Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 310 - Crazy Pregnant Women Part 3

Zachary rubbed his sleepy eyes to check the complaint messages of Fin and Stanley from their private group chat. He laughed at how they spoil their women despite their craziness during pregnancy. He glanced at Andromeda who is sleeping like a baby. His very own baby. He bent down to kiss her forehead.

He sighed. If she's only pregnant, she might be crazier than the two pregnant women. Then, his phone chimes again as James join the conversation. He also shared how Natalie keep on crying over something. She's very emotional at everything. She cried over the bird that landed on their room that got hurt.


He laughed a little and then looked down at his wife. Well, she promised him that they are going to build their own family. That includes babies. So, if she's ready, she will take a test to see if she could get pregnant again. Then, if not—they must at least try and try.


Freya kept on eating like a pregnant woman with Luna. Steven gaped at her appetite. Yeah, he hasn't fed her well. Besides, Stanley's cooking is so much better than his. Stanley looked at Freya and to him.

"Are you sure that you aren't pregnant?" Stanley asked Freya. Freya frowned at him.

"Hell no! It's because of the damn pills that I am taking." She scolded. "Damn those pills." She murmured.

"That explains," Luna said. "I also have a big appetite back then when I am taking pills. That's why I get fat and Stanley would look other asses." Luna sneered at him. Stanley is a little surprised. He never did that. Well—maybe once or twice.

"Babe! I just glanced at them. No one compares to you. Okay?" He fed her more.

"But still you look at them."

"Ugh." He looked up and exhaled. "Luna, I was thinking of you when I looked at them."

"Oh, really?" She said sardonically.

"Okay… I am done with this discussion." He muttered. Luna ignored him and continue eating.

"This is fun to watched," Freya whispered to Steven who agreed with her.


Dmitri sat down on the bamboo made sofa and she straddled to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she snuggled to his neck. She yawned. She's been feeling so sleepy these past three days. He bit his lip to avoid grinning like an idiot. He's been working her out in bed and everywhere on the beach and she would end up losing her energy.

He turned on the television to watch the news about the cure that will soon be in the market. People reached in anti-bodies are donating their blood. Soon enough, the lockdown will be over. But still, he doesn't want her to get exposed. Soon enough, she will get pregnant and he needed to add up something for her security. Now that Adrian Lebedov visited Stanley and he thinks that he wouldn't just go after Selina but to Agatha.

At this moment, they are probably planning on killing him just to take his wife. But that's not going to happen. He will let them underestimate him. He will finish them all. He needs to. Not only because Eagle killed his family but there's Agatha. The love of his life and she is his life. Soon, they will have a baby and he will not risk them again.

"I will let you rest my love." He murmured to her ear. "Later, you know our activity."

She giggled that vibrates through his body.

"I know. I won't get tired of our activity. But now… I am super sleepy."

"Sleep tight." He lay down on the sofa with her on top of him. He watched the television to sink in information about the update of the pandemic.


Natasha reached the small vacuum to clean up the mattress and a few specks of dust around. She sneezed from the dust and James came up and frowned at her.

"Did you forgot to wear the mask?" he opened the drawer and put a mask on her. "You need to wear them when you wanted to clean something." He scolded.

"Sorry." She adjusted the mask.

"The maid can do that." He took the vacuum away.

"It's fine. I don't have anything to do."

James sighed. Well, he's letting his wife do whatever she wanted to do for her not to get bored. He put down the vacuum and hugged her from behind as he strokes her stomach. She smiled. The bump isn't that visible but soon enough it will grow bigger since it's twins.

"Let the dusting to the maids. How about we go out and have a walk around the area?"


James took her out to their wide forest-like garden. He then took her to the biggest tree and smiled at her.

"I am planning a treehouse here for our twins."

"I think that's great." She nodded.

"And, I am getting a male secretary." He told.

"But, what about your female secretary?" She frowned.

"I am transferring her to other departments. Her skills are more needed for that. She's going to level up."

"And I am still your assistant, right?" She smiled just to make sure of her work to him. He reached her face.

"I don't need an assistant. I need a wife more." He kissed her lips.

"Oh—wait." She frowned at him.

"I don't want you to work for me anymore. I want you to stay with our children." James reached her face. "Darling, I know that it's hard. But you are Mrs. Mondragon. I am safe with you. You assist me with everything, and I admire that. But you know that it will be hard for me to requests something about work."

She sniffled. She's crying again. James sighed.

"Darling. It's not like that. You can work after labor and when our babies are old enough."

"You are firing me?" She started crying.

"No." he hugged her. "You are my secretary and assistant enough while I am working. But I want to spoil you more. I don't want you to get stressed overwork. Just focus on our babies. I will take care of everything."

"But I still want to assist you with the schedules and communications." She wiped her tears and snots.

James had it wrong. Damn it. He kissed her forehead.

"Okay. How about—you can do whatever you want but you must promise not to get hurt and get stress. It's for our babies. Okay?"

She nodded at him.

"I'll let you work a little. Just a little."

She pouted at him. Damn it. He loves that pouts. He kissed her lips. He glanced at his clock. Well, fuck work. He finished it for the week, and he needed to spoil her. He carried her gently and she wrapped her arms around him and shove her face to his neck.

"Don't fire me. Okay?"

"Darling. No one is firing you. You are Mrs. Mondragon. Understand?"

"Are you scolding me?" She sniffled and looked up at him with teary.

"Baby, no." He sighed. Damn, it's harder than he thought. Damn those hormones.

He entered the room and the maids already tidy up everything in a short time. Then he put her down to the bed and removed her slippers.

"Stay." She adjusted a little to give him space.

He went to the small cabinet and pull out the glass bottle. He gave it to her so she could hydrate. He then removed his clothes leaving his boxers and he pulled the covers and lay beside her. She put away the glass bottle and admire his sexy body. She pillowed on his chest and hugged him tightly.

"James, I will get fatter…"

"You are still as sexy as hell in my eyes." He kissed her forehead. She pouted at him. "I love you." He kissed her nose. "So, whatever in that big mind of yours… don't let it eat your happiness."

"I love you too." She kissed his lips. He froze and stared at her beautiful tantalizing eyes. Did she just say it? He's been eager to hear her say it. He pulled her tightly and kissed her top head. She wasn't that good at words and he knows that she loved him.

"I love you." He said it again and just as he thought, he heard the sweetest response.

"I love you more."

"Baby, you are just making me horny."

She giggled and gently caressed his abdominal down to his hard one. She bit her lip as she looked up at him.

"I am trying to hold myself."

"I want you, too. Don't hold it."

"I am trying not to crush our babies."

"You won't crush them. We already had talked about this. The doctor even said that it's good, but we must use safe positions."

James admired her beautiful face first and then he sat up and she did as well. He helped her removed her dress and since she's not wearing any bras, it's easy for him to remove the last cover that's getting on their way. He looked down at the small bump that is growing. He's glad that he found her. He kissed her forehead.

"You ready?" He grinned at her. She nodded at him.

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