Andromeda stepped out from the car as her husband is waiting on the staircase to their main double door. She smiled at him and Zach reached her face and kissed him. She hugged him tightly and purred like a cat. 

"Did you have fun?" He patted her head. 



"How's your wrist?" 

"Just fine." She jumped on him. Her legs wrapped around his waist. "Dad can handle mom." 

   Zach brought her to their dining room, and they ate their dinner as they talked at each other. She was the humorous one and Zach just loved listening to her although she ate in a very ungraceful way. 

They went upstairs and he helped her get undress, take a warm shower, dry her and take her to bed. 

   Zach sighed as he watched her cuddle on her pillow. He will never get tired of her. He slipped on the comforter and turned off the lights. He hugged her from behind and kissed her shoulders. 

"You are that tired not to make love to me?" He murmured on her ear. She giggled and turned to him. 

 She's been overthinking lately and she must tell him her worries.

"Zach, I always woke up in the middle of the night like someone has been thinking of me deeply." She told. "The mental connection is so strong, and I got this creepy dream about a man fucking me—but it's not you." She caressed his massive chest with a sigh. "I know every inch of your body." 

"Good." He patted her head. "I will catch the guy for you. Just stay away from troubles." 

"Okay." Her phone chimes and she reached it at the side table then checked Andel's message. 

Sis, let's not cancel any meetings tomorrow night. It's important. 

She shortly replied. 'Kay. 


   Andel is a little upset when they couldn't have that important meeting and something about what happened to his Aunt Fiona. But anyway, it's good that he could go home early to his baby girl. When he entered his penthouse, Fox is dressed up in his black outfit and sitting on the sofa relaxed. 

   Moira came out from his room wearing her workout shorts and sports bra. Then he looked at Ellen who looked so tired with still sweats but still managed to prepare simple dinner for him. He looked back at Moira and then to Ellen. 

"What did you do?" He asked his sister. 

"I just taught her how to defend herself." Moira picked her duffel bag and waved at Fox with a wink then she kissed Andel on the cheek and left. 

   Andel strode to Ellen and kissed her forehead. 

"How's your day?" 

"It's good." She took his bag and helped him removed his coat then she run to the bedroom fast and then went back to him and prepare his food. 

"I'll be leaving." Fox stood and took his keys. 

"Take care." Ellen waved at him and then she sat on his lap. 

"Just drink water if you have an intense workout." He kissed her neck and hold her breasts. "Was it hard?" 

"Not really. Just basics." She told. 

   He watched her clean up everything and then, they both jumped into a hot shower. Andel is worried about the outcome tomorrow, so he prepared everything she needed. She had fallen asleep quickly and Andel called Fox who answered immediately. 

"I am on a mission. I am going to enter the mansion." 

"Careful. That guy is not normal." 

   Fox scoffed. 

"I know. Take care of your girl. Your sister is a monster." 

   Andel frowned. Moira is a monster when it comes to intense training just like Andromeda. He exhales. Okay, he will deal with Moira later. He skipped from reviewing and cuddle on his adorable girl who worked so hard today. 


   Andromeda creased her brows as she stared at the man's silhouette. Suddenly, a little light came, and she now could see his face smiling at her in a very sinister way. But odd thing was, his face is blurred. On his right hand, he's holding a golden dagger. It reflects in light that made it shine. It was indeed a real gold. 

"My love." His voice deep, the sound sends shivers right through her spine, but it didn't make her weak. She smirked back at him. However, her smirk faded when she saw a familiar man lying in front of the man and he slowly picked up the man's heart pulling it from his chest. 

   Andromeda screamed but she couldn't. Zach's cold and lifeless body is lying there. 

"Shh, it's alright now. No is going to tear us apart. He's gone. Okay?" 

   Andromeda tried to reached Zach, but she couldn't move and she glowered at the faceless man. 


   Zach woke up in the middle of the night when he felt like he needed to wake himself. Then he heard a sound of gagging. He moved sideways to her and their lantern light gives him enough light to looked at her face. Was she in sleep paralysis? 

   Zach's heart broke seeing her in that suffering. He held her face and kissed her forehead. 

"It's alright. I'm here." He murmured. "It's not real… It's all not real." 

   Her eyeballs are moving though her eyes are closed and tears fall from her eyes rolling it down to her ear. Zach wiped away her tears and told her to calm down. 

"Breath." He murmured. "I am here. Okay? Breath, my love." 

   Then, Andy's breathing slows down until it got normal. She closed her eyes and Zach kissed her lips then her forehead. After a few minutes, she moved and hugged him. He pulled her up and turned on the lights. 

   He immediately fetched a glass of water and made her drink. Andy looked at him and reached his left chest where his heart is located. 

"Andy?" He reached her face and wiped away her tears. 

"Zach. This time, don't intervene in my plans." She said in a very serious face. 

"What?" Zach's brows creased. 

"Trust me. I can do this." 

   Zach is silent. He doesn't know what to do or what to say. Something is bothering her and the nightmare she experienced a while ago just shocked and traumatize her. 

"Zach." She called again. "Don't intervene." She warned. He looked away and brushes his fingers through his hair exasperatedly. 

"How can I not intervene?" He asked. "I am trying to protect you. I am your husband and I shall protect you." 

"Zach." Tears started rolling down her cheek. She clenched her fist. "Listen to me! I don't want you to do anything about this. He is a psychopath. He's a serial killer. I am warning you." She gritted her teeth. 

"It's hard, Andromeda." He muttered. "How do expect me to just sit and watched you chase the man who is trying to ruin us? I can't do that, Andromeda." 

"Zach listen to me. Just this once." She begged. She slipped off from the bed and took her robe and put it on. She reached her phone and call Fox. She went to the balcony to get away from him. Fox answered shortly. 

"We need to start our Black Mission." 

"Copy on that." Fox murmur almost a whisper. "I am in the area. The lights are off, and I will sneak in."

"Careful. He's not just a psychopath. He's something more." 

   Andromeda hung up and she exhales. She turned to her husband who is standing behind her, wearing his robe. She looked away and hugged herself. 

It felt like an insight into what's going to happen. In their bloodline, they have this kind of talent. That only exists in fiction and movies. But, they can see a disastrous future and she never expected that it's starting now. 

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