Dmitri locked the whole rest house and took only a single bag as he went to the boathouse where his wife is waiting. He turned on the engine of the speedboat and warm it up first. Then he reached her hand and carefully helped her to the boat. He took the life vest and put it on her.

"Are you ready?" He asked and smiled at her.


"More than ready." She adjusted her shades on and he drove the speedboat to the mainland where their chopper is waiting for them.

     Once that they reached the mainland, a car is waiting and then the driver drove them to the main resort where there's a helipad and their chopper is on standby. It takes at least two hours for them to reach the main city.


     Dmitri checked the status of the Eagle Empire and they are offering a lot of jobs to people. Well, he doesn't care at them for a moment and he cares more about is Agatha and their baby. Agatha is confirmed pregnant just a week ago and he immediately settled a check-up for her. Then, later will be dinner with the family.

     She's swinging their intertwined hand. She's been so happy after she took three pregnancy tests last week. He smiled at her as she twirled around with his hand holding hers.

"Honey, you should be careful." He pulled her to him, and she almost shoved to his chest. She smiled up at him and tiptoed as she reached his lips. They stop walking and he kissed her again. "What do you want to eat?" He asked as he wrapped her arm around her and they walked again.

"Hmm… I am craving for grilled beef and dumplings…" He reached her stomach as they walked toward his very own Asian Restaurant. "Oh! I also want Bibimbap…"

     When they entered the restaurant, the host bowed at them and lead them to the middle where the chefs are cooking. There are only a few people in the early lunch and soon there will be more. So, he put an apron as he pulled a seat close to their kitchen.

     The chefs ready all the ingredients and he started with the dumplings that have been ready last night. They are already steaming it and he makes a spicy beef steak since she loves spicy foods. It didn't take long, and he kept glancing at her who watched him the entire time.

     He didn't just prepare some Korean and Chinese food for her but also Japanese cuisine. He prepared a tray of sushi and a plate of Tonkatsu. It has been prepared a while ago and they served the foods in front of her. She licked her lip as it was served to her. She looked up at him as he wiped off his sweat and sat down in front of her.

     She sipped on the water and she pointed the dumpling. He reached the chopstick and feed it to her. She hummed and nodded. Then, she pointed out the Tonkatsu. He took a slice of it and feed it to her. Her appetite grows and she started eating on her own. Dmitri has never been satisfied seeing her eat a lot.

     He had starved and steal from the market just to eat food. His childhood is thrilling. And if Alexandro didn't come to rescue him—he might not be this big time in life.

     He stopped smiling when a man entered the door with three bodyguards with him and the other one seemed to be his secretary. He glared at it and the man wandered around the restaurant He withdrew his glare and smiled at Agatha.

"I love all these foods." She murmured. "Damn," she looked down at her stomach. "I hate to get fat." She pouted at him. He reached the tissue and wiped her mouth.

"You aren't fat. You are sexy as hell and I wouldn't like it if you starve yourself."

"I won't starve myself." She reached the red tea juice and sipped on it.

"Good." His phone chimes and hers as well. He checked it to find an adorable baby sent by Selina. She stopped eating and checked her phone.

"Wow!" Agatha said with wide eyes.

"Luna already gave birth," Dmitri said with a smile as he admired the baby boy.

"Kale Stevenson Smith." She read the name. "We should name our baby then."

     He glanced at the man in a suit as he talked to the host. They choose a table across them. Dmitri tried not to look at them and ignored them, but the man kept on watching Agatha as she talked to him.

"We'll talk about it." He said and then reached another dumpling to feed it on her. He put down the chopstick and then he looked at Adrian Lebedov who admired his wife from afar. Adrian met his eyes and his eyes become fiercer.

"I think I want a spicy chicken wings for dinner." She murmured as she continues eating. Dmitri faced her with a smile and nodded.

"I'll settle that. Where do you want to go after this?" He asked.

"Let's go to Stan, I want to see his baby."

"Okay." He nodded and then he called his driver to pick them up in an hour.

"It's a nice restaurant," Adrian said to his secretary. "Meet with the owner." He told.

     Dmitri smirked as he heard it. Then he smiled genuinely to his wife. He helped his wife finished the food and then she covered her mouth and burp a little. They stayed for ten minutes and then, she finally said that they can leave.

     He asked for a can of soda and he helped her up. He took her purse. The waiter immediately gave the can of soda. They walked out of the restaurant and he opened the soda for her. She sipped on it and then she burped loudly and caressed her stomach.

"Wow, I am satisfied." She said with a big smile.

"Good to know." He kissed her lips and then he finished half of the soda. He looked at Adrian from the glass door whose eyes are on them. He put his arm around her possessively as their car came. The driver walked around and open the door for them.

"Who's the guy a while ago?" She asked.

"Nobody." He said with a smile. She frowned at him.

"He kept on watching me like I was a movie."

"He's—my rival." He said and he patted her head. "Don't worry. He didn't know that yet and I will protect you from him."

     She snuggled to his chest and closed her eyes.

"If you say so." She yawned and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I suddenly feel sleepy."

     His hand fell to her stomach while his other hand held her head.

"Just sleep."


     Adrian chuckled. He didn't expect that Agatha's husband would detect him. He might've known him already but why isn't he that scared? Was it because he's an adopted son of Mondragon? Or he's Lady Agatha's husband? He doesn't seem to be fazed at all. Too bad, he liked Agatha so much and she looked so beautiful a while ago. Agatha doesn't deserve such a bastard.

"So, you found the owner of this restaurant?" He asked his Secretary.

"I gave them my calling card, sir. They didn't mention any owner. The manager said that they aren't interested in any franchising."

     Adrian frowned. Did they just rejected by them? He barely got rejected for two months. After he had moved in here, whenever they see their company logo—they would almost bow down. Well, except for Mondragon and Pattinson and there's also Lawson who doesn't care about his business. But anyway, it's just a restaurant.

     But as people flow inside—it wasn't just a restaurant at all. People are lining up outside already.

"This isn't just the restaurant here sir. I think there's another restaurant that had a tie with this one."

"Search for the owner of this restaurant." He said and finished his food. Everything he ate is wonderful. Maybe he might've offered the chefs from here to work with him.

     Each of them is somehow good looking and had a great skill in cooking. They look rather, professionals. It wasn't just that. Each of the food that they serve is full of art. He's amazed at them.

"Maybe we should start with the Chefs. Offer them something that they couldn't resist." He told him. He's confident that they would have all of the Chefs from this restaurant.


     Dmitri wasn't mistaken as he listened to his manager about the man that offers him a business card and wanted to know who the owner was. He declined it all. Adrian will probably make a new step. Since all his Chefs are very skilled and professional, he knew that he would make a move on them.

     Dmitri didn't just hire them at all. They were once like him. They are his reserved people and they are not just skilled in cooking.

     He hung up from the manager and then called the Head Chef. He answered it immediately.

"Yes, Sir?"

"The Russian guy—that's our subject. He will soon make a move to you."

"Understand." He murmured. Then he hung up.

"What was that?" Agatha muttered as she yawned. He put her head back to his chest and kissed her top head.

"I was just talking to my Chef love."

"Oh." Her hand fell to his crotch and he groaned. She wasn't aware of it. He reached her hand and hold it.

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