The two youths nodded their heads in approval at Chase’s words, but their greedy eyes shifted down towards the two delicious looking fruits in his hand. Both fruits emanated a profound aura, and it was easy to tell that they were wondrous treasures that would greatly aid one’s cultivation if consumed.

“Since we’re going to be helping you, it’s only natural that you pay us back,” one of the youths said to Chase. “It seems like you found those two fruits in this final area, so I’m sure they’re quite amazing. Why don’t you give them to us, and we’ll be even.”

“What a great Idea Roben,” the other youth chimed up, “give us your fruits!” he said to Chase, his words more of a command than a request.

Chase frowned at the two youths, as if contemplating whether he should do such a thing. He eventually sighed and handed them over, as if he knew he was powerless to stop them. It wasn’t uncommon in the Forbidden Alliance for them to kill each other over treasures, and knew if he refused the same would happen to him.

“You sure are wise!” the one youth praised as he took one of the fruits, although his praise contained slight mockery.

The other youth chuckled as he took the other fruit, and both inspected them for a moment before biting into them. Their eyes lit up with glee as they greedily devoured the fruits, as if it were the most delicious thing in the world..

“Truly amazing!” one of them exclaimed as they felt their cultivations rise a bit and bodies strengthen slightly.

“Good stuff!” the other praised as well.

Chase stood there in silence, his gaze as if he were still regretting handing over the fruits.

“Come on, its not that bad of a deal!” Roben said as he patted Chase on the back in a friendly manner. “Now we’ll find some Honorable Alliance youths, and with our help, you’ll be able to spill far more blood than you thought possible.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Chase replied as if he had resigned himself to the situation.

“Good, then let’s head out and hunt us some Honorable Alliance trash,” Roben said as his gaze became sinister, as if he were already bathing in the blood of his enemies.

Chase nodded his head, and the three of them sped forward across the land with no regard for being spotted, as if they were the true apex predators. They traveled for quite some time before coming to a halt.

In the distance miles away was another group of youths, six in total. They were climbing a forested mountain, using the treetops as cover. However, their silhouettes became visible occasionally, revealing them through the thick of the forest.

“Time to hunt!”

Two large smiles appeared on the youths faces as they sped forward once more. Chase followed quickly behind, while his gaze hardened and a dagger appeared in his hand. The three sped forward and arrived at the base of the mountain shortly after.

The other group of youths quickly noticed the arrival of the terrifying enemies, and panic appeared on their faces as they began to flee.

“Too late!” Roben mocked as he sped forward and activated a domain art. The Honorable Alliance youths bounced off the edges of his domain, which had created invisible walls at the edges of it. Only one with enough power to break through could escape, but none of these youths had the required power.

Panic appeared on their faces as they realized they were trapped, and they huddled together as they watched the three Forbidden Alliance youths approach them. The strongest of the six had a Middle Heaven Tribulation cultivation, and so there was no way they would be able to fight back.

“Six huh? You’ll be able to spill quite a bit of blood Chase. You see, our deal wasn’t so bad,” Roben said to Chase, although his gaze never left the six standing before him.

“You Forbidden Alliance scum! You might kill us, but we’ll take you down with us!” one of the Honorable Alliance youths raged.

“Hahahaha!” Roben and the other Forbidden Alliance youth broke out into a fit of laughter, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world. Swords appeared in both their hands as they prepared to slaughter, but those swords suddenly fell out of their grasp and landed on the ground below.

Confused expressions appeared on the Honorable Alliance youths faces, as well as the two Forbidden Alliance youths faces. The two Forbidden Alliance youths started to sway slightly, as if they were struggling to stand. Roben slowly turned around towards Chase, who stared back at the two of them with cold, murderous eyes.

“You!” Roben said, his voice slightly slurred as if he was struggling to speak as well.

“I see the poison finally kicked in,” Chase replied coldly as he stared at the two before him. “Good, then you can die now!”

Chase flashed forward, appearing before the two Forbidden Alliance youths. Both attempted to attack Chase, but their movements were incredibly sluggish, and they even found their dantians to be impacted by the poison, hindering the use of their Qi.

Their eyes went wide as Chase’s dagger sliced into their necks in quick succession, severing their heads from their bodies in an instant. Without their Qi to protect themselves due to the poison, they were as weak as mortals before Chase.

“Your greed is so easy to predict!” Chase said coldly as he stared at the two corpses at his feet. His trap with the fruits had worked flawlessly, as he knew Forbidden Alliance youths coveted treasures more than anyone else, and would obtain them one way or another if possible.

Both bodies vanished as Chase stored them away, before his cold gaze shifted to the nearby Honorable Alliance youths who stared at him with shock. Roots suddenly erupted from the ground and wrapped around Chase’s body once again, dragging him into the earth and away from the group of Honorable Alliance youths.

Some time later, he emerged from the ground once again as his gaze locked onto a lone Forbidden Alliance youth in the distance, while a blood red fruit appeared in his hands.

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