The mountain range they had just walked through veered off to either side, seemingly a hundred miles in each direction. The mountains were so tall as to be insurmountable, and the powerful green formation glowed overhead, covering the entire sky of the land before them.

Directly in front of them was an expansive desert, filled with valleys, canyons, and mountains. The desert stretched forward for as far as the eye could see, and was not what most had been expecting when entering these lands. The disciples of the other sects that had already entered were gathered in various locations, seemingly discussing the realm and their plans within.

Many groups were already missing members, as some had already ventured into the realm before them.

After taking in the sight for a moment, the Heavenly Lightning Sect group moved half a mile to the side of the valley entrance at the command of Rael and Lily, two of the Three Generals.

“Listen up,” Lily suddenly addressed the group as she stood before it, her voice gentle yet confident. “Before we venture out, I’ve been instructed by Thunderfist to inform you of all I know of this realm. I’ve spent quite some time researching this realm, pursuing through all the ancient scrolls I could find that detailed this realm. Through all the research, I’ve come across several important points to keep in mind going forward.”.

The group fell into silence as they eagerly awaited information from Lily, as they were completely blind regarding this realm.

“First off, this realm marks you with a ‘Jade Mark’ as you enter. Those are the marks below your collarbone. There are four different symbols; the Mark of the Warrior, the Mark of the Alchemist, the Mark of the Formations Expert, and the Mark of the Healer. Part of the energy that washed over us was to detect our proficiencies, and mark us with the appropriate mark,” Lily explained, causing the group to finally realize why the marks were different.

‘I suppose that’s why Iris and I are the same. We’re both combat experts, while Chase and Adam are not,’ John mused as it finally made sense.

“Secondly, this land is filled with official trials, which seem to be randomly strewn about this land in. The trials will be clearly marked, and will have opportunities for all of the four marks,” Lily continued. “I’m not sure of the specifics, but the better you do in the trials, the better your score will be, which will be recorded on the mark on your chest.”

The disciples all inspected their marks, and noted the zero below the symbol. Clearly this would change once they began to take part in these trails.

“I’m not exactly sure what the marks are used for, but I know they are used for something located on the very end of these lands,” Lily explained. “This land is several hundred miles wide, and according to rumor, several thousand miles long. The entire land is guarded by these mountains to the side and barrier overhead. The point is to make it to the other side, all while performing as best as you can in the trials you find along the way. Although making it to the other side is easier said than done, as there are many obstacles you’ll have to overcome along the way. That is all I know about this realm,” Lily concluded.

While brief, the information Lily provided was incredibly useful, which made the group appreciate their general even more.

“Now, I won’t tell you all how to go about making your way through this land, but I will give you one warning,” Lily spoke up again. “Unlike the other realms we have entered, this one does not have a no-kill policy in place. Always be on your guard, and do not assume the other disciples are friendly just because we are from the same alliance.”

The Heavenly Lightning Sect disciples all felt their anxious excitement dulled a bit, as they remembered they were in a foreign and dangerous land. They all thanked Lily for the reminder, while John nodded his head in approval.

‘Lily is much more competent than I originally expected. She is truly fit to be a General.’

After a few more words of wisdom and instruction from Lily, Rael suddenly turned and began to venture into the lands before him. With his strength, a large group of disciples decided to follow behind him, while a large group followed Lily who left soon after as well. The rest scattered in random directions of their own choosing, and soon the Heavenly Lightning Sect had departed into the lands before them.

All that remained in the end was John, Adam, Chase and Iris, who stood there patiently waiting for John to make a move. John’s gaze focused on the disciples of the other groups, who were also venturing into the desert before them. Some roamed as one large sect, while others roamed individually or in fractured groups, similar to what the Heavenly Lightning Sect had done.

John had waited to observe the other groups, to see if he could notice anything. However, after watching the groups venture outwards, it was truly random in which direction they all picked.

“I suppose no one really knows which way is the best to go, so we’ll just venture out blindly as well,” John finally addressed the group. His gaze shifted to Iris, who stood patiently next to him.

“You’ll be our navigator for this journey, so pick a direction and we’ll go that way,” John said to Iris. With her unique eye talents, she was the best for helping them move forward.

Iris nodded her head as her gaze swept across the desert before her.

“I can’t see anything important or of note yet, so we’ll just head out in this direction I guess,” Iris replied as she pointed forward.

“Good enough for me,” John nodded in confirmation as he began to walk forward.

Like this, the group had finally set out into the mysterious lands of the Jade Dragon Empire trial grounds, towards the dangers and opportunities that laid ahead.

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