Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 174 - The Rage Of The Dragon Part 2

   Selina sighed with giggles as she pulled out a wet tissue and wiped the leaking semen on her core. Then she caught herself and Fin come out and she followed. She disposed of the tissue first and she glanced at the nearly empty bathroom. 

"Can you please get me something to drink? I'll just visit the bathroom." 


"Okay. What do you want to drink?" 

"Uhm, mimosa." She kissed his cheek and she went to the bathroom. 

   Fin went to the counter to order two mimosas. While he's waiting, Fin kept glancing at the bathroom to make sure that she's safe. Then in just a minute, she came out and a man grabbed her elbow. The man is familiar. Her ex-boyfriend. 

   Selina got startled and she frowned at him. 

"You just give her virginity to that man without thinking twice?" Her ex-boyfriend scolded her. 

"So what?" She grabbed her elbow from him. Her ex-boyfriend is drunk and he looks like he's going to eat her. 

"I haven't tasted you yet." He pulled her to the storage room and she let him until she had pushed him hard on the wall and she punched his nose and his crotch. 

   Selina exhaled and hit him again on his stomach. The man didn't know where to hold anymore because it seemed that everything is in pain. Her ex-boyfriend's friends grabbed her elbow to stop her and probably they got a message from her ex, so she nudged hard the other one on the ribbed and grabbed the man's wrist and nearly break it twisting it and chopped the man's neck, not bad enough to kill it. 

   She's swift and just behind her is Fin watching her the whole time. Fin smiled and patted her head. 

"Another dragon is in rage." He kissed her forehead and then took her hands and kissed each of it. 

"I have been wanting to do that." She jumped into him, wrapping her legs around his waist, wrapping her arms around his nape and shove it to his neck.

   Fin brought her to the counter table, making her sit on the stool and took the mimosa. He gave one to her and they clink their glasses. 

"You need to train more to defend yourself." He told and sipped on the mimosa. 

"The thing I did before is lethal if I didn't control myself." She drank it all and wiped her mouth. He barely finished it and he gave the man a tip and he took her out. 

"This is the best night walk ever." She told. He smiled and kissed her temple. "I am falling for you." She muttered. 

"I know." They walk back to the hotel and they end up in bed making love. He knew that she's sore so she limited it that night. 


   Zachary looked at his wife. She's awake early or she never slept. She's killing the punching bag. He sometimes wondered why she would work her whole body when she's stressed or in a big thought. After the alarm goes off, she stopped and caught her breath then she looked at him then smiled. 

"Hey," He strode forward and kissed her lips. "Good morning, early bird." 

"Good morning, sleepyhead." 

"Rest now okay? You got a perfect body and don't break it. I still need that sexy body tonight." He winked. 

   She giggled and nodded. 

"That's my good girl." 

"What are you going to do tonight?" She asked. 

"Nothing. Maybe usual, go home and have sex with my wife." He told. She giggled and punched his stomach lightly. He groaned like it's the best strong punch every. She laughed and removed the gloves and kissed his lips. 

"That's enough, I am going to trim my abdominal so my wife wouldn't be disappointed with a bloated stomach." 

"Okay. Work harder." She kissed his chest and went to the treadmill and started walking. Zach started his warm-up and then continue with weights. He also had five minutes for punching and then five minutes for pushups. 

   Andromeda stopped and watched him. Just watching him is enough for her to soothe her day. She already got a great day. 


   Moira wore her usual office attire, but it seemed like, she's going to something from Dior. What else could she do? That's the only office attire that she could use. She took her Dior bag to matched it and let the driver drove her to the office building. She already got her permit to get back to work and James is probably waiting. 

   When she got there, she told her guards to leave her and she's going to text them if she's checking out. So they did but two guards waited outside and lifted the tracker so they could monitor her. 

   She entered the office and followed James just a few steps behind him. James turned around and smiled at her. Then he hung up from his phone and all of the employees let them have the lift. 

"So, how's the vacation?" 

"I—I enjoyed it. After I got kidnapped by a Russian Mafia king and then got kidnapped again by my King." She told. 

   James laughed and patted her head. 

"Little sister, don't tell me that you only came here to resign?" He asked. Moira pulled out her phone from her purse and James eyed the diamond ring. He covered his mouth and he looked up, dramatically not to let out any tears. "You are leaving me." He said as his voice broke. 

"I'm sorry." She looked at the engagement ring. "I—I will decide on how long we are going to be engaged and I think I had fallen to him." 

   James sniffled dramatically and remain silent until they reached the floor. James kept his arms crossed as he strode back to his office. All Moira could do is to shake her head and chuckled. Then she followed him. Everyone greeted her and she responded with a nod. 

   She entered the room and his secretary already prepared a cup of coffee for him and a tea for her. She thanked her and she sat on her swivel chair and glanced at him. 

"You are so unfair. I am the eldest!" He scolded her. 

"So, you already figured out." She said. 

"Yup. And not even Andy told me about it until I realized that that shitty Andel is your half-brother." 

   Moira laughed and pressed her lips. 

"I will still help you until you are slowly competent with your secretary." 

"You are a great help and a true heiress of Mondragon." He told. 

"Thank you, big bro. I will just help you while I'm waiting for Alanis. Yves is giving him a hard time since Alanis declared war between their Kingdoms because of me." 

"Wow." James nodded. "Why all men get head over heels on you? The same with Andromeda… the dirty bastard." 

"Hmm." She rubbed her chin and shrugged. "Let's work then, I will help you raise the company to the second level." 

"Oh come on!" He pouted. 

"Don't sulk there, big bro. Let's work together." 

"Okay then." he sighed. 

   They were warming up for their work when her lover called. She answered it and put her earpiece on. She stood up and went to the guest area and smiled. 

"I am already at work." 

"Don't worry, my little bunny. I'll be there before you know it. And we are going to make love like rabbits do." Alanis winked. She laughed and rolled her eyes. 

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