Ren Jia shifted slightly in her sleep, tossed and turned many times before she decided she was unable to sleep any longer. She sat up on the soft bed and looked around with a dazed expression.

She was sleeping inside Jing Xue's room, which was considered a luxury for many. Her bed was incredibly comfortable but Ren Jia felt turbulent inside her heart.

She made a soft sound as she rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned adorably, she turned to look at the door with beamingly anticipated eyes.

"Did Papa come back? I could have sworn I saw him in my dream just now…"

Her Mama hasn't come back and joined her yet, Ren Jia has been waiting for her to kiss her forehead a couple of hours ago. She waited too long as her eyes couldn't take it anymore and she slumbered into a short nap whilst waiting for her Mama to return.

Ren Jia's throat sharply throbbed as Ren Jia swallowed her saliva and couldn't help but feel a hotness inside it, she furrowed her petite eyebrows as she appeared to be deep in thoughts.


She didn't wait any longer considering Jing Xue won't return any time soon and may take her dying of thirst to come back, she decided to sneak out of her bedroom.

She plopped herself onto the ground as she rubbed her eyes and tilted her feet to grab the doorknob, pulling it ever so slightly and opening it swiftly.

She flawlessly got out from her room and glanced toward the long stairs in front of her. Upon seeing the long stairs in front of her, her legs couldn't help but soften.

Humph! It is hard to have a tiny body with tiny short legs! I want to ask Papa to make me wings so I don't have to take this lengthy stairs!

She shook her head adorably and dismissed her thoughts. Right now, she had to do it herself.

Butler Zhao had gone to bed as only a dim light could only been seen lit at the corner of the living room, giving off a rather gloomy and haunted atmosphere.

This was also one of the many fears she had, she feared the darkness as she couldn't see anything with her eyes including her Papa and Mama.

Ren Ye always made sure to put on a small light for her whenever the both of them had to go to sleep together, he always made sure Ren Jia was feeling comfortable and warm.

Even putting water bottles near the bed in case she ever gets thirsty.

This is why Ren Jia had loved her Papa so devotedly despite his stand-offish attitude at times.

It took Ren Jia more than five minutes to get down as she turned her head around and scanned for the kitchen. Thankfully, it was quite near the spacious living room.

As soon as she walked into the living room, she saw two figures pressed against each other. They were rather intimate as the other party wrapped his arms around her tiny waist as they pressed their faces against each other.

The woman wrapped her arms around his neck as she closed her eyes tightly and immersed herself in the intimate act.

Seemingly unaware of a cute intruder near them.

Ren Jia gasped softly as her glossy eyes widened from shock. Her first instinct wasn't to scream but find a spot to hide. Ren Jia decided to hide herself behind the stairs as she tilted her head to watch them.

"Wow! Mama and Papa already got along so well!"

She praised her Papa and Mama very much inside her heart as she watched them with amazement.

Before long, Ren Ye let go off Jing Xue with red and swollen lips, his expression was rather annoyed. It appeared Ren Ye has sensed another presence and was rather wary of it.

Ren Ye glanced toward Jing Xue, who was still staring at his lips attentively and didn't take them off them, he tightened his embrace as he turned his head and whisper softly into her ears.

"Uh, there is an intruder somewhere inside her house."

Jing Xue's face immediately turned embarrassed as her face flared up with redness, she turned around and looked around to find the intruder. She discovered no one was there and couldn't help but become annoyed with Ren Ye.

Jing Xue took her fingers and pinched him in his waist, causing Ren Ye's eyebrows to twitch slightly.

"You-you scared me."

Ren Ye realized she was unable to find the culprit as he couldn't help but break out in laughters, the loud and cheery laughter caused her flush to deepen. Jing Xue bit her swollen red lip with annoyance.

"She is right there."

Ren Ye whispered softly as he turned to look behind the stars with gentle eyes, Jing Xue turned to look in his direction and found a pair of luminous eyes watching them.


Upon figuring they were watching her, Ren Jia's hair stood up with fright as her Papa glanced at her with a knowing smile. She scolded herself in her soft childish tone.

I always forget Papa can track people by their movements. Humph! If only he didn't then maybe I could continue to watch longer.

Jing Xue approached the little girl with a slightly embarrassed smile as she crouched down and pinched her tiny ears, "Naughty girl, you almost scared Mama to death."

Frankly, Jing Xue thought Butler Zhao was watching them but it turned out to be this mischievous brat who turned out to be her own daughter. Jing Xue didn't know whether to cry or laugh as she turned to look at her daughter with an amusing face.

The little girl winced even though Jing Xue didn't exert any pressure on her fingers, she felt wronged as she tried to explain herself.

"Mama, you were gone for too long. I had gone to sleep first and woke up thirsty."

As a little girl, she couldn't accept the fact that she was wrong for intruding as she always attempts to find ways and words to defend herself.

Jing Xue chuckled joyfully as she lifted her up the ground and onto her arms, Ren Ye smiled softly and rubbed Ren Jia's soft lucious hair adorably.

"Papa, you came back earlier than I thought."

Ren Jia exclaimed with beaming eyes, expressing her happiness at seeing her Papa come to her. Although it hadn't been long since they departed, Ren Jia missed her Papa dearly and asked for him multiple times.

Ren Jia extended her arms, asking her Papa for a hug. Ren Ye felt helpless as he took her into his arms, leaving Jing Xue behind who felt rather left behind.

"What a clingy girl, you forget about your Mama once you see your Papa. Humph!"

Jing Xue pinched her cheeks with a bit of force, causing Ren Jia to pout her lips and hid her face inside her Papa's arms.

"Papa, Mama is bullying me."


Jing Xue's features twitched with restrained annoyance as she curled her lips slightly, "This girl…"

Ren Ye let out a low chuckle as he patted her head gently with gentle eyes, "Let's get you water and we will go back to sleep."

Ren Ye turned to look at Jing Xue meaningfully as Jing Xue's cheeks flushed as she figured out the meaning of his gaze. Jing Xue felt nervousness and joy as though she met with her beloved for the first time.

"Papa hasn't finished the story yet, I want Papa to continue from where we left off last time," Ren Jia was rather energetic after she finished drinking her much needed liquid as she turned to look at her Papa with glowing anticipated eyes.

With her Mama here, she felt assured and deeply loved as Ren Ye sat on the bed in only his boxers right after taking off his clothes.

Ren Ye caressed her head repeatedly as he lowered his eyes and nodded his head, "Where were we last time?"

"Papa was at the training camp and Papa told me you met someone special there."


Ren Ye nodded his head and continued to narrate the story in soft and gentle tone, soothing the girl's anxiety and worries. Ren Jia relaxed as she listened attentively to her Papa's story.

Ren Ye's eyes were filled with concealed gloom as he narrated the hardships he had to go through back then. Jing Xue had just finished taking her shower and stumbled upon the father and daughter talking with each other.

As if she had longed for this, Jing Xue felt immense happiness and fulfillment as she watched Ren Ye with never seen before gentleness toward their daughter.

She never thought this man of steel had anything emotional inside his bones except when he had to use his expression to woo or coax her whenever she was in a bad mood.

Jing Xue was also attracted to the story Ren Ye narrated as she listened to it while brushing her wet and long hair. She couldn't help but side-eyed him with hidden emotions.

"You never told me that before…"

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