283 Little Bra

A week later, Sabrina feel like herself again and she can move around as she want but Gabriel limited her. However, she wants to go back to work, so she stock a lot of milk for her baby and then feed her before leaving her little one with Gabriel. The two will surely enjoy their company without her.

She was hesitant to leave her baby because she was already used to being around her, feeding her and the anxiety of being away is making her feel nauseated. She kisses Athena and pouted.

"Just make it quick." He said.

"You just want me to leave so the two of you could party." She said and punch his abdominal. He groan a little. It wasn't that hard but Sabrina frown and lifted his shirt. "Go trim that!" She demanded. "That's the cause of stealing your daughter's milk." She scolded. Gabriel wanted to laugh. "Trim that when Athena is sleeping."

She glance at Athena with worried face then she glance at her husband. She can still monitor them. She smack his abdominal and then kisses his neck.

"Go trim that one."

"Yes, boss." He said and kiss her lips before releasing her.

Sabrina arrive with her usual outfit. Although she already gave birth, she still look lavishing in men's eyes. Her curve was even more perfect and beautiful, with her full breast and her whole body is just proportional to each other. People would say perfect. Whiskey, Tequila and Veronica is just at her sides and little behind her.

General came and walk with her as he show her the current state of EPUA. She frown a little but then she glance at her secretary who has been managing every transactions. She was too careful and she trusts no one but her own A-Special Agents. Jason submits other reports for her and somehow they found other people clean although they have their own personal stuffs to deal with.

There are two guards outside the double door of the conference room and they open it wide for her. The board members stood and salutes her. She walks with fame on her own throne, the red and gold swivel chair at the head of the wide and long glass table. Her team takes their seats as others follows. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

Her secretary takes the lead showing her the growth and the fall of finances and other incidents around the Philippines. Curiously, how did he manage to still although she left it and she forget all of her memories. Commander Whiskey cleared his throat and mutter at her. He quickly understand that curiosity on her face.

"It's your husband."

She wasn't that surprise at all. Her husband can do everything for her. She smirk a little and then lean on her chair.

"Let's proceed." She said. Board members that still haven't heard her voice was surprised. But everyone remain silent as they go on with their reports.

The assets she owns has increased and now it's time for her to distribute it to people who needs it. It's also time to increase their facility.

The director of finance is now presenting the amounts used. She creased her brows. Although they are used to the fact that she's a terror and very dangerous boss, they still sweat cold whenever she sees imperfections. But now she seemed too quiet that it makes her more dangerous.

She glanced at her clock. An hour had past and she wonders what her husband and little princess are up to.

"Give me specifications right now. I don't have time for your bullshits." She said in a very dangerous voice. Veronica bit her lip to hold herself from laughing. She was surely anxious right now for her baby and her husband.

So the Director of Finance said it all quickly presenting everything in summary just one paragraph with ten sentences. Then Director of Legal also said it all with one sentence, one after another.

She then, stood and her secretary followed her and then her squad. After they left the conference room, Veronica laugh out loud followed by Albert. The two laughed together and Jason frowns.

"Did you see the look on their faces?" Veronica asked Albert. Albert laugh out loud as he throw his arms on his shoulders.

"They look like they are going to shit in their panties."

All of them are males so why would he say panties? Jason thought to himself.

"I'll contact you through my Shadow when it's time for our own meeting." Sabrina said and then check her wrist watch. She pulled out her phone and start calling her husband. He's not answering at all and she's worried after calling him all over again and again. Then he called the house and after few rings, the butler answered.

"Where's my husband?"

"He's in Athena's room."

"Have you check then?"

"I checked then twenty minutes ago, they are both sleeping."


Jason put his hand over Sabrina's arm and squeeze it.

"You get anxious too much."

"Hailey will feel the same way after she give birth. You might also feel the same." She nudge him and Jason couldn't dodge it.

"Care to tell who Shadow is?"

Sabrina grinned and pushes his hand from her shoulder.

"I will send big gifts for your shotgun wedding." She winks. Jason exhales then look at Veronica.

"By the way, who gave my pass-code to Hailey's father?" He asked a little loud so Veronica would hear it. Veronica remain quiet looking innocent while Albert scratch his head.

"Who else knows your pass code? Isn't it Mark? Is he ghosting you or something?" Albert said.

"Don't you scare me with Mark's ghost. I will fucking kill him if he show up in front of me."

"He's dead." Veronica announced.

"Shut up, Veronica. I know that you are the one who gave it to Paul."

"Aren't you calling him, Dad?" Veronica asked with creased.

"You little—" Jason immediately run to her to give her a nice beating but Veronica was fast and laughed.

"What can you say? Our mastermind is great at match making."

Sabrina laugh and shook her head. She was indeed great at match making. That's why everything is according to her plan. To be exact, she manipulated it all but never thought that she would be able to give them happy life.

As long as they are happy, she is happy. But what is her husband and daughter is up to now? Although, Athena is just a few days old, she seemed to be growing up too fast and drank a lot of milk from her.

When Sabrina got home, she found her Husband lying on the small bed for Athena while the little one is on top of his chests. Both of them are sleeping soundly. Seemed to be unable to wake up. Sabrina scoffs. She's just away for three hours and the two surely get along well. Toys are around and diapers in the trash bin.

She move to the bed and kisses her husband's lips. But it didn't wake him up. Her husband is insomniac. He can't sleep soundlessly without her. Now, Athena seemed to be one of his cure. She also found a new bed which is her pillow. Gabriel's chest.

Sabrina kisses Athena and the little one move a little and stretches herself. She open her eyes with yawns. Adorable. Sabrina take a shower and put on her clothes quickly and found Gabriel with Athena on the bed, already awake. He pouted and she kisses his lips.

"She don't want milk in the bottle. She's hungry now."

"Okay." She said and took Athena to her arms.

"Then I can have the other?" Gabriel kisses her other breast and she giggles.

"Hubby, its reserved for your daughter."

"This little brat…" He mutter. "Husband owns it first." Sabrina laugh out loud.

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