849 Chop in Two
The jade pendant emitted a ray of light in the air. The light shot out in all directions and broke into two.

Many cracks appeared on the jade pendant. Liang Sisi felt a pain in her heart and fainted.

When the monster saw that someone had fainted, it seized the opportunity and swung its tail at Liang Sisi.

However, when Xia Chenjing grabbed the tail, he noticed the monster’s intentions and used brute force to directly throw the monster’s tail to the ground.

Jiang Ming also noticed the situation here. He ignored everything and went straight to Xia Chenjing.

In his opinion, nothing was more important than the lives of these people.

Jiang Ming shot out a huge fist made out of spiritual energy. The fist turned into a phantom and rushed straight at the monster’s tail.

The monster felt that this fist was nothing and planned to kill Xia Chenjing.

Xia Chenjing understood what the monster was thinking. When the monster lifted him to the side, he quickly moved to the side.

The monster underestimated Xia Chenjing’s intelligence and was immediately punched down.

Xia Chenjing took the opportunity to run forward, gathering all the spiritual energy in his hand.

The monster had also underestimated Jiang Ming’s strength. It had been punched down and was curled up on the ground.

Coupled with Xia Chenjing’s attack, it was instantly cut in half.

The monster was still alive. It was moving its upper body, and its lower body was squirming like a worm. It looked extremely terrifying.

Yet, it still shouted in front of everyone, “Don’t even think about finding the princess. I will never tell you where she is!”

Jiang Ming was not angry. He stepped forward and stood in front of the monster.

“You’ve already been made into this state by me, and now you’re so arrogant. Aren’t you afraid that I’ll do something to you?”

The monster trembled. It was unwilling to give up and wanted to continue fighting.

However, Jiang Ming had already guessed what the monster was thinking. He immediately cut off another part of the monster’s body.

Seeing that its body had become like this, the monster almost went crazy. It immediately controlled the other parts of its body and made them move toward Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming did not hesitate and directly cut those parts of the body into several pieces.

However, even though it had already become like this, these parts of the body were still heading toward Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming saw that these body parts were persistent, so he simply used silver needles to pierce the tendons of these parts.

The monster could feel the pain and immediately started crying.

Because of Jiang Ming, it had fallen into this state!

A sense of resentment rose from the depths of its heart, and the monster became even more deranged. Its entire body emitted a black demonic gas.

The demonic gas seemed to have a target as it rushed straight at Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming sensed that the gas was malicious. He took out the fan in his pocket and fanned it at the gas.

Although the black gas was fanned away, it was not too far away from Jiang Ming. It circled around Jiang Ming and the others, forming a black circle.

Seeing the black gas become like this, Xia Chenjing’s eyes were full of vigilance. He picked up his jade pendant, turned it into a sword, and directly slashed at the monster.

However, the black gas seemed to have intelligence and directly blocked Xia Chenjing’s way, preventing him from moving forward.

Xia Chenjing felt that the black gas was annoying, so he took a step forward and dispersed it.

The black gas merged into a huge beast and rushed toward Xia Chenjing.

Jiang Ming wanted to stop him, but he could not.

He still had a ball of black gas here. Although the black gas had split into two balls, each ball was just as powerful as the original.

“Why can’t I get rid of this black gas?”
Xia Chenjing was furious and cut off several layers of black gas.

However, not only did the black gas fuse again like before, but its power became even stronger.

“Don’t cut off this black gas. This black gas seems to be able to absorb spiritual energy.”

Ling Yunxiao realized something and quickly shouted at Xia Chenjing.

However, Xia Chenjing was now forced into a corner by the black gas. There was no way to not cut off the black gas, so he immediately explained his situation to Ling Yunxiao.

However, Ling Yunxiao could not do anything about it.

He only knew a little about it. In the end, he was just an ordinary person and could not help Xia Chenjing at all.

Seeing that Xia Chenjing was getting more and more exhausted, Jiang Ming suddenly rose and entered the black gas.

However, at this moment, the black gas discovered a change. The black gas split into two.

However, the moment it split, it was accompanied by the horrified wails of some people.

These people’s wails varied in length, but it was painful to hear.

Jiang Ming did not react at all, but Xia Chenjing was different. He covered his ears tightly and had to squat down.

However, these voices seemed to be pestering him. Xia Chenjing couldn’t stand it at all. Not only that, but he also heard some ringing in his ears.

The ringing in his ears engulfed his entire body, and he felt uncomfortable.

Jiang Ming could see Xia Chenjing’s situation at this time, and he also knew that Xia Chenjing’s situation could not be delayed.

The black gas in front of Xia Chenjing quickly found an opportunity to step forward and take Xia Chenjing’s body for itself.

However, it was stopped by Jiang Ming’s silver needles.

Jiang Ming saw through the intentions of the black gas and released silver needles one after another.

The black gas was clearly in the form of smoke, but it was nailed to the wall by the silver needles.

The black gas screamed in pain. Xia Chenjing fainted from the pain.

Ling Yunxiao was in the same situation. He grimaced and closed his eyes again.

His condition seemed to be more serious, and blood even came out of his ears.

Jiang Ming was furious when he saw the blood. He hurt the black gas even more.

He then conjured spirit energy balls in his palm one after another and directly sucked in the black gas.

The moment the black gas was sucked in, the howls completely disappeared without a trace.

However, Xia Chenjing and Ling Yunxiao’s situation was not optimistic.

The source was cut off, but the damage was still there.

The monster was already satisfied. It mocked Jiang Ming. “Now that the people around you have become like this, what can you do even if you go and find the princess? I’m afraid she won’t be able to return. And can you really abandon the people around you? If you have the heart to do so, then I really have to hand it to you.”

Now that it had been beaten up by Jiang Ming, it could not use its magic power anymore, but it still did not want to let Jiang Ming have it easy.


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