Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

The matter of three individuals advancing in one day was a pleasant surprise to Tang Jie, but he also sensed that something wasn't right.

Yiyi's advancement was fine. Whether it was in the Blood River Domain or the Verdant Cloud Domain, Tang Jie and Xu Miaoran had given Yiyi plenty of resources. Adding onto this Yiyi's own efforts, it wasn't strange for her to advance this quickly.

But Little Three's breakthrough was clearly abnormal. As Tang Jie was wondering what was going on, a voice rang out in his mind: "Father."

Startled, Tang Jie wondered who had spoken to him, upon which he saw Little Three blinking its eyes at him and understood. "You're talking with me."

Little Three nodded. "My half-ethereal body can't make sounds that are too complex. While I could improve this ability, that's too much of a waste of energy. After advancing, I can use Soul Communication."

Tang Jie understood. Soul Communication was a derivative function of Spirit Touch. Little Three had reached Transformation by devouring many geists, so all of its power was focused on this aspect, which was why it could freely use Soul Communication.

This ability was actually rather similar to Heart Consonance, both means of holding a conversation in the mind so that outsiders couldn't hear. The difference was that Heart Consonance covered a huge distance while Soul Communication had a limited range. However, Heart Consonance could only work between two people while Soul Communication allowed one to hold conversations with multiple people at the same time. Little Three could make itself into a communication node, allowing Tang Jie, Yiyi, and Tutu to freely speak with it. As for the Mother Cloud combat puppet, it was somewhat more difficult. The ghost guard lacked a complete soul, so it could only receive and not send out information. Fortunately, the ghost guard didn't need to say anything unless there was something it needed, so it was fine that it could only receive orders.

Being able to use Soul Communication was at least better than that game of charades they had earlier.

Tang Jie asked, "How did you manage to advance?"

"It was that!" Little Three pointed at the empty space behind it and told Tang Jie what it had discovered.

Hearing that Little Three had enough Space power to pierce through a weak spatial barrier and enter the Nether Domain, Tang Jie couldn't help but express his admiration for Little Three's luck.

Tang Jie was keenly aware of the advantages of being able to freely traverse two domains. The inter-domain trade had made him a fortune, and even now, it was the foundation which allowed Xu Miaoran to keep up with Tang Jie.

But making this happen again with the Verdant Cloud Domain and Nether Domain was much more difficult.

The Nether Domain wasn't the Blood River. It was a world of ghosts, and any living being that entered it would be attacked by ghosts. Moreover, most of the resources within were only usable for ghosts, like the Withering Yin Vine, so most of them couldn't be traded in large amounts. As for human resources, ghosts mostly weren't interested in them.

But the Nether Domain had another special attribute: it was linked to every other domain in the Great Stellar Chiliocosm.

To put it simply, it was a massive relay station. If he went in, he might be able to find a path back to the Rosecloud Domain. This relay station was far superior to the Martial Lord's hidden realm, which could only serve as a relay station because the Rosecloud Domain and Blood River Domain were very close in the first place. Beyond this distance, it couldn't serve as a relay station. But the Nether Domain had no such problem.

But this was only theoretical. Practically, it wasn't possible. Putting aside the fact that Tang Jie couldn't go into the Nether Domain, even if he did, he would become a public enemy and would be beaten down until death. Even if he were a Godhead and beat down the Nether Court, he would still need to find the path back to the Rosecloud Domain.

Thus, rather than putting his hopes on the Nether Domain, it would be better to keep working on the extreme long-distance teleportation formation.

But Little Three's appearance was like a ray of hope.

Hugging Little Three, Tang Jie asked, "Can you enter the Nether Domain without that spatial weak point?"

Little Three shook its head.

While its spatial abilities were powerful, the barrier between two domains was even stronger. Without a weak point, even a Violet Palace or Immortal Platform cultivator wouldn't be able to pass through that easily.

"Then what would be enough to allow you to?" Tang Jie asked.

Little Three very seriously considered the problem. "Vines like last time… ten times more of them!"

Ten times more Withering Yin Vines?

What sort of joke was that? Getting them the first time had been hard enough. Where was he going to find more?

But Tang Jie remained calm, simply saying, "In other words, you just need to devour more Space power in order to freely travel to other domains?"

"No other domains, only between the Nether Domain and the mortal plane," Little Three replied.

Another limiting factor for traveling between domains was the special attribute of each domain. Domains like the Rosecloud Domain, Blood River Domain, and Verdant Cloud Domain all belonged to the mortal plane, sharing the same Great Dao, so there was no problem traveling between them. But the Nether Domain and Shadow Domain belonged to the spirit plane, which had a different Great Dao, and this Great Dao would hinder a human that tried to pass through the barrier. If a human attempted to enter the Nether Domain, the domain itself would reject them. Little Three was unaffected because it was a ghost. And when that Nether Domain Titan had entered the mortal plane, it had to push back against the rejection of the mortal plane. Thus, it released ghost energy and ghost soldiers to alter the environment and make it suitable for it to enter.

On the same principle, if Little Three wanted to run off to some other domain, it would have to resist this rejection, but increasing its Space power could bypass this. Ten times the Withering Yin Vines was only enough to allow it to travel between the mortal plane and Nether Domain, which was an indicator of just how difficult it was to travel between domains.

"That's fine," Tang Jie said. "What I mean is that you only need Space treasures like the Withering Yin Vine so that you can devour their energy and get stronger, but you don't need exactly the Withering Yin Vine, right?"

Little Three nodded.

"Great!" Tang Jie hugged Little Three. "Starting from now, you should just cultivate here. Father will get you Space treasures!"

At that moment, Tang Jie felt like the worries that had clouded his heart for many years had been swept away, for he finally had a way to contact Xu Miaoran!


Through Little Three, he could communicate with Xu Miaoran.

Although he couldn't return to Rosecloud through Little Three, even getting in touch with her and letting her know that he was alive was fine.lightsnovel

Tang Jie had had countless nightmares where Xu Miaoran thought that he was already dead and ultimately succumbed to the pressure from her sect and father and married someone else.

Tang Jie didn't know if this would actually happen, but he knew that when a person had no hope, anything was possible.

Thus, he had to think of a way to let Xu Miaoran know that he was still alive.

If he was alive, there was still hope!

Now, Little Three could enter the Nether Domain, but it couldn't enter the Rosecloud Domain through the Nether Domain. Thus, Tang Jie's first priority became to find it Space treasures so that it could get stronger.

Little Three remained down in the Inkcloud Abyss, accompanied by Yiyi and Tutu, while Tang Jie left with the combat puppet.

Back on the surface, Tang Jie looked around and chuckled, after which he took on the appearance of the Silver Eyes Fiend Emperor.

He hadn't told Liu Yunshan and the others that he had killed the Silver Eyes Fiend Emperor precisely because he had the idea of pretending to be him.

The Silver Eyes Fiend Emperor was one of the Five Great Fiend Emperors, so it was certain that he was incredibly wealthy. When Tang Jie killed him, he didn't even have a Mustard Seed Bag on him, so he had to have stashed it all in his base.

Tang Jie recalled that the Silver Eyes Fiend Emperor's base was called Silver Eyes City. Located far in the rear of fiend territory, it was one of the five fiend capitals.

He quickly identified the direction and flew off toward Silver Eyes City.

It took around seven or eight days, during which he encountered various fiends and primal beasts, their fiend energy seething into the air, demonstrating the immense power the fiends wielded. Even so, when these fiends saw the "Silver Eyes Fiend Emperor", they immediately prostrated in fear, none of them daring to approach Tang Jie, let alone check if he was the real thing.

Tang Jie boldly charged forward, and eventually, he arrived before a city.

Even from a distance, it was a majestic city, fiend energy radiating from it and countless fiends roaming about within it.

Tang Jie knew that this was Silver Eyes City.

This fiend city was much larger and more orderly than other fiend cities he had seen. There was none of the raucous discord of Hundred Battle City, with every fiend keeping to the rules like humans. He didn't even see many human slaves, fiends doing everything.

In the center of the city was a resplendent palace upon which the symbol of a silver eye had been carved. Tang Jie guessed that this was Silver Eyes' residence.

From the situation in the city, it could be seen that the residents of the city didn't know that the Silver Eyes Fiend Emperor was dead.

For them, the Silver Eyes Fiend Emperor was a supreme god. Nobody could kill him.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Tang Jie flew straight toward the palace.

He didn't know what sort of ruckus the Silver Eyes Fiend Emperor would cause whenever he returned, so he decided to just ignore it and landed right in front of the palace. The fiends below saw that their emperor had returned and got down on their knees to welcome him.

A fiend wearing a white robe and sporting a mustache came over and said, "Your Majesty, you've returned."

Tang Jie grunted and examined the fiend, which was a weasel. The weasel said in a fawning tone, "Your Majesty, how was your journey?"

Tang Jie lazily said, "It was fine. Did anything happen in the city while I was gone?"

"Your Majesty, all was as normal. It is just that several of the concubines missed Your Majesty rather dearly," the weasel said with a chuckle.


Tang Jie was taken aback. This Fiend Emperor seemed to really act like a human sovereign, having a palace, guards, and even a harem.

Ah, yes, and fawning courtiers, Tang Jie commented to himself as he glanced at the weasel.

He said, "Understood. But I have business to attend to, so I'm not in the mood."

Tang Jie began to walk into the palace.

The weasel kept close behind him. "Your Majesty, do you have any orders?"

Tang Jie said, "Pass on my decree. Starting from today, gather all treasures with a Space attribute."

'Space treasures'? The weasel said in surprise, "How many?"

"As many as you can," Tang Jie tersely said. He didn't dare to say too much for fear that he might expose himself. Thus, he issued an order to get the weasel out of the way.

The weasel left with the order, and Tang Jie used this chance to dismiss everyone else.

Just as he was about to begin inspecting the palace for treasures and to get a feel of the situation, there was a gust of wind behind him, and a figure shot toward him.

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