certain charm. But if one looked too closely at his figure, their eyes would eventually bleed from the Sword Intent that he subconsciously released from his body.

Senior Brother Perion and the female disciple named Christina all stared at the other disciples around him as Dan declared: "The success of this plan relies on how well each and everyone of you coordinates. You must not let them realize our schemes..."

Christina stared at Dan's direction and couldn't help but suck a mouthful of cold air, Dan's plan involved playing too well on the emotions of those within the barricade. One couldn't possibly formulate such a plan without sufficient understanding on how emotions work!

Calming her disturbed emotions. She glanced at her other teammates and said: "We will do as he planned, let's go. The Aurora Chrysanthemum is already blooming! It should be plucked within half an hour of blooming or else it will lose most of its medicinal efficacy!"

Hearing her words, the disciples around her fiercely stood up and unsheathed their weapons. Dashing towards the direction of the barricade. The disciples within the barricade who observed their movements wildly laughed.

"How persistent! I have already told you guys that breaking through our formation is futile! There's no way that you can do it!"

Most of the disciples within the barricade stood up and observed the commotion outside. They had looks of ridicule and mocking on their faces as they crossed their arms together and leisurely observed the attacks of these disciples.

The attacking disciples outside of the barricade saw the looks of ridicule on the faces of their enemies and their attacks grew fiercer. Dan also dashed with his daggers. A sly smile leaked on his lips as he sliced crazily like a madman.

His fierce display stirred the hearts of the disciples around him as they all roared out and sent waves after waves of attacks that constantly battered the barrier. Although the barrier had multiple layers and was constantly being nourished by a plethora of Spirit Stones.

What were the cultivation bases of the attackers? All of them had a cultivation of a Divine Soul Realm expert and when their power combined together, even a Divine Ascendance Realm cultivator had to feel afraid.

Cracks began to spread on the surface of the formation and the disciples within the barricade couldn't even smile anymore. Turning to look at their Senior Brother Gin who was currently holding a jade box. Slowly approaching the Aurora Chrysanthemum, his concentration never lagged. In fact, he didn't dare to turn his attention to something else.

Being in close proximity with the Aurora Chrysanthemum made him feel constricted as sweat continuously dripped down his forehead. One wrong move and he'll instantly be frozen into an ice sculpture.

Harvesting the Aurora Chrysanthemum involves slow and constant sending of the harvester's Spiritual Energy into the Aurora Chrysanthemum so that it will gradually treat you as a friendly creature and not a hostile one. Once that happens, the harvester can now easily pluck the Chrysanthemum off the ground and harvest it for his own use.

But although the process sounded so simple and hassle-free. One must know that the action of sending one's Spiritual Energy to familiarize himself with the Aurora Chrysanthemum must be incredibly slow and tender, harvesting it was like cooking good meat, slowly but surely.

The disciples who wanted to speak up at first held their horses and stiffened. Judging from the expression on their Senior Brother. They knew that he must not be disturbed at all costs. Covering him a Sound and Light Isolating Formation, the disciples turned their heads to look at the attacking disciples and shouted, "Launch the attack!"

Cultivation bases and cultivation methods ignited and soared as both sides unleashed everything that they had. The attacking disciples madly attacked the barricade while the defending disciples tried their best in order to deter the assault of their enemies.

As long as they can hold out until Senior Brother Gin harvests the Aurora Chrysanthemum, all sacrifices would be worth it.

Slowly but surely, these defending disciples never realized that the attacking disciples had changed their tempo and movements, revolving around the barricade, they focused their attack on one side unbeknownst to the defending disciples.

"What a bunch of dumbfucks, to think that in their madness, they didn't notice that they are attacking behind the entrance. As long as we can survive their current onslaught, there's no way that we cannot make our escape!"

A disciple ridiculed when he saw where the location of the attacking disciples. His fellow disciples that heard his words also wore the same smile on their face. But nevertheless, they didn't dare to show emotions on their faces lest the attacking disciples realized their blunder and corrected it.

The battle reached the peak and the energy fluctuations caused by the exchange of fire attracted some curious disciples. When they saw the presence of the Aurora Chrysanthemum, their eyes sparkled with greed and they joined the attacking disciples. Resulting in additional pressure for the defending disciples.

Some disciples that didn't want to disturb their Senior Brother Gin while he was harvesting couldn't help it anymore and ask: "Senior Brother Gin! There are too many disciples attacking us right now, I'm afraid that the barricade in any moment!"

Senior Brother Gin who heard the disciples words stiffened and his hand almost slipped. Calming the rage that surfaced in his heart, he remembered the voice of that disciples and he didn't reply.

"Stupid bastard! Didn't I told you not to disturb Senior Brother? What are you gonna do if his concentration lagged and we got annihilated by the Aurora Chrysanthemum?! Not only we couldn't harvest it but we would also lose our place for the Mystic Realm..." Another disciple smacked the head of that disciple who could only suppress his resentment and continued on the defense. That's right, as long as they succeeded, anything was worth it.

"Just a little bit more, stall me some more time. At least half a minute, and I can successfully harvest this Chrysanthemum!"

Senior Brother Gin sent through a voice transmission towards his fellow disciples and they all stared at each other before nodding. As long as they can survive this incoming half a minute, with their Senior Brother Gin's capabilities. They should be able to escape with minimal injuries or casualties.

"Damn it, we're attracting too many eyes. If Senior Brother can't successfully harvest the Chrysanthemum in the next few minutes. I'm afraid that even if we did succeeded, we won't be able to escape!" A sensible disciple within the barricade gnashed his teeth as he blurted out.

"That's why we need to hold on! Stop chattering and keep on attacking! Send these bastards away!" Another disciple scolded as he roared, sending a volley of attacks towards the disciples that madly attacked their barricade.

The cracks that spread on the surface of the barrier extended out and eventually enveloped the entire barrier. The disciples within the barricade stared in horror and fiercely turned towards the disciple that was tasked on keeping the barrier alive as long as he could: "What the hell are you doing?! Throw in as much Spirit Stones as you can! Keep the barrier alive or else we will die and fail!"

"I am doing my best! I am even overclocking the formation's capabilities but the enemies are too strong! There's too many pressure on all sides! At most, this formation can only last for 20 seconds!"

The disciple had veins bulging all across his body as he desperately fed Spirit Stones at the formation furnace and even burned his blood essence to strengthen the formation's durability. But he knew that what he was doing was a mere stopgap, eventually. It will collapse and if Senior Brother Gin wasn't done with the harvesting process, they will undoubtedly succumb to their enemies.

"20 seconds, that's enough! I'll be done with the harvesting process in the next 20 seconds!" Senior Brother Gin roared out loud, his eyes reddened from overdrafting his energy. The disciples who heard his voice roared their battlecries as each and everyone of them sent volleys after volleys of fierce attacks to their enemies.

Dan who was attacking with 'everything that he had' outside the barrier saw that the Aurora Chrysanthemum was about to be harvested. Lifting a sly smile, he slowly rotated his cultivation method and activated the Fourth Stance of the Blessing of the Lightning God.

A sound akin to glass shattering rang out and the attacking disciples stared with joy visible in their eyes: "We broke the barrier! Everyone, take the Chrysanthemum away!" The female disciple who seemed to be the leader roared out loud and every attacking disciple surged towards the direction of the defending disciples.

Senior Brother Gin tightly embraced the Aurora Chrysanthemum and fiercely turned behind where they could see the entrance, scoffing. He blurted out, "These bunch of bastards really are stupid, to think that they would forget that the exit is just right behind us! Let's go! Pave the way!"

He rallied and they all turned behind and madly dashed towards the exit. At the other side of the barrier, a flash of Lightning streaked through the air and the female disciple lightly smiled and stared with hopes at Dan's direction.

Dan who prepared beforehand easily stole the Chrysanthemum away from the hands of Senior Brother Gin. Staring at his empty handed hands, he roared in fury and glared at Dan's direction.

"Give the Chrysanthemum back!" His cultivation base came to life and his cultivation method caused the earth to tremble. Evidently, his method had affinities to the Earth Elemental Laws.

Dan merely smiled and the female disciple stretched her hand forward: "Good work, I will surely reward you heavily! Come, hurry up and give me the Chrysanthemum! Once that landed on my hands, he wouldn't dare to steal it from me!"

Senior Brother Gin's expression looked sour, anger filled his heart. He did everything that he could and even burned some of his blood essence to speed up the harvesting process. But in the end, the one that benefited was his greatest nemesis! No- He wouldn't let everything to end like this!

Dan walked up to the female disciple as Senior Brother Gin angrily roared out and dashed at his direction. The other subordinate disciples of the female disciple rushed up to protect the two from Senior Brother Gin's mad attacks, creating a distraction which made a small smile leak on Dan's lips.

When he neared the female disciple, his hand suddenly turned into a palm and Thunder rumbled as Dan slammed his palm on the female disciple's chest, "Young Lightning!" He shouted as his figure transformed into a Lightning that escaped deeper into the cave.

"Guah!" The female disciple spat a mouthful of blood. Even though her cultivation was stronger than Dan. She didn't expect that he would suddenly strike at her and steal the Chrysanthemum away. Revolving her cultivation base, she violently cursed, "You fucking bastard, how shameless of you!"

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