Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 151 - Marry Me, Please Part 1

   Andromeda is standing on the cold bridge, watching snowflakes pass throw her carried by the wind. She exhaled as she looked up the big clock of London and turned to the two at the side of the bride, the man on his right knee as he lifted a box with a diamond ring on it. The diamond reflects the city lights and laser lights that make it look dazzling. 

   She smiled from the look of Alanis's face. 


"Marry me, please…" He said. "We can just be fiancé for a while and when you are ready, we can hold a simple wedding or whatever you wanted… just say yes and I am not going to rush you with the wedding." 

   Andy knows that she's seeing this as a future of Moira and Alanis but why in this romantic scene? The knots on her stomach tighten. She reached her chest as her breathing tightens and then a red laser light is on their both heads. 

"No!" She screamed. Then she just realized that she's sitting on the window seat and Zach saw her panicked. He put away the book and strode fast to her. "No, no…" She started searching for her phone and check the time in London. Just ten minutes. 

   She started calling Alanis and then he's not answering so she called his right hand. He answered shortly. 

"They are in danger. Keep them away from the bridge." 

"Miss Mondragon." 

"Alanis and Moira, keep them away from the bridge! There are snipers in Big Ben!" Tears started streaming down her face then she called his people in London and told them to protect Moira and Alanis and capture the sniper on Big Ben. 

   She started pacing back and forth and Zach watched her panic. She looked so scared and she's tearing. 

"Andy." Zach reached her and pulled her into her arms. She's shaking and this is the second time that he saw her like this. The first time was she got her miscarriage and now, it's like she's going to lose someone. 


   She looked down at him. She won't know what to say. Marry him? His words echo inside her mind and at that moment, she doesn't want to think at that moment. She wasn't thinking of the ring but the commitment and the relationship. 

"Alanis…" A car immediately stopped beside them, nearly killing them. People surrounded them. 

"Sir," Mr. Wales pulled her inside and followed by Alanis. 

"What's happening?" Alanis asked. 

"Miss Mondragon called. There are snipers from Big Ben. We are now trying to catch them." Mr. Wales turned on his phone speaker for them to hear it. 

   Alanis looked at Moira and took a blanket and covered it to her, then he pulled her, close to him, clutching the box and his hand, held the back of her head to shove it to his chest. 

"I want their heads." He commanded. 

"Yes, Sir." People on the other line that are capturing the snipers answered in unity. 

   Moira is still in shock as they left the city, Alanis felt tense and he's holding her too tight thinking that she might leave or something. Now, she just felt how important she is to him. What if she died out there? How is he going to move on? 

Alanis's phone is ringing, and he answered it. 


   It got her attention. How did Andy know about this? Oh, of course! It's on Mondragon's blood. Andy is the real heiress and she can foresee the future and something about them. She took the phone from him and speak. 

"We are fine now. Don't worry." 

"Okay." It seemed that Andy is in a big panic. "Are you sure? Why won't you go home?" 

"I will be home." 

"I mean, literally home? With grandpa." 

"You know that I can't be in that house." 

"I will talk to him." 

"Andy don't worry. I promise you, that I'll be fine." 

"Okay." Andy exhaled from the other line. 

"Don't scare your husband. Alanis will protect me and take care of this matter." She said to assure her. "I need to talk to Zach." Then after a few seconds, a man speaks. 

"Zach speaking." 

"You need to calm your wife. I am fine now." She said softly. 

"I will. Don't worry, Moira." 

"Okay. Bye." She hung up and gave the phone back to Alanis. She cuddled back to him and wait until they reached his house or his castle. 

   The car was opened to them and outside on the big double door of the main entrance of the palace is his secretary waiting for them. He keeps his arms around her and didn't look at her. 

"Call my A-Class Assassins ASAP. I need them in the conference room." He said as they walked passed her. 

   She sighed and she stood facing her. He helped her removed her coat and gave it to the butler and then he knelt one knee and untie the lace of her boots. She let him do it because without words coming from her or indicating that he needed to do it, he's doing it all by himself and even if she would say that she can do it, he would insist. She would feel odd at that moment and at the same time, she would felt happy. 

   The maid put down the fluffy warm slippers and she slid his feet in and then looked at him. 

"Bring us tea." He ordered and then he took her upstairs. She kept sighing and then, she sat on the window seat and watched him put the box of the ring on the side table and then removed a few of his covers. His face is red, and it looked like he's angry. 

"I will speak to my people. Take a hot bath and sleep early." He kissed her forehead for long and she wrapped her arms around him. 

"Don't stay up late, okay?" She said in a honeyed voice. 

"I won't." He bent down and kissed her lips passionately. 

   She watched him leave the room and now, she's alone. A knock on the door made her stop and then a woman entered. She forgot the name. But she named her "The Secretary." 


"Lady Moira, may I speak with you?" 

"Yeah, sure." She said. 

   Secretary strode close to her. She's holding the tablet tightly and she eyed the small box. She probably chose that ring for the proposal. 

"If you could please… if you don't love him, just leave him. You see, Alanis had gone through so much and he deserved to have great things. If you only love him because of his money, I can give it to you instead of in a condition to leave him and stay away from him." 

   Moira wasn't surprised by her words. She only sighed and looked straight at her. 

"If you thought that I only care about his money, well, I might've already asked him to marry me back then. I know you care for him. But he insisted to have me, follow me like a dog and give me things that I didn't ask for." She stared at the ring. "I am not a gold digger and I don't need anyone's money. I have my own money that could give me a luxury living until I grow old. So, if you like Alanis why not say it to him?" She asked and looked back at him. 

   Her heart is pounding just thinking of Alanis. Was she in love with him? She sighed again. She is in love with him, but she denies it because she's afraid. 

"You don't understand." She said in a sharp voice. "If you ruin his Kingdom, I will kill you myself." The Secretary threatened. 

   Moira looked at her and then she laughed in a very ungraceful way. It made The Secretary even madder. 

"Oh, geez, lots of people wanted to kill me. I am not that surprised." She smiled at her playfully. "If you kill me, have you ever thought that Alanis would love you?" 

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