John's scythe sliced outwards towards one of the wolves. It bared its teeth and bit out at his scythe, resulting in a series of sparks being thrown out.

'Wow, those fangs are hard enough to block my pseudo–Heaven Tribulation grade scythe? Impressive.'




John's scythe twirled in an endless flowing fashion as he utilized the scythe arts learned from the ancient battlefield to the best of his abilities. The wolves lunged out at him continuously, using both claws and fangs to attack him.

The innate ability that the wolves used to instill darkness on the area also seemed to slightly warp divine senses, which was a strange feeling to John. This was one of the most blinded fights he had ever been in, and was relying purely on instinct and quick reactions to fight against the wolves. With his current level of power being used, he found himself in a stalemate against the wolves, as his scythe was mostly used defensively at the moment.




The clashing of claws and scythe continued to right continuously as John through of his next moves.

'I could use my asura transformation to easily overwhelm these wolves, but much like in the Bloodfiend Sect, I need to get used to fighting without using it. Thankfully the Supreme Battle Sect gave me the upgraded version of their battle art, so that should be enough to take these wolves down.'

John's essence cultivation was only at the Middle Meridian Forging Realm at the moment, while his body was at the Late Meridian Forging Realm. Even with the higher Qi of the Divine Martial Continent, it would take quite some time for his essence dantian to advance just based on how fast he had advanced it over the last few months.

He needed time to stabilize his foundation, and ensure he did not break through again too early. While there were no flaws present, some could potentially arise if he did not take caution.

Not only that, but for the first time in a long time, John could feel a bottleneck on his essence cultivation. He had not fought a single time after breaking through to the Middle Meridian Forging Realm, other than the 'fights' in the entrance exam. However, those were not fights that could increase his comprehension of his realm, as his opponents had been far too weak.

As such, John needed fights like his current one to push his essence comprehension to the next level.

'I can easily hold my own against these Night Wolves with only my essence cultivation, but killing them will be quite challenging. I'll fight as long as possible using only my essence cultivation, before killing them with my combined power at the end.'


John's scythe struck upon the side of a wolf, causing a small wound to form. The wolf was knocked several dozen yards away into the nearest building, which destroyed the building completely.

John stopped in his tracks as he stared at this, before a slightly guilty look appeared on his face.

'Ooops. I should take this fight away from here so as to not destroy the entire village.'

John's body instantly blurred as he sped away, while the wolves chased after him immediately. The village square that had been inundated with violent collisions from the fight turned silent.

"Where did he go?" one of the villagers cried out as she stared through the window of the safehouse.

"Who knows? It's already a miracle he was able to hold on that long. He probably fled for his life," another replied.

"Whatever the case, the boy has saved us from another assault, at least for now. We can only hope that he makes it out alive," the elderly man commented, causing all those within the safehouse to fall into silence.




Continuous sharp sounds rang out as John dashed away from the village, all while parrying the constant attacks of the Night Wolves. They had clearly determined him to be the greatest threat, and were intent on eliminating him.

Upon speeding away for quite some time, John arrived in a large open field and stopped running.

'This should be far enough away.'

Lightning Qi channeled within his essence dantian as he suddenly activated his Heavenly Lightning Domain.

Over a hundred lightning nodes sprung up in all locations around him, some almost on him, while others were hundreds of yards away. However, John only focused on activating the farthest way nodes, sending lightning from one node to the next, forming a barrier. With the increase in the amount of nodes from ascending to the Meridian Forging Realm, such a thing finally became possible.

It was the first time he had done such a thing, and found today's fight the perfect opportunity to test it.

Lightning started crashing out of the lightning nodes continuously, making it look like a spiderweb of lightning was surrounding him.

Before the wolves would react, they found themselves trapped within this lightning cage.


One of the wolves howled at the sight before it dashed towards the lightning cage.


The wolf crashed against the lightning and its body rebounded back, unable to pierce through the lightning cage. A small smile appeared on John's face, before his smirk vanished.


A black beam pierced out of the wolf's mouth, like a beam of darkness. It contained incredible power, and it slammed against several of the lightning chains that had formed.


An explosion of Qi radiated outwards after the collision, and a small gap in John's lightning cage formed. The wolf quickly slipped out of the cage before John could react. The wolf dashed off into the distance, leaving the others behind.

"Shit!" John cursed as he saw this. He wanted to dash forward and trap the wolf once again, but the other ten wolves started their assault on him once more, stopping him from doing so.

John realized his cage was too weak with just one layer of lightning, and quickly created a second layer to his lightning cage. The second layer doubled the amount of Qi required to operate the lightning cage, but John's twenty times compressed dantian was showing its true value at the moment.

Even with such a technique employed, John didn't feel any strain on his essence Qi reserves. His essence dantian continued to pump out Qi ceaselessly, as if it was an unlimited reservoir of Qi. A smile crept up on John's face as he dashed forward towards the wolf closest to him.





The metallic sound of scythe colliding against fangs and claws continued to ring out once again, while the explosive sound of lightning node attacks boomed out. The wolves tried to pierce through John's lightning cage as the first had done, but found going through two layers too difficult.

Upon realizing this, the wolves discarded running from the cage, and fought John head on with all their strength.

Claws swiped out as his head, intent on crushing his head, while large sharp fangs bit out, trying to bite him in half.

John's body and scythe twirled around in endless circles as he fought all of the wolves at once. The wolves would lunge forward as they spotted a gap, but would find his scythe there the moment their attack arrived.

Like this, an endless dance between man and beast carried on, as John slowly but surely felt his comprehension of his essence Qi rise, and his proficiency in scythe arts climb.

It was truly the perfect combat opportunity he required at the moment.

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