Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

The Blood River Lord knew that he was in trouble when those hundreds of bean soldiers appeared.

Whatever these beans were made of, it made them somehow immune to the corrosive effects of his blood. Rather than hurting them, it only seemed to provoke them.

After several charges, the Blood Fiends had been slain, but the bean soldiers weren't content to stop there, moving on to the Blood River Lord.

The Blood River Lord angrily snorted, and the Blood Sea rippled, countless arrows shooting out from it.

The bean soldiers simply raised their shields and kept going. In their eyes, the blood arrows were no different from any other arrows loosed by their foes, and their testudo formation could keep out any arrows. Even though the blood arrows had high penetrative power, the combined power of the bean formation wasn't weak. It let off a white glow that stood fast against the barrages of the Blood Sea.

Of course, this also had to do with their numbers. After all, Yiyi had sowed 1500 beans at once.

700 bean soldiers could have a Spirit Ring True Person stumbling around on the ground looking for their teeth, so 1500 could defend against several attacks of a Heart Demon True Person without a problem.

The Blood River Lord was greatly annoyed when he saw that the blood arrows hadn't worked.

His repeated casting had cost him a significant amount of energy. Just as he had said, his problem was that he was no good in a long battle. If this kept up, he really would be the loser of this battle.

This thought made the Blood River Lord harden his resolve.

Thus, he decided to stop holding back, risking using up all his power and being slain by Tang Jie in order to have the pleasure of killing this girl and removing one of Tang Jie's powerful allies.

Having made up his mind, the Blood River Lord used up the last of his power, shouting, "A thousand waves, rise!"

The Blood Sea erupted, wave after crimson wave sweeping toward Yiyi.

This was no longer a part of the Blood Sea transforming, but the fiercest attack the Blood Sea itself could muster. The use of this attack meant that the Blood Sea Divine Connection had ceased to exist.

This was the Blood River Lord's strongest move, but it was definitely his final one, the last choice he made when he lacked spiritual energy, converting the boundless Blood Sea into mighty waves that would crush and drown his foes.

Even the bean king paled upon seeing these waves, and he quickly jabbered out his orders. The bean soldiers immediately fell back into the flower palace, for it seemed like the bean king had issued his first-ever retreat order.

Yiyi also paled, and Tutu seemed ready to run.

"No running!" Yiyi shouted.

1500 bean soldiers were still here, and there was no taking them back. If they ran now, she might be able to escape on the rabbit, but the 1500 bean soldiers would be doomed.

She could not accept such a huge loss.

Yiyi's little face hardened with determination.

She raised her floral scepter, and the flower dragon in the sky received her commands and rushed at the crimson waves. Under those savage waves, the flower dragon created by the Silkheaven Net managed to only produce a little froth before disappearing.

Even a Silkheaven Net that was three times stronger was no match for the thousand blood waves.

Black Sin now sent out its vines, but a Black Sin that had had no fiends to feed on was also unable to stop the crimson waves, its vines being eaten away by the blood. The mighty power of the Blood River made Black Sin howl in pain, and while more vines quickly emerged from the abyss, they came too late to stop the onward rush of the blood waves.

Yiyi spread out her arms, activating the defensive powers of the Jade Blossom Palace. Every leaf and branch began to glow, forming a green barrier that covered the entire palace. The blood waves battered the palace, but they failed to break the barrier, only causing the palace to shudder.

Yiyi stood in the pavilion, raising up the scepter. The eight flying arches moved upward to the green barrier, forming a supporting structure. But a moment later, the power of the blood waves began to make them crack and shatter.

Yiyi waved her hands, and the foundation of the flower palace flew up into the air, followed by the second level, the leaves, branches, and flowers that made them up going to support the green barrier.

The frenzied waves of blood continued to pound down, washing away the vines sent out by Black Sin and pounding against the barrier, causing it to waver. But in the process, the blood waves lost much of their power.

In the end, the green barrier could not outlast the blood waves and shattered.

As the blood waves descended, Tutu turned in fright and prepared to run, but Yiyi put her feet down and refused to move. She waved her hand, and a formation diagram flew out, countless treasure lights emerging from the diagram and creating a wall of light.

The Treasure Cosmos Formation.

The blood waves and white light wore away at each other, the blood evaporating into steam as if it was back in the sea of flames. The Treasure Cosmos Formation diagram also wavered, but this wasn't because the formation was weak, rather because the 13 swords that formed its core, particularly the three divine treasure swords, had yet to be put back by Tang Jie. Besides that, Tang Jie himself was not here to manage the formation, which also greatly affected its strength.

As they battled against each other, the bean king looked at Yiyi. Seemingly realizing something, he shouted and then jumped into the air.

Yiyi frantically shouted, "Don't!"

The bean king disappeared into the blood waves, and his 1500 bean soldiers joined him.

They followed their king in this bold and fearless charge, a shining white light pushing through the tide of blood.

A storm breaking through the waves!

The crimson glow weakened; the waves retreated!

The blood waves lost all their power in the face of that rising white light, dissolving into nothing.

Finally, the last crimson wave disappeared, leaving only the Blood River Lord floating in the air.

He only had enough power left to keep himself in the air.

He stared dumbly at Yiyi for quite some time, and then he suddenly laughed.

He said, "Excellent! Excellent job, little girl. You've truly got some bloodthirst in you, and also some fighting resolve. These little beans are also pretty good. They seem like plant sprites, but that's not what they are at all. They should be a form of plant, a special kind of lifeform."

The Blood River Lord had sharp eyes and was able to quickly notice the special attributes of the bean soldiers.

Yiyi blinked her large eyes at the Blood River Lord. "In other words, you concede?"

In truth, in the clash just now, Yiyi had used up almost all her strength. Regardless, however, she had still won, and this realization made her overjoyed.

Looking up at the beans, she happily found out that they were unharmed, but the white glow they exuded was much dimmer. It was clear that, just like Yiyi, they didn't have much power left.

To be frank, the strongest individual present was actually Tutu.

The Blood River Lord laughed. "Yes, I concede. It's just an avatar, so it's fine if I lose. In fact, it's not bad losing to a cute little girl like you."

Since he had lost already, the Blood River Lord was rather open-minded now.

In the end, it was just an avatar. He could take the loss.

But he gave Yiyi a look of admiration and appreciation.

He said, "Little girl, are you willing to follow me? If you are, I will take you as my adopted daughter, and reaching Divine Division will be as easy for you as flipping your hand over."

"Then what about Big Brother? Will you also accept him?" Yiyi asked rather than outright rejecting him.

The Blood River Lord snorted, "That bastard kid stole my Black Tortoise essence blood, killed several of my avatars, and took my essence blood. Why should I spare him?"

"Then I don't need it." Yiyi pointed at him and said, "If you won't let my big brother go, I won't let you go. Black Sin, catch him, but don't kill him. Big Brother needs to take his blood essence!"

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Countless vines once more emerged from the abyss, coiling around the Blood River Lord.

The Blood River Lord didn't attempt to dodge, simply sighing. "Ah, forget it. Since there is no destiny between us, when we meet again in the future, I won't hold back. In gratitude for the show you gave me today, since you want my blood essence, I'll just give it to you. There's no need to wait for Tang Jie."

His body trembled, and red motes of light flew out of his body and congealed into a blood gem that flew into Yiyi's hands. Meanwhile, the Blood River Lord's body came apart and turned back into blood.

Yiyi stared speechlessly at the blood gem.

After some thought, she finally said, "The valley is too hot, so let's wait here for Big Brother."

The bean king ran up to Yiyi and gesticulated at the blood gem.

"Eh?" Yiyi was startled. "You want this blood gem?"

The bean king vigorously nodded.

"What do you want it for?"

The bean king jabbered something.

Once Yiyi understood, she replied, "Let me ask Big Brother first."

She activated Heart Consonance and said, "Big Brother, I destroyed this Blood River avatar, but little Tang Dou wants the blood gem. He says that it can make him stronger. What do I do? Should I give it to him?"

Tang Dou expressed his dissatisfaction at Yiyi's actions by stomping his feet.

"'Tang Dou wants the blood gem'?" Tang Jie was surprised, but then he recalled that the beans had needed his own blood to grow. While the beans were rather cute, Tang Jie had understood since he first saw them that they were actually quite savage and cruel. The bean king being able to use the blood gem to get stronger was something he could understand.

Tang Jie nodded and said, "Fine—give it to him. Let me see how much stronger he can get."

Yiyi gave the blood gem to the bean king.

The bean king immediately took a big bite into it. Sure enough, he was planning to eat it.

The blood flowed into his body, but nothing happened except that he briefly glowed red.

Tang Dou swayed around like a drunkard, even belching.

He waved his hand, summoning the fifteen bean generals and throwing them the blood gem. It seemed like he was full and letting his subordinates have some.

Yiyi didn't stop him, and she watched as each of the 15 beans took one bite, collectively consuming more than half of the blood gem, and their bodies began to emit a crimson light. Tang Dou pointed a finger at the remainder, which splintered into countless motes of light and rained down over the bean soldiers, causing them to cheer.

The lack of response from the bean king formed a stark contrast to the reaction from the generals and soldiers, whose bodies grew much more muscular after they had absorbed the power of the blood gem.

Yiyi could clearly sense the formidable strength flowing through their bodies, with the generals being several times stronger than before. The difference for the soldiers wasn't as obvious, but Yiyi could tell that the power surging through their bodies had changed them.

Most importantly, after taking in the blood gem, the bean soldiers could stick around even if they didn't turn back into beans.

In other words, they could accumulate power while in their bean soldier state.

But in order to make them easier to carry around, Yiyi persuaded the bean king to have his soldiers turn back to beans.

Tang Dou was very unwilling, and Yiyi had to expend quite a lot of words to finally make those 1500 bean soldiers put down their arms. But as the king, little Tang Dou refused to turn back into a bean.

He jumped onto Yiyi's shoulder and began to jabber away.

Thus, Yiyi thought to herself, Big Brother stands on Tutu's shoulder, I sit on Big Brother's shoulder, and then Tang Dou stands on my shoulder! In the future, when we're bored, we can try making a pyramid! The thought rather amused her.

Which meant that she had accepted the bean king's state.

Meanwhile, she carefully put away the 1500 beans and made sure to keep them separate from the other beans. Yiyi knew that these beans were fundamentally different from before now that they had absorbed the blood gem.

The Blood River Lord had truly been very nutritious.

We have to kill more of these avatars, Yiyi privately remarked.

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