Zachary opened his eyes when he felt that Andy sat up. He immediately sat up and watched her remove the IV from her hand. It bleeds from her and he hissed and grabbed her hand. He reached the tissue and covered it then the bandage.

"You need to eat." He said. She grabbed her hand and pushed the covers. She strode fast to the bathroom. He followed her and he made sure that she didn't lock the door. Once that she came out, she strode directly to bed.


 He reached the telephone to call the maids and to prepare food for her.

"Andromeda." He sat beside her and reached her head. "Don't be stubborn."

"Why?" She murmured to him. "Why do you have to do it with the woman that I detest most?" She murmured.

 He reached the glass of water and pull her up so she could drink. She only drank a little and she stared at him.

"Eat and we will talk." His phone rung and it's one of his men. He took it out to the balcony and answered it.

"Sir, she's been bailed out."

"Did you have the name?"

"The name is Baron Laurence. He's connected to Yves Kuznetsov."

"Where are they now?"

"They just left the country after I arrived at the airport."

 Zachary exhaled and clenched his fist.

"Okay. I'll let my wife have fun about that." He murmured dangerously and he recalled how she tried to kill his wife and she had set him up? He's so sure that someone in the hotel had helped her to get into his room.

 Now, he needed to find out who and will probably make him pay ten folds. He glanced at the bed where his wife is watching him. He will talk to her once that she had recovered. He strode to her and kissed her forehead.

"Did you remember what happened last night?" He asked. She looked away. He reached her face and make her face him. "Do you still love me?"

 She didn't answer and she looked away. Soon, their breakfast is settled at the balcony and he made sure that she will eat. He kept on typing on his phone with a frown. People in the company take his decision to take a vacation leave as a problem. His father will show-up since he had told him that he will take 2 months of vacation leave and if not—maybe three.

"Eat more." He told her. She wiped his lips and then she stood. She went to the bathroom and do her business. Zachary exhaled and patiently followed her. She came out and she faced him and slapped him.

 He massaged his jaw and accept it.

"When are you going to keep this up?" he asked her.

"I am not enough for you?" She asked with red eyes and tears started streaming from her cheek.

"Stop it." He said calmly. "You were the one who told me to do it."

"Yes! I said that you could do it but not with the bitch Allona!" She screamed at him and she stormed around and started breaking things as she remembered those things. She threw the vase in front of her with a scream.

"Why are you taking it back?" He asked, still calm and that's it. It hit her. It's her fault that she pursues the freedom card. Her heart nearly stopped, and her mind became blank. She exhaled and listen to her heart shattering loudly.

 She turned around slowly. It was too painful that she just wished to die. She remembers how Zach seemed to flirt back to Allona at the party and when she said that she left too early from bed and she's hornier in the morning. Why is this making her crazy? Then she thought of how she loses her child and how she found out that Allona set her up.

 She clenched her fist until her nails dug into her palm as it started bleeding. She stared at the broken vase in front of her. She felt more broken than the vase.

 Zach somehow read her mind. She's going to hurt herself again. Before she reached down the piece of a broken vase, Zachary caught her and hugged her tightly. He kissed her head murmuring her to stop.

"Get off!" She screamed at him and tried to restrain from his grip. When she couldn't, she broke into cries and sobbed. "I—I just wish that I died when I killed our baby…" She said softly. "Let me die, please..." She sobbed and she felt her knees on the floor, his arms still around her and he pulled her close to his chest. "Please, Zach…" She remembered how he left her, weak and broken. "In that way, I will never be a burden to you… This is just what I wished… Don't torture me."

"Don't ever hurt yourself again… It's killing me." Zach said softly and pressed his lips to her cheek.

There's a long silence and when she's calm. He started talking.

"I never had sex with anyone while I am married to you. It was all just a show. I wanted to break the freedom card that you gave to, so you won't ever mention it again. So, you'll be very territorial over me and you'll punch those women who tried to flirt me. I wanted the old you… which is always you. The Andromeda will never let any woman touched me.

"That night at the party, I was alone. Travis is having fun with his wife and other boys. I have the footage that I tried hard to get Allona off from me. I know that you wouldn't agree with my plan, but I have Fin with me. She's the one who gave me all the pictures and records from the clinic. Somehow, she had someone to spy on you and it wasn't just an easy man to detect. He's part of Yves's Empire. I don't want to burst out and kill Allona. I wanted to make sure that you are safe from your check-ups from shots. So, I have to talk to her and it wasn't just single information that I got." He pushed her gently and wiped her tears and make sure that her eyes are on him.

 He wiped off her tears and he pressed his lips and then he kissed her forehead.

"Allona wanted you to burst out. I was annoyed at you for lying to me that you couldn't have any baby, but I am not mad at you. If you thought that I had sex with Allona last night, you are wrong. I have a camera set up in the presidential room that I could only access. I don't know how she got there. I was drunk and alone when I went to bed. She got a lot of connections, love. I wanted to keep you safe. I was about to go to you and explain myself, but I got myself drunk." He exhaled. "I was too late, but not too late to save you."

"Andromeda, I love you so much that it hurts. Until now, it still hurts me to think that you are still blaming yourself for losing our baby. How long are you going to blame yourself?" He asked as a tear fall from his eyes. "When are you going to forgive yourself? Andromeda. I am done with the fucking freedom card. I want my Andy to be territorial and overprotective, like before." He chuckled and sniffled. "I have the footage and Fin as my witness." He wiped her tears and kissed her lips. "Baby, I can explain further."

 She wiped his tears and she hugged him tightly.

"I won't let you fuck anyone." She said. He smiled and held the back of her head.

"That's my girl."

"I will torture Allona."

"Good girl." He kissed her top head.

"Why didn't you mention anything?"

"I was pissed at you and that night that you came to the hotel—I was about to explain it all but it's too late. But it's never too late for a chance to have you back. I had missed you so much."

"I'm sorry." She shoved her face to his chest and started crying.

"Hey, don't be sorry. Okay? It's not your fault."

 She sniffled and nodded. Zach carried her to bed and make her drink water. She did and she thought that they would just snuggle together, but he made love to her over and over. Zachary sat up, to leave the bed and she watched him strode to the bathroom.

 His phone chimes on the corner and she reached it. She tapped the phone and she saw footage of Allona on the same dress that she's been on the party and she's being dragged by a man. She purred to the man that she thought to be Zachary. She didn't want to watch it. It's not Zach.

 Then there's a pop-up message from Fin.

"It's affirmative. Allona knows where the old Kuznetsov is."

"Zach!" She called and he came out of the bathroom and looked at her. "It's Fin." She said. He strode to her and reached the phone. "So, why didn't you tell me, again?"

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