Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 302 - The Rise Of Phoenix Part 2

         The small wedding went well, and Agatha and Dmitri are kissing like the are already in bed making love. Andromeda rolled her eyes and just clapped her hand. The small wedding was in her grandfather's big garden and they have a long table for the whole family. Kathleen on the corner is frowning and glared at Moira who is talking with her father.

         They didn't know that Moira and Edmond are blood-related and Alanis is joining the conversation like they knew each other for long. Edmond only looked at Kathleen disappointedly and she knows that it makes her pissed.


         Everybody is there and Dmitri's brothers which are her dad and uncle and then her aunts are there congratulating him and treating him like he's their baby brother. Steven and Stanley keep calling him uncle and Agatha Aunt. She frowned at them, but Dmitri only laughed.

"So, it's seemed that they are enjoying everything." Zachary sand and kissed her lips. "You look so beautiful today."

"Thank you. I always look beautiful." She frowned at him. He laughed and kissed her forehead.

"Yeah… I love it more when you wore nothing at all." He murmured to her ear and she pinched his sides.

         Dmitri admired his wife wearing a white vintage style dress. It suited her well and she looked so stunning. Everyone seemed to be having a great time and drinking with distances. Old men are happy and even James and his pregnant wife Natalie are there with a young man.

"Congratulations," James said with his wife in his arm. "Shall I call you Uncle, then?" James asked playfully. Dmitri laughed.

"Just call me Dmitri. I think Agatha doesn't want to be called Aunt."

"Yeah. Piss off, James." She said and rolled her eyes.

"We haven't got that bachelor and bachelorette party," James said and then reached his wife's stomach. "Start making babies. The old might will probably be celebrating every day."

"We already started our honeymoon." Dmitri winked.

"I think we need another celebration for that. Babies keep on coming." James said and glanced at Selina and Luna.

"Don't worry, we will have babies soon," Agatha said and her hand caressed his lower abdomen.

"I think everybody can't wait to having babies." Andromeda approached them. "But I think we should go back to our tables with designated names on it." She nodded at Steven who is currently handling the ceremony.

"I wonder where's Ellen," Agatha asked Andromeda. Zachary has been wanting to ask that. He called Ellen many times, but she said that she's somewhere in Region Five and it's safer there than the city.

         Zach just told her to be careful and he confirmed that she's safe. He still doesn't know who she is with. What if the man is a psychopath? He thought that Andromeda knows the man and she's not telling it. He went to his grandfather.

"Grandpa, I think Ellen is in danger." He said. His grandfather looked away.

"Nonsense, she's fine." He said and waved him off. He frowned and crossed his arms.

"Don't tell me that you know who she was with?"

"Ellen is safe. If she's somewhere isolated, then she's safer from the virus. You should worry more about your brothers. Percy is still in his house for self-quarantine and Andrew is nowhere. Call Andrew and asked him about his location."

"Andrew is safe," Zachary said. He just called him a while ago. He couldn't make it afraid that he might have the virus since Percy caught it. They partied together and go in the crowds together and he said that he had a mild of it. After his self-quarantined, he gets well and he's currently sanitizing his place.

"Good. This isn't just a wedding." He muttered. Zachary frowned.

"Phoenix is rising." He grinned and then looked at the Old Mondragon who agreed with him.

         Zachary exhaled. So, the purpose of the wedding is to raise the flat of the Phoenix? Now that Dmitri is married and soon will have kids, he also has heirs or heiresses coming up. Then Fin had his own and everyone is having their kids… but what about him? He glanced at Andromeda who is enjoying the wine and eating while talking to Moira about some things.

"Give me grandchildren." Manuel patted him. Zachary strode to Andromeda and sat beside her.

"Love," Zachary kissed her temple.

"You should eat. The chicken buffalo is great."


         Freya stayed at the corner as she kept typing on her phone. She looked at Steven who is now hosting the celebration and then to Dmitri. She must make a move secretly. She needed to protect her family. Phoenix is Rising. That's what Dmitri texted to them. Fin is ready. He already contacted his people in Japan.

         After the crisis, he will send a few of his people to protect Selina and then Agatha. Heirs and Heiresses are important to them. Their secret movement should be remained as discreet and she can't risk their wives getting involve in this war. They are hoping for their blood.

         She stayed in the corner checking the movement in Manhattan to Pennsylvania. She bolted when an arm wrapped her around her and if it wasn't for his smell and his voice, she would've broken the man's arm.

"Babe, why are you here in the corner? Everyone is practically eating yet you are here in the corning and keep tapping on your phone. What is it?" He asked.

"It's just minor problems." She murmured. He pulled her to her seat and then she joined the celebration. She glanced at Kathleen who is trying to blend in with people but somehow, she felt envious because everyone has someone with them. It's like a couple of feasts. She and her mother are frowning.

         Steven stood and reached the champagne glass as he clinked it with the fork.

 "Now, for our main event. Grandpas are going to twerk with their sons." Steven announced. Grandchildren cheered and Aaron and Edmond glanced at each other and asked Dmitri. Dmitri only winked and they groaned.

"Music!" Steven pointed Owen who is operating the music and play "Twerk It Like Miley"

         The old men stood and raise their handed and moved their hips slowly. They demanded their sons to stand and dance with them. Andromeda started laughing. Dmitri clapped his hands and Aaron and Edmond grabbed Dmitri to dance since he's also Alexandro's son.

         He waved at them and shook his head but when it comes to the chorus he did dance sexily in a very masculine way. Moira is using her robot to film everything and to show it to Ellen and Andel live.

         Andromeda was about to stand to twerk as well, but Zachary held her and told her not to do it. She pouted at him and he pulled her to his lap and threatened her.

"You know what will happen if you do that."

         While the music keeps going, Alexandro grabbed Alanis and Zachary from their seat. Andromeda pushed Zach to dance. Selina also did it to Fin and Steven and Stanley joined as they dance in a very masculine way. Moira kept on laughing and told Owen to keep it playing.

         Men are looked like ready to strip. Zachary seduced Andromeda as he dances like a macho dancer. Andy stood and turned to him as she twerks her butt to his crotch. He groaned and grabbed her waist to stop her.

         Everybody and the old men get tired of dancing a lot and they went to their seats. Dmitri removed his coat and then his bowtie and Agatha wiped off his sweats. Agatha has never enjoyed such an event. Even her father danced with them. This is the wedding that she wanted. Simple and limited only for family and they enjoy the bonding so much.

         She looked at Andromeda who makes it happen. She hugged Dmitri and looked up at him.

"I didn't know that you dance so seductively." She said. He laughed and kissed her forehead.

"Baby, we need to celebrate this and enjoy this as much as we wanted until it lasts. Because you are Mrs. Black."

"Are we going to our house?" She asked him.

"No. We are going somewhere you would love more." He murmured to her ear. "Ready your bikini, okay?" He winked at her.

"What?" She was baffled. He reached her hand and caressed the beautiful carved of ruby stone with Phoenix's signature around the ring.

"We have a private island. We will have our honeymoon there for months until the end of quarantine. Then, we will go back to give them the good news."

"Really?" She can't be more excited.

"Yes." He nodded. "Everything is settled, and we are leaving tonight."

"Really?!" She can't be more excited.

         He glanced at Freya who nodded and called someone then she stood and glanced at Kathleen who was watching her. She rose her brows and Kathleen looked away. Well, they should be more cautious because the Dragon Empire has lots of snakes around.

         They escorted Agatha and Dmitri to the helipad of their grandfather's house. A chopper is sitting there, and Freya will drive it. Steven frowned and looked at her.

"You know how to fly it?" He asked.

"Yeah." She said like it's normal for them. She grabbed his nape. "I am a Phoenix and we know how to fly." She kissed his lips and he nodded.

"I'm coming with you. I'll be your co-pilot then."

         She didn't reject him. They started waving to bid them goodbye and best wishes when they come back.

         Agatha can't be more ready. She's ready to be his wife and she's ready for the adventure that she's going to face as a Phoenix's wife.

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