Ascension Through Skills

Chapter 57: Easy Mode, Choi Junghyeok (1)

“Of course, it’s you.”

Junggeun narrowed his eyes.

“But I felt I should tell you at least once.”

He gave a wry smile and looked at Taesan.

“……So, you were Taesan of Solo Mode.”

Taesan nodded nonchalantly. He laughed dryly.

“Well…… Ah. I’m grateful for the skill.”

“Is it useful?”


Junggeun used Breathless Attack in his battle against the monster. It meant he learned it not by discovering it himself but by following Taesan’s post on the Community.

“Honestly, I was skeptical. But I thought it was not an unbelievable story, so I tried it and really got it. How amazing.”

He murmured with a fascinated look in his eyes.

“…… It’s unbelievable.”

“You also thought we were all just big talkers, right?”

“Y-yeah…….. Well.”

He laughed bitterly.

“I did think so, a little.”

As a Hard Mode Player, Junggeun had nearly died several times. There were also multiple instances where he would have certainly died if his teammates, who were working together to conquer the labyrinth with him, hadn’t helped him.

But to venture into the labyrinth alone, without anyone’s help, in Solo Mode, which was more difficult than that Hard Mode?

To Junggeun, it seemed impossible. He had obtained the Breathless Attack skill thanks to Taesan’s explanation, but his preconceived notions remained unchanged.

That’s why he thought their clamorous talks were pitiful, yet at the same time, full of empty bravado.

But it wasn’t a lie.

Junggeun looked at him in awe.

It was such overwhelming strength. Honestly, he had no idea how strong Taesan could be.

The last to appear had been an even larger monster.

When the monster attacked them, he missed the monster’s movements. It was an entity he could not face as he was now.

Yet when the monster appeared again, its upper body had already been blown away.

“Is everyone in Solo Mode like you?”

“No. They’re probably more like you.”

The current Junggeun was strong. He had descended into the labyrinth without hesitation, and there was no big difference between him and those who had hesitated, like Lee Taeyeon and Kang Junghyuk.

Junggeun sighed in relief.

“That’s a relief.”

He had done his best to descend the labyrinth, risking his life in battle. If everyone in Solo Mode was like Taesan, if his efforts meant nothing, he would have been greatly shaken.

Junggeun bowed from his waist.

“Thank you, Mr. Taesan. Because of you, I… didn’t have to make a disgusting choice.”

A desperate emotion seeped out.

Taesan casually waved his hand.

“I did it because I wanted to, so it’s okay.”

“No, really, thank you.”

He spoke as his eyes burned quietly.

“If you wish, Mr. Taesan… You can use me as you wish. I’ll follow whatever you say.”

“Just shove it, you jerk.”

Taesan shivered.

“Just act as you normally do. Before your head gets smashed.”

Such a polite Junggeun.

It was quite awkward. At Taesan’s threatening words, Junggeun shuddered, then chuckled.

“I see. You really are a jovial person, hyung.”


“You’re older than me, right?”


What he remembered was that Junggeun was 23. A two-year difference.

“Then you’re my hyung. Is it okay to call you that?”

He laughed lightly.

It was the cheerful, always lively laughter that Taesan remembered. Taesan answered,

“Do as you like.”

“Thank you.”

Junggeun seemed relieved somehow. After unburdening his mind, his face was abruptly overtaken by exhaustion. He rubbed his tired eyes.

“I think I’ll go to sleep. See you tomorrow.”

He staggered off, and the ghost chuckled to itself.

[He's quick to change his attitude.]

“That’s his strength.”

Not losing a smile in despair was a challenge in itself.

The next day. Junggeun immediately latched onto Taesan, chattering incessantly.

Taesan received him with a not unpleasant expression.

“Hyung. So all the skills mentioned in the Community are real?”

“You’ve heard them all, haven’t you?”

“……Does ‘Endurance’ really exist? How do you learn it?”

Junggeun looked at Taesan with a bored face. In a situation where a single hit could kill, he had said not to take a single hit. It might work in a game with multiple lives, but in reality, it was an impossible method.

“How did you acquire such a skill? As expected, hyung, you’re impressive.”

Taesan felt slightly uncomfortable under his bright-eyed gaze.

‘He wasn’t like this originally.’

He had approached him amicably, but he hadn’t shown this sort of admiration. He acted like a familiar older brother, despite any compliments or praises.

But now, his face truly showed admiration.

‘Is it because I saved him?’

As their meeting circumstances changed, so did their attitude. As he vaguely passed over the conversation, Kim Hwiyun approached.

“So you’re here.”

“Ah, noona.”

“Did you get some good rest?”

“Yes. My head’s starting to clear now.”

“Good. Then let me slowly start explaining.”

She glanced at Taesan.


Hwiyun subtly hinted at Taesan. Junggeun shook his head.

“Hyung will listen with me. That’s okay, right?”

“Ah, a hyung?”


Hwiyun was flustered. She had never seen Taesan before. She thought he was an ordinary person from Normal or Easy Mode, but seeing Junggeun’s reaction, something was different.

“Were you close before?”



“There’s no harm, right?”

“Um…… That’s true.”

What she intended to explain was the overall situation. Even if one more person listened, there wouldn’t be much of a difference.

After a moment of consideration, Hwiyun turned around.

“Then, follow me.”

They arrived at a small reception room inside the city hall.

“Excuse me, what’s your name?”

“Kang Taesan.”


Hwiyun’s face showed surprise as she tilted her head slightly.

“Could it be?”


“Wow… so I finally met the person who has been much talked about?”

“Seems like there have been quite some stories about me?”

“We discussed among ourselves. We weren’t sure if those stories were true or false; we were more inclined to believe the latter… but it seems like they weren’t completely false, huh?”

She looked at Taesan with a curious gaze.

“Are you really strong? Even stronger than Junggeun?”

Junggeun gave a small nod. Hwiyun laughed and let out a sigh of admiration.

“That’s impressive. Even though we are many, a lot of us died, but you managed to break through alone. Do you have some sort of secret?”

However, there was no more reaction than that. She thought there wouldn’t be a big difference between him and Junggeun.

Junggeun and her strength were almost equal. It was not an unreachable level. Noticing her thoughts, Junggeun let out a bitter laugh but didn’t bother to correct her.

“Then it should be fine for you to listen.”

Hwiyun started explaining with a calm face.

“First of all, most of the survivors have gathered. Judging by the significantly reduced number of people arriving, it seems like everyone who was supposed to come has come.”

She spoke indifferently, but her face was distorted.

“According to a rough count, about a hundred thousand people are left.”

From five hundred thousand to one hundred thousand.

Only 20% survived. At that despairing number, Junggeun bit his lip.

“I don’t know who started it, but they’re bastards.”

She rubbed her eyes as she continued.

“The problem is, among these hundred thousand people, only about a thousand can fight against the monsters.”

“……Are there so few?”

“You must have felt it too when bringing people. Unless they’re at the very top of Normal Mode or at least in Hard Mode, confrontation is impossible. Practically, ninety-nine thousand people are useless in battle.”

Hwiyun pressed on her forehead.

“Food is a problem, a place to sleep is a problem, not knowing what quests will start next is a problem…… There are problems everywhere.”

“It might even be better to be in the labyrinth.”

“I think so too. Why bother calling us here?”

They were in the top ranks of Hard Mode. Since they had already adapted, they weren’t afraid of the labyrinth.

In this completely blocked situation, it would have been simpler to just go down further. That’s what they thought for now.

“Moreover, the person in command is a problem.”

“Wait. Aren’t you in command?”

Kim Hwiyun had organized people’s parties in Hard Mode and managed the basic strategies.

People didn’t know the reality of Solo Mode, so they naturally thought that Hard Mode players would be in charge, but Hwiyun shook her head.

“I intended to do so, but those crazy people from Easy Mode will make a lot of noise.”

“……Easy Mode?”

At those unexpected words, Junggeun tilted his head.

“Why them?”

Junggeun thought that the Easy Mode people he knew were really weak. They were almost indistinguishable from ordinary people, making it impossible, he thought, for them to have any significant impact.

However, Kim Hwiyun ruffled her hair.

“Choi Junghyeok, was it? That guy said he would take command.”

“You just accepted that?”

“Of course, I told him not to talk nonsense. Then he retorts, asking if I’m dismissing him because he’s in Easy Mode, and bluffs loudly that he can manage things just fine too. So, for now, I have deferred to him.”

Kim Hwiyun sighed.

“It would be simple if it was a monster; you just need to kill it. But you can’t do that with humans.”

A simple rule that the loudest voice wins was still tolerated.

“And I’m also fighting with those in Solo Mode. It’s an utter mess. A mess. Even ending up as hostages, what are they doing?”


“Yes. Lee Taeyeon and Kang Junhyeok, I think? They were captured.”


Taesan crinkled his face. At his sudden reaction, Hwiyun was slightly surprised and faltered.

“Uh, yes. They were captured.”

“Why were they captured?”

They may be weaker than him, but they’re not so weak as to be messed with by the likes of Easy Mode. If it was Kang Junhyeok and Lee Taeyeon, they could even fight with Junggeun and win without any major issues.

Being captured meant that it wasn’t about strength but a different problem.

‘I can roughly guess what’s happening.’

“How could they not handle that?”

“What can we do? We don’t even know who’s right or wrong.”

They had never fought amongst humans.

Getting involved in a fight meant attacking someone and being hostile.

That’s why they were still cowards. They were adept at fighting monsters but hopelessly inexperienced in fights with humans.

“But no one has died yet. We need to observe a bit more before intervening.”

“I have no intention of doing that.”

Taesan spoke nonchalantly.

He stood up.

“Choi Junghyeok. Where is he?”


Hwiyun’s pupils shook at the sudden movement. She muttered softly.

“He’s in the building on the left…”

Taesan headed towards the door. Hwiyun, who was stuttering, got up.

“Wait. What are you doing?”

“You have to stomp out the rats in advance.”

With a relaxed answer, Taesan headed towards the building. Hwiyun followed behind, trying to stop him.

“Wait. No violence!”


Taesan questioned, and Hwiyun hesitated at his calm question.

“We’re already finished. The world has collapsed, and the law has no meaning. So why not?”

“…Still, it’s not allowed.”

Hwiyun spoke with a stern face.

“Order must be maintained. People must not kill people.”

Taesan looked at her indifferently.

Kim Hwiyun. A woman with long hair and an impression of stubbornness.

She always tried to maintain order.

She died trying to save everyone according to the rules she had maintained until the end.

“You’re always the same.”


Hwiyun heard what Taesan said softly and was taken aback.

“I also intend to keep order.”

But there were always exceptions.

Seeing that Taesan had no intention of stopping, Hwiyun grasped her sword. She couldn’t stand by and watch humans fighting, so she intended to stop it by force if needed.

It was the moment she took a step forward.


She lost strength in her body and fell. She felt a dull pain in the back of her neck.

[Kim Hwiyun has taken 22 damage.]

‘What’s happening!’

She screamed in dismay. She had been attacked without feeling anything?

Taesan, who had knocked her down, brushed his hand off.

“Watch calmly.”

‘Choi Junghyeok.’

Even in Taesan’s first time in Easy Mode, he had formed a guild and created a similar power structure. Having first claimed the labyrinth, he had asserted his rights and engaged in all kinds of misdeeds.

Control of the labyrinth. Forcing others to provide items. Priority for boss monsters, and so on.

And he even secretly murdered those who seemed to be growing stronger than him.

Normally, those who couldn’t endure would rebel, but Junghyeok didn’t simply resort to violence; he also had a knack for politics.

After turning some people into his underlings and setting an example, he made sure nobody dared to speak out.

It was not just a matter of forcing submission.

He also doled out enough carrots to make people accept the situation.

There was even a time when the entire Easy Mode moved according to Junghyeok’s will.

Perhaps if things had continued that way, he would have stayed on top, using everyone else as sacrificial lambs.

“Come to think of it, it’s a pity. He got smashed by me twice, didn’t he?”

Taesan, standing in front of the building door, pulled his finger and snapped it. With a loud noise, the door shattered.

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