Selina panicked when Fin nearly fell on the floor. She ran to him and held him, taking him to sit down and he's staring at nowhere, his pupils dilated and seemed like he's having a seizure. Is he sick? What's happening? He exhaled and after what seemed like three minutes, he calmed down.

She reached his face worried. She wiped his cold sweat. She didn't notice that she's already weeping if he didn't reach her cheek and wiped the tears under her eyes.


"I am fine." He said,

"Why are you having a seizure?" She asked as she sniffled. He smiled at her and kissed her lips.

"It's not a seizure. Love, I will explain to you later. Okay?"

"No! Explain it now. I need to know." She didn't realize that she's already pouting like a dog.

"Baby. I'm not sick or anything at all. It's just in our bloodline."

She quickly fetched a cold glass of water and gave it to him. He sipped on it with a relieved sigh. He reached her waist and hugged her with one arm.

"I am fine."

"What's with your bloodline?"

"We have these visions of the future." He reached her chin. "It's also the same with Mondragon's. Your cousin Andy could predict things that are going to happen. Mostly, we see something disastrous."

"That's painful…" She muttered. "And cool."

He chuckled and kissed her chest.

"Don't worry about my love. I am good."

"What did you see?" She asked. He tried to recall it, but his head is in pain. He shook his head.

"Something not to mention." He touched her nose. "Let's go back on eating. I need to finish my specialty to impress your mother."

She sighed and hugged him tightly. He patted her head to comfort her. Women have the most vulnerable hearts, but they are stronger than wrestlers. They are stronger than anyone because they are taking the pain and surviving from it. For Fin, he will do everything to make her happy, every day and every hour.


Andromeda is sitting on her throne, a red leather chair, and the arm of the chair is designed to the dragon's head and body. She caressed it and then reached her dragon emblem necklace. She felt something's not right at this moment.

Was it about Nicholas? No. He's in jail and his case will soon end. They are now monitoring Kathleen. She's somewhere in Hawaii and she uses EPUA's spy, who's disposition is in Hawaii. The more she monitored her, the more curious she became and the more danger she's getting close to.

She exhaled for the fifth time and propped her elbow over the arm of the chair and lean her chin over the back of her hand. Suddenly, her phone rang, and she reached it and answered it.


"Andy, we need to talk."

"Okay." She muttered.

"I saw something in the cave. It's more dangerous than we expected."

"Hmm. Let's meet up?"

"I can't tonight. Selina and I are holding a small dinner with her mom and your grandpa. We were a little surprised."

"Hmm. Okay. Congratulations." She smiled. She knows what the dinner is all about. Selina is pregnant and she expected it to happen.

"Thank you, Andy."

"No problem at all."

She hung up and leaned to her seat. Next to get pregnant is Ellen or Moira. Why is she even stopping Zach to impregnate her? She sighed. She lied to him. How is she going to tell him? She stood from her seat and went to the treadmill and started walking. What is it now?


Selina greeted her mother lovingly and her grandpa. Fin greet them warmly and lead them to the dining table. Once that Cersei settled down and the maids served them the foods that Fin prepared for them. They sat down and talked about something warm and while they are eating the main course, her grandfather asked.

"So, what is this all about?" Cersei asked as she sipped on her wine.

Selina smiled wider and reached Fin's hand under the table.

"Mom, Grandpa, I am pregnant."

Cersei dropped the fork that she's holding, and her grandpa laughed in happiness.

"My Goodness!" Alex confirmed looking at Fin. Fin smiled and nodded. "Oh." He reached his chest. "So, when will the wedding be?" Alex asked.

Cersei got paled but she cleared her throat and composed herself.

"We haven't settled the dates yet." He said, "And I might need your help." He said and reached her stomach. He looked at Cersei. "Mom, you are a great mother to Selina. Can you help us? I will be away for a few weeks."

Cersei frowned and glared at Fin. She is thinking that Fin is the same as the man she nearly married to. Good thing that she never got married to the bastard after making up with his family that he's dead. But now, he's lingering around her since she's rich and their family is bankrupt. Telling lies.

"When are you coming back?" Cersei asked.

"As soon as I can," Fin told.

"Are you going to be with Andromeda?" Alex asked.

"Yes. We will just check on a few important things and we will get home as soon as we can."


Cersei is quiet until their dinner ends. Then, while on the patio, Alex and Selina are talking about a few plans, he approached her mother who has been drinking a lot of wine since dinner. He cleared his throat and Cersei glanced at him.

"If you don't want her to have the child just say so."

"It's not like I don't want the child. If she wanted to keep it, she could. Whatever her decision is, I won't leave her." He sighed. "I love your daughter more than I love anything else. I need to leave to finish a few tasks and it will be dangerous. But, Ma'am can you do me a favor?" He asked.

"What favor?" She asked back and he took it as a yes.

"I will be in Madagascar for a few weeks. I couldn't find the perfect stone for the ring. Can you help me with the design?"

Cersei is speechless. She gaped a little and didn't expect him to be like this. She didn't expect him to do something more just for Selina. This is what she wanted for Selina. But it's too early. They just met for like two months or three and getting married is not practical at all.

"I will marry your daughter and have babies with her, as much as she wants. But I need to finish my mission before I could protect her from anything else. This is important for me, Ma'am. I love her so much that it hurts."

"Okay. I will help you with the design for my daughter. But you must make sure that you'll come back alive."

"I will." He smiled determinedly to do anything now.


Moira looked up lovingly to her fiancé, wearing nothing on top and a rip-jeans. She smirked at him and caressed his sexy six-packs abs. He reached her chin so he could see her whole face.

"What's your guilty pleasure?" He asked in a very seductive voice that sent an electric shock through her body. She breathed huskily and pulled the band of his jeans.

"You." She winked and slowly bit her lip. He chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Babe, you love these kinky things."

"No. I like it when we are doing it. It's to spice-up our lovemaking." She winked and since she's sitting on the red sofa, she licked his abdomen. He hissed. He's been hard since he put the jeans on. She insisted and the way she looked at him was so passionate and burning in sensation.

He exhaled and spread her legs, then rubbed her thighs. She leans and watched him knelt and shove his face between her legs. She closed her eyes and her back arcs as she moaned and felt his tongue to her sensitive parts.

A loud knock makes him stop what he's doing.

"Sir, sorry to interrupt but we got an emergency."

Moira frowned and her eyes flared together with her nose. She sat up and glared at the door.

"What is it?!" Alanis shouted.

"Mr. Kuznetsov is in the lobby. He wished to see you."

Moira stood and grabbed her robe. They are currently in the rest house that he rented for their little beach vacation. She went to her drawer and reached for her handgun as she strode fast outside barefoot. Worried, Alanis followed her quickly downstairs.

"How dare you interrupt my session!" Moira scolded as she took the last step and faced Yves with a dozen bodyguards behind him.

"Sweetheart." Yves looked at her lustfully. Alanis saw how he lusted his fiancée. He took two steps at the same time and covered Moira from Yves's sight. He reached the gun and told her to calm down.

"How can I calm down when this bastard interrupts us in our lovemaking?" She argued with him.

"Shh." He scooped her left cheek. "Babe, don't worry, okay? After this, I will make sure that no one would interrupt us."

She pouted at him with adorable frowns.

"I promise." He kissed her forehead and her lips. "Go upstairs and wait for me."

"I don't want to wait for long!"

"Okay. This will only take a minute."

Moira frowned at Yves and she stormed upstairs.

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