Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 247 - Secret Engagement Part 2

    Ellen watched as Andel sealed his promise to her. To marry her for the rest of his life. Andel kisses his hand and then he stretched his legs to boost himself up and kissed her lips. She can never be happier in her life. Andel made his promise. 

"Thank you," Ellen muttered as her eyes glittered with tears. 


"For what?" He asked as he wiped her tears away. 

"Thank you for keeping your promise." She said and scooped his face. 

"I never break a promise, baby." He kissed her nose and he stood. "Let's eat." He nodded at the caretakers and they left to another table. They are left alone. 

    Ellen kept looking at the beautiful design of the ring. It's unique and she never saw such a beautiful stone and the detailed design of the ring. 

"You are probably wondering… I draft the design of the ring. I was thinking of you." 

    Ellen looked up at him and bit her lower lip. 

"I told you. I will give you the perfect ring. I want to work with effort in everything that I give to you." He kisses her ring. "So, don't be sad whenever I am away." 

"You don't have to. Your presence is enough for me." 

"I know." He said and smiled at her tightly. "That's why I wanted to work hard." 


"Don't worry my darling. Once that everything is settled. I will stay with you and work from home so I can serve you." 

"You don't need to serve me." She pouted at him. "You know what I want. You are enough." 

"Baby, you can't let me stop from doing all of the efforts to please you." 


    Andromeda dreams of a beautiful paradise again. She wanted to stay there with nice animals. However, her life wasn't there at all. It was a dreamy place. She woke up from the dream and got startled when the shadow that she's been seeing is just right in front of her. 

    She put the gun into safety and then she looked up at her. Still, she couldn't recognize her face or see it. 

"Can you at least give me a hint before you appear in front of me?" She muttered and stood. 

"You need to leave this place." She said in a hush and quick way. 

"Why?" She asked with a little frown. 

"Your husband might be deceived by someone who is obsessed with him." She said in a very soft voice. The person knelt one knee and moved her face closer to her. Her eyes dilated and she almost couldn't believe herself. "I am you." She could now see her face. 


"I am you, Andromeda." 

    Then the person vanished in front of her. She put down the gun and washed her face with her hand. She's delusional. Why is she seeing herself talking to her? Why? Is it that shadow all the time? What's with the warning?   

    She got startled when someone just jumped in front of her. 

"We need to go!" Freya said quickly. She immediately stumbled and gathered her things without leaving anything. Then they left the treehouse in five minutes. "Put your masks on." 

    Walking back to the main road, Andromeda still couldn't understand herself. She might be a delusion and her family is delusional? No. It's just a dream. She's just dreaming while she's conscious. 

"What's wrong?" Moira asked her and then she gave her water. She sipped on the cold water and then sighed. Sweat streamed down her neck. 

"I just saw this shadow or the silhouette these past few days and she's coming closer. Until a while ago, I was facing her." She said with a sigh. 

"What does she look like?" Fin asked.

"She looks like—" She paused and looked at him. "She's actually me. I don't know why half of my consciousness is awake while I am unconscious. She warned me about the woman who is obsessed with my husband." 

"It will be a little crazy, but I saw your husband get kidnapped after his bodyguards had been shot by a tranquilizer. That's what I saw a while ago. And then, I saw how we got caught up by Kuznetsov's men at this moment." She lifted her gun and shot a person that has been spying on them. 

    Fin's eyes widened and frowned. 

"Why didn't you warn us?" 

"It's too quick." Freya ran and they followed her. Moira is running backward, and Andromeda twisted her body a little sideways and they circle to be at each other's back. 

    Moira used her arrow and shot a man, the Russian guy. Freya who is in front used two handguns and started shooting without missing any head. Andromeda is back on track. She's focusing although they are surrounded. 

    They stopped and there are a lot more of them. 

    They started talking in Russian and they know what they are talking about. 

"They might be treasure hunters. Capture them. Don't kill them yet." Their leader said aloud in the Russian language. 

    They stopped when they heard a signal of a bird. Then another answered after another. Andromeda smirked and Fin put down his gun and sighed then he smiled. Then suddenly five men collapsed on the ground with a red pin on their neck. 

    Then few more showered and when the leader pointed the gun to the direction where one of the tribe members is hiding, Moira immediately shot the man's wrist as the sharp arrow shoved to his wrist. He wails and they point their gun to them. 

    Andromeda started firing without missing anyone. Moira has the greatest marksman as she shot them right through their heart. They run off quickly. Outnumbering them will take years for them to recover back to their work. They should at least stop them or delay them from finding it. 

    Once those people retreated, Fin and Andromeda signed them. They clench their fist and bring it to their chest where their heart is located and bow at them. The Chief of the tribe showed up with the fancy feather headdress and did the same. 

    They were escorted back to their vehicles and they left the jungle quickly. 

    Fin is driving while the girls held their guns ready for any ambush. It didn't take long when they reached the inn nearby. They checked in and soon enough, Andromeda's people will be there shortly. They take a bath, eat and rest. After a few minutes, an ordinary car arrived to pick them up. Arriving at the airport, a big private jet is sitting on the departure. 

"Al!" Moira shouted and dropped her bags as she ran to the tall man standing ten meters away. She jumped into him, automatically wrapped her legs around him and then started kissing him. 

    Freya snorted while Fin and Andy looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. They approached Alanis and walked passed them as they climbed up the jet plane. Andy rolled her eyes as Alanis walked to the stairs, while he's carrying her. 

Moira reached the ground and walked up first as Alanis followed.  They settled inside and the attendant served them foods and drinks. It didn't take long when the plane departed and they relax and have a nice mimosa and mojito. 

"So, you saw how it happens?" Andromeda asked Freya. 

    Freya's brows are creased. Her ears are itchy from the couple's moaning, giggling and whatever noisy kisses it was. 

"I saw it while I was sleeping." She muttered. "Yesterday, they lost a lot of men and they probably will stop the operation and lay low a little since the tribe is declaring war to them." 

"Yes, they are the legendary Draak Stam or Dragon Tribe. They rarely show up to other tribes and they lived away from the crowd. Although they aren't the largest tribe, they are still the strongest tribes for years." 

"I never heard of this before," Freya said and sipped on her mojito. 

"Yes, they have been washed from the history book. They only exist in the story that has been passed by generations to generations. Draak Stam only showed up whenever they were needed to, yet rarely. It's good that they've been only known as a legend. It's for their safety and for the paradise that they are protecting." 

"I think they are protecting something inside that paradise." 

"Yes, it's not just the treasure." Andy looked out the open window of the plane and watched the island getting smaller and smaller. "They don't need golds or gems." She muttered. "The Chief of Draak told me one thing. 'U is die Profesie' which means 'You are the Prophecy'. So, I take it as a big responsibility." 

"It's quite heavy, you know," Freya muttered. "It all starts there anyway. It's where we got our visions and it's where our family unites for the upcoming future." She said softly. 

"Draak gives us time." Fin join the conversation. "It's not yet our time to stay there for long. I think there is more to happen in this world than we expected." 

"Silent and simple war," Andromeda muttered. "The thing that's happening now might be something going on between the war of China and America. The virus can be made by scientists… don't you think?" 

    Freya stared at her glass. Andromeda is right. China and Russia are known to make chemicals and bombs. The virus that has been viral at this moment might be part of the heat between the two countries and the civilians are going to pay for it by suffering and dying. 

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