Ellen opens her heavy eyelids and then she frowned at the little light coming from the curtains. She adjusts a little down and then snuggled to his side, under his arm, and rubbed his abdominal. She smiled when she realized that they are going to oversleep together, and she had a great time last night. Maybe they had slept after midnight.

"Hmm." She caressed his abdominal down to his shaft and just hold it.


         It started getting hard, but she doesn't care. She wanted to sleep more. Andel held her hand at from his shaft and moved it, leading her hand to stroke his.

"Baby girl, you have no idea what you just did."

         She opened her eyes and looked up at him innocently. He reached the lubricant from the corner and he pulled her hand away from his hard-on and he put an amount around it. She lay her back on the mattress to get ready.

         Andel made love to her and quick but it was enough to make her squirt. She stayed in the bed while he walked around naked as he gathered all the things that they had played with last night.

"So, are we going out?" She asked.

"Yes." He answered. She clutched the duvet to her body. It's just cold.

"Let's sleep more." She said and she patted the space behind her. He put it all in the drawer and he crawled over the bed to her. He spooned her and keep kissing her shoulder.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you, big bear." She snuggled to him and kissed his hand.


         Andy exhaled as she sipped on her wine. It's already noon and she's not feeling all well after Freya left the country. Steven is depressed but he managed to stay all day at the training center. But seeing Freya getting ambush and killed by the Eagle is making her anxious.

"Yeah—I need to wait." She murmured.


         She got startled and nearly fell from her seat. She glared at her husband with a guilty smile.

"Let's go out." He said cheerfully and he frowned at the glass of wine. "Tsk. Put that thing down. We will walk our babies outside! Now!" He demanded. She exhaled and put away her drink.

         She stood from her seat and strode to her. He grabbed her neck and locked it to his arm.


"Why are you drinking at this hour?" he gritted his teeth. She pouted at him and hugged his waist tightly. "Sober up because they are waiting."

"Okay! Where are we going?"

"Somewhere relaxing. Maybe an amusement park."


         Andel put his cap on and then he parked his car on the vacant spot. Ellen took the cap that is matched with his and then she took her denim jacket and put it over the dress that she's wearing. He checked around and then he turned off the engine and took out the keys and told her to wait inside.

         He checked the perimeter as he hopped out of the car and walk around. Then he opened the car door for her. He helped her out and told her to wear a facemask since it's too crowded. He also put a black matching facemask and he closed the car door and locked it.

         He put his arms around her as they walk to the entrance. She tucked her hand to the back of his pockets, and she looked so small around his arm, yet she felt protective. Their first ever normal date. She's too excited to spend their weekend together and going on dates.

"I love it here. I love you." She said looking up at him.

"I love you more, baby girl." He kissed her cap and they line up to pay for the entrance.

         It didn't take long when they were already inside. They started with firing the cans. She wasn't good at it but Andel is and then he fired it all and make the owner frowned. She clapped her hands and he took the big brown bear and gave it to her.

         He bent down and patted her head. She hugged the bear tightly. She's so adorable and just like a kid. Maybe he had missed her teenage moments and he's just dating her at this time. They had few rides and she enjoyed each of them including the ice cream and cotton candy. Ellen never had a date like this in her life. Maybe she got boyfriends back then and they treat her well, but no one ever treats her like a princess like Andel does.

"What else do you want to do?" Andel asked and he took her wrist and check if her watch is working well.

         He pulled out his phone to check if it's connected. In case that she got lost, he can always track her.

"We can go to a hotel." She grinned at him. He chuckled and pinched her cheek.

"Okay. But are you sure that you don't want to try other rides? Or perhaps we could eat first?"

         They suddenly stop when a dog started barking and they looked down at the corgi who started barking at Ellen and wiggling his tail. Her eyes widen and she shoots a look at Zachary who is searching for the corgi.

"It's King." She said and her heart races.

"Go, hide." Andel took the dog to shut it since King also recognized him. The corgi started licking his face and Ellen hides on the corner putting the big bear in front of her to cover her face from her brother.

         Andy approached them and cover Ellen from Zachary's sight. She held their laces tightly.

"Thank—" Zachary frowned and checked Andel. "You bastard!" He punched Andel's arm and crossed his arms. "How long have you been here in the Philippines?" He asked.

"Well, not that long." He said and give King back to him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and looked at him from head to toe. He disguised so well.

"I am unwinding. Can't relax dude?"

"Okay. Go with us. We are going to eat lunch." He said and grabbed the collar of his coat.

"I can't." Andel pouted at him acting so adorable but Zachary shuddered.

"Stop that. I don't like it when you acted that way."

"But I can't… Oppa." He sounded like Korean girls and Zachary exhaled shakily and stepped back from him. Andy started laughing. "However, we can still go to the hotel… Oppa." He smacked Zachary's arm lightly and flirtatiously. Andy laughed more and hold her stomach.

"Get away from me!" Zachary shooed him away. "I won't ask you. Just get-away." He took Andy's hand and pull her. "Love let's go. Andel is freaking me out."

"I was in Korea for like—months." He lied. "Haven't you missed me, Oppa." He bit her lip and acted like a girl with a long hair as he imaginary tuck his hair at the back of her ear.

         Zachary cursed in ten different languages and Andel laughed.

"I am on a secret mission." Andel winked at him. "You two must go." He looked around for Ellen, but he can't find his baby girl who's holding a big bear.

"Okay. I'll see you around?" Zachary hesitated to leave. "Andel, we need to catch up a few things," Zachary said.

"Okay. I'll contact you." He hugged Zachary and kissed his cheek playfully. Andy laughed and held her mouth. Zachary wiped his cheek and pushed him.

"Yeah." He took the laces of the dogs from Andy and they left.

         Andel exhaled and started looking around for the girl that is holding a big bear. He checked his phone and he's somewhere a few meters away. He followed the direction of her location. He's getting crazy. It led him to the bathroom and Ellen is lining up.

         Andel immediately pulled her and make her face to him.

"Why did you leave?" He said nearly scowling him.

"Sorry. I need to pee." She bit her lip acting so innocent. He exhaled and looked around. She hugged him squeezing the big bear between them. He kissed her top head and adjust her cap.

"Okay, I'll wait here." He took the big bear and let her line up for the bathroom.

         He waited and keep glancing as his clock and then observing around. Soon, Ellen came out and pull out a hand sanitizer and almost washed it to her hand. He adjusts her facemask and he took her hand as he held the bear on the other.

"Are we going to eat?" She asked him.

"Let's eat at the hotel. We can't bump to your brother." He said as he pulled her close to him protectively.

         He hates bringing her in this kind of crowds. The only way he could keep her safe is to isolate her. But she got her freedom and although he wanted to do it for her—still it's bad for her health.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as he led her to the parking lot.

"A little."

"I already book a luxury hotel for our honeymoon." He murmured to her ear. She giggled and hugged him tightly.

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