The Heaven-God Alliance played a major role in helping Rolensia become a greater god, and even Gu Nan himself participated in the operation.

As the first greater god to break through in the Myriad Heavens, Rolensia's entire ascension process could be said to be "stumbling through the dark". Even the Heaven-God Alliance itself had zero prior experience.

Therefore, in order to ensure she wouldn’t be noticed by the Thirteen Heavens, Rolensia chose to shatter her soul and give it to members of the Heaven-God Alliance to "smuggle" in batches and transport to the Myriad Heavens.

But during this process, Gu Nan secretly hid a fragment and used it to cultivate a chess piece named Dong Xun.

The loss of only a very small portion of her soul actually had no impact on Rolensia herself, and she might not even be aware of it.

But it would become an uncontrollable weakness when someone with malicious intentions took advantage of this.


Azure Sky Heaven.

"Dong Xun? My Lord, this person is…?"

"You don't need to worry about who this is. Just do as it says."

"Yes, My Lord."

Mu Qishuang watched her subordinates leave, but her gaze also landed on the dossier on the table. She had read the information on Dong Xun no less than ten times, but she still couldn’t discover anything unusual.

Mu Qishuang was not a fool. On the surface, Gu Nan said he wanted to attack Eugene, but secretly, he found her—someone completely unrelated to him—through Jiu Po. His goal must not be simple.

But Dong Xun's experience seemed to be nothing special.

From an ordinary mortal in a small plane, he gradually grew through the occasional fortunate encounters. Now, he already had Void Cutter Realm cultivation.

Although his progress seemed a little fast, considering the existence of the reincarnation system, it was actually not uncommon at all.

Maybe the key was what he found through a fortunate encounter? But it wasn’t like she could cut Dong Xun open and take a look, so she could only wait for him to reveal some clues.


While Mu Qishuang was wondering about Dong Xun's origins, Dong Xun himself was standing in Zi Luo Heaven, staring curiously at everything around him.

A while had already passed since Dong Xun broke through to Void Cutter Realm, but he’d been staying in his original small plane until now, busy dealing with the karma left over from earlier years.

In some small planes, breaking through to Void Cutter Realm was described as ascending. Many people believed that it was impossible to come back after ascending to become an immortal, so they naturally had to deal with all the "karma" they left in the mortal world before that.

It wasn't until Dong Xun "ascended" to some large planes that he discovered that this was not the case at all.

He began to understand the nature of this world, the relationship between the major planes, and gradually understood the principle behind Void Cutter Realm.

But Dong Xun still couldn't find any clues about the origin of the voice in his head and the mysterious person he first met.

With Dong Xun's current ability, he wasn’t qualified to explore too much. All he could do at present was ensure his own survival.

As the most well-known neutral plane in the Myriad Heavens, Zi Luo Heaven was extremely famous to begin with. After Zi Luo Elder ascended to Unified Dao and forcibly absorbed all the organizations in Zi Luo Heaven, his reputation did not fall but actually rose.

Because although Zi Luo Elder was tyrannical, he wasn’t someone who wanted to oppress the major organizations. On the contrary, as long as they were willing to cooperate, they all received better benefits and treatment.

In any case, it was better to have a Unified Dao powerhouse as backing than to rely on one's own efforts.

To put it simply, Zi Luo Heaven had transformed from a loose organizational platform into a gigantic organization with a unified system and comprehensive organizational structure.

And the absolute core of this organization was undoubtedly the Heaven-God Alliance.

"This is the Heaven-God Alliance," a girl introduced to Dong Xun. "But it’ll be very hard for you to join the Heaven-God Alliance"

Dong Xun just replied with a smile, "I’ll do my best."

The girl shrugged and said noncommittally, "Then I'll wait for you outside…"

"You mean wait for my triumphant return." Dong Xun revealed a peaceful smile, as if he was a completely different person from his psychotic, stubborn past self.

Those who never saw the former Dong Xun probably wouldn’t be able to believe these two were the same person.

The two parted ways. Dong Xun walked towards the Heaven-God Alliance, while the girl turned around and walked back, where a man in blue was already waiting for her.

"I've done what you guys asked of me. Where’s the reward?" The girl asked, glaring at the man in blue.

The stranger casually took out a box and handed it to the girl. "Two Ghost Spirit Fruit seeds. Relax, our organization won’t rob you of such a small reward."

What the man said was very true. After all, he was the trusted aide of a Unified Dao existence, so he wouldn’t be so stingy as to renege on a Void Cutter’s resources.

Besides, if not for this girl named Qi Zhi, Dong Xun wouldn't have been referred to the Heaven-God Alliance so easily.

The mission handed down from above was so urgent that they didn’t even have time to formulate a proper plan, so they could only start with the people around Dong Xun.

Fortunately, they discovered someone like Qi Zhi among Dong Xun’s acquaintances. She had a great desire for cultivation resources and didn't mind doing small tasks for them.

"Let's chat a little." The man in blue smiled lightly. "What do you think of Dong Xun?"

"What’s there to think about?" Qi Zhi shrugged. "In terms of strength, he’s not bad. In terms of personality, he’s foolish and easy to trick—that’s all."

The man nodded. "There will be other opportunities like this in the future. Stay by Dong Xun’s side, do you understand?"

Qi Zhi no longer doubted the mystery organization’s financial resources, but her thoughts swirled, and she asked, "Just who is Dong Xun, to make you guys scheme him like this?"

"That isn’t something you should know." The man pushed the table and stood up. His figure quickly disappeared from Qi Zhi's sight.

Qi Zhi could only shrug and look away, waiting for Dong Xun to return.

She was already a Void Cutter back when she first met the not-yet Void Cutter Realm Dong Xun and even gave him a lot of help. This was how the two became acquainted.

At that time, it was just an offhand gesture on Qi Zhi’s part, but now, Dong Xun seemed to be a large treasure buried in the ground, just waiting for her to unearth.

‘Should I take this chance to seduce him?’ Such a thought occurred to Qi Zhi, but she then discarded it.

‘First, let’s figure out why this mysterious organization wants to lead Dong Xun to the Heaven-God Alliance. If they’re planning to set a trap for him, then won’t I also be implicated if we become a couple?’

Qi Zhi shook her head repeatedly.


Just as Dong Xun followed Azure Sky Heaven’s guidance and walked step by step towards the route Gu Nan designed for him, Gu Nan himself had arrived at the boundary between the two worlds.

The goal of his trip this time was still the World of Gods, but he met an unexpected person at the border.

"Are you making your move now?" Yu Lian seemed to have been waiting here for a long time. She stared at Gu Nan and asked, "Eugene is not your real target, right?"

Many people were able to guess that Gu Nan was lying, but there weren’t many like Yu Lian, who could predict the route Gu Nan would take and wait there to personally verify her conjecture.

"That's right." Gu Nan nodded without denying it. "But even if it's a lie, I still have to show these gods just why their legends say Evil Gods are capable of destroying the world."

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