Ellen stayed at her new restaurant and baked a dark chocolate cake for tomorrow's valentine's day. She smiled and check her menu for new foods that she's going to prepare for their date tomorrow. It's valentine's and their first valentine's celebration. She stored it on her fridge and sealed it. Then she left the restaurant and let the manager do the job on securing the whole place.

         Her driver is waiting outside, and she stepped into her car and told them to drive him back to the penthouse. They escorted her to her old penthouse. Then they left. She went to her walk-in closet and smiled at the red dress that she prepared for him.


         She then peeked on the red bunny outfit for their night. She giggled and couldn't help but get excited. Her phone started ringing and she opened it and answer Andel's call.

"Hi, baby!" He murmured.

"Hey. Are you coming home now?"

"I will be a little late. But I'll be with you soon enough before you know it."

"Okay! I'll wait for you. Uhm, are you still going to the office tomorrow?"

"Yeah. But I will be early. My boss gave me half a day to work. We got half of the day and the whole night until day breaks."

         She giggled and went to her bed and roll and hugged the teddy bear that he gave to her.

"He won't be in the office since he promised something to his wife. So—I have plenty of time to be with you."

"Okay! I can't wait." She muttered.

"Where are you now?"

"I am in my penthouse. I am just checking, and the maid will be here later to clean the whole penthouse. I'll be home later."

"Hmm. I can't wait to be home."

"I just missed you, big bear."

"I missed you, my baby."

"Just come home. I am horny." She said sexily. Andel cleared his throat from the other line.

"Okay. Uh, baby. I need to go. I am restraining myself to rush there."

         She giggled and give him noisy kisses.

"Okay, bye!"

         She was ready for the whole weekend. She already went to the spa yesterday for wax and laser and she continued her yoga. She sighed and put her phone on the corner. She stayed in bed until she fell asleep.


         Andel left the office early, change his outfit and rushed to her Aunt's mansion. His father is present and Andromeda is wearing a red dress together with her mother and James's wife Natalie. They looked close to each other and he kissed each of them on the cheek.

"I will just get a few flowers." He muttered to Andy. "From your mom's garden."

"Oh." Andy glanced at her husband who is laughing with James and she nodded.

"And I need something to please my woman."

"Andel," Fiona whispered and stepped forward and patted his head.

"Auntie, not now."

         Then Fiona hugged him tightly and kissed his cheeks.

"Come on! I know you missed me but Auntie, I am in a rush and my woman is waiting for me." He kissed her forehead. "Glad that you came back and don't forget to make me your specialty. I missed it. But not today or tomorrow…"

"You need to eat first, at least."

"No. Someone is waiting for me and she always prepares a lot." He winked then he looked at Andy indicating her to help him. She nodded and Andel patted James on the shoulder then. He moved to Zach's side and kissed his cheek.

"Bye brothers! Love you all!" He saluted and quickly left.

"Andel!" Zach called out.

         Andel ran quickly and straddle to his motorbike. He drove away before Zach could reach him. He laughed at himself and drove back to the city. He passed by to the market to buy a single rose and then he picked up the big teddy bear at his size and call Stanley to picked it. He did picked it up and put it at the back of his Jeep wrangler.

"So, who is this for?" He asked.


         Stanley just eyed the teddy bear for a while then he patted Andel and he left. Poor guy. He was supposed to be always with Steven, but it seemed that Steven is so smitten to Freya girl.

         He drove to the building and he pulled out his keys and unlocked her penthouse.

"Baby?" He calls out and she came out of the bedroom.

"Sorry!" She ran to him and hugged him tightly. "I slept. I haven't cooked dinner yet." She yawned and kissed her chin. Then she climbed up to him, wrapping herself like an accessory.

         He chuckled and held her butt with his free hand and then gave her a rose-covered in the paper so she wouldn't get pin by thorns.

"Wow. Thank you." She kissed his lips. "Are you hungry? I will make our dinner quick."

"No need." He put her down on the bed.

"You haven't eaten yet!"

"Maybe something to eat." He smiled at her.

"Foods are on your penthouse. Not here."

"Okay!" She took her purse and bag. "Carry me, please." She wrapped herself to him again. He laughed and did carry her out from her penthouse, and he locked it.

"Big bear." She muttered and kissed his neck. "I already regain my energy. Do you have the stamina to boost tonight?" She asked in a very cute way. He chuckled and proceed on walking to his unit. He entered and locked the door then he put her down to the sofa.

"I'll get water." He strode to the fridge and picked up two bottles of water. Then he stopped and sighed. Damn it! He's heating up already. How can this girl make him like this? He looked down at his growing buddy and then he nodded. That's what his woman wanted.

         He went to the sofa and she already lightens the scented lemon candle. She smiled and removed her clothes and she patted the space beside her.

"Come on, big bear."

"Baby, drink water first. So, you won't get thirsty in the middle of our lovemaking."

         She laughed. He twisted the cap of the bottle and gave it to her. She sipped on the water and drank ¼ of it. Then she tugged his shirt and helped him removed it.

"I need a quick shower, babe." He kissed her nose. He ran to the bathroom and quickly showered half of his body and soaped his body.

         When he got there, Ellen is already watching one of their videos that he exported from the recordings of cameras in their room. She seemed to be turned on from their first lovemaking. He smiled and dry himself then he threw the towel somewhere.

"I'm ready!" He jumped on the sofa and grabbed her to his lap.

"You are already hard." She reached his shaft and stroke it up and down. She bent down and reached her lips to the head and kisses it.


"Shh." She put her forefinger to his lips, and she shoved it to her mouth and looked up at him, doing the cat pose. He reached her butt and rubbed it.

         Andel gulped and watched her sucked him down there. He tried not to come quickly. Why is she good at that? Damn it! No woman can do what she can do. Then once that he's hard enough, she pushed him down and straddle him. She pushed herself down to him and started with the basic exercise gradually.

         Andel can hear her moan from the television and then now, she's moaning. He focused on letting her have her moment until her walls contracts around him and she stopped. He didn't want to delay her orgasm, so he moved and hold her hips. Using his glutes, he thrust into her. She gaped and stared with her intense music.

"Ahh!" Her eyes are in flame as she looked at him. He was furious with passion as he continues until she shuddered and came for twenty seconds. There are post orgasms and he continued thrusting into her. She whimpers and she stared screaming asking for more.


         Andel pushed her down on the sofa and continue thrusting while kneeling. He stopped to catch up and then he gently flipped her into her stomach. She knelt to her knees and pushed her chest down to the cushions and hold tightly. He shoved himself to her and continue, increasing the speed and a little hard.

"Ohh!" She shouted. "More!"

         Andel heard what his boss wanted. So, he to give his full performance to her. The sound of flapping echoes around the living room together with her actual moan and Ellen's moaning from the video.

"I want it more." She muttered. "Andel, I want more!" Her eyes dilated when he rubbed her little button down there. She screamed and shove her face on the pillow.

         He just knew where to please her. She squirted that soaked the sofa and he came shortly. He caught her waist and she collapsed there, and he also did at her back.

"Sorry, baby. I'm heavy right?"

"Hmm. It's fine. I love you."

"I love you more." He kissed her sexy back and scooped her breasts. "I want to suck these beauties later."

"Yeah." She breathed heavily. "Let's just order food." She reached her phone and searched for some restaurant and then she let him choose. He chooses a few of it and let her decide.

         While she's resting, he watched their video where she's standing in the shower and he's eater her down there as she leaned on the wall. Damn, it's so hot. Ellen is so fucking hot.

"Babe. We must secure these videos. No one can see it but me."


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