Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 110 - The Queen Of Dragons Part 1

   Andy prepared breakfast for everyone but especially for her husband who is getting ready for work. Since she also stocked a few suits of his in her room plus other accessories, she got it ready before heading to the kitchen. 

"Hmm, that smell is food." Aaron her dad said. She frowned at him and he laughed. 


"Shut up, daddy!" She nudged him. 

James who is talking on the phone approached them and kissed her temple and mess her hair as he speaks on the phone and sat down on his chair. 

   Andy tsk and fixed her hair. Her frown fades when Zachary came and greet her warmly kissing her lips. Instead of Zach to sat down and eat, he pulled a chair for her and told her to sit. She removed her apron and Zach hold it for her as the maid came to take it away. 

"Okay, now it seemed that it's a family breakfast," Aaron said as he sat on the left side. It didn't take long when Elder Mondragon came with his nurse, followed by Fiona who is also talking on the phone with someone. 

"Okay, I'll meet you in the spa," Fiona told the person she's speaking with. "Bye, Bea."

   Andy wasn't even happy about her mother. So, she remained quiet and let Zach put whatever food he's putting on her plate. 

   Zach left the mansion kissing her goodbye. Andy looked at her mother who is also leaving the house. She turned back and head to her room ignoring her mother. But she watched her pulling out her car from the parking lot and left the mansion. 

   She took a bath, dressed up and took her small backpack as she also left with one of her old motorbikes. She drove out of the house to follow her mother who is probably away. 


   He was waiting a few meters away from the Mondragon Mansion. He's been waiting since early in the morning just to see her. He couldn't sleep all day after he took her hair and her used panties. He's been jacking off in his car with her panties all night. 

   And now, she just left using her motorbike. He started his car and followed her. She's fast but he keeps away from her. Suddenly she stopped and he also stopped. She's looking at the car that also left the mansion. The car is shaking and after a few moments, the car under the tree opens and a man came out and enter the Toyota parked in the front and left. 

"Interesting." He followed Andromeda who is now following the Toyota car. He followed her to the city. He might've lost her but he already knows where she always goes. She stopped in the café and that's how he ends his following. 

   He turned the car and drove to his mansion. There's no bodyguards and maids. Just him. He parked his car and cleanly fold the panties and then he cleaned his car full of used tissue. He started whistling a love song and went directly to the basement and looked at the man sitting on the chair with chains on his right ankle. 

"You hungry?" Nicholas asked nicely to the guy in chains. 

"What did you do?" He asked. There are not many things inside the basement for safety so he might not be able to escape. 

"Nothing." Nicholas grinned. "Oh, by the way, you are going to our high school reunion. I already prepare a suit and other kinds of stuff. But now I have to leave for work." 

   He first went to the kitchen to prepare food for the man downstairs. He put it all in the tray and he even gives him stock foods since he's in a good mood. He also filled the water dispenser for him and put fresh clothes. The chain is long enough for him to reach the bathroom and few close places in the basement except the door. 

"I'm going to groom myself. Just stay there." Nicholas winked at the man who hasn't shaved for months. He left the man and went upstairs to the master's bedroom. He carefully placed the stolen panties on his drawer together with the strands of hair that he cut from the woman he loves. 

   He took a shower, shaved and brushed his teeth. He smiled in the mirror and use one of the suits. 


   Andromeda couldn't believe what her mother just did. She had an affair with an unknown man. Her father loved her mom so much, but it all faded. What happened to their marriage? She won't know what to feel at that moment as she entered the café and sipped some tea to calm herself. 

   She looked down on her phone restraining herself to call her father, but she stopped herself. Maybe comfort from her husband will do or from her brother. 

   So, she drove her bike to her brother's company. She slowed down before the pedestrian and she slowly stopped when it's a red light, it takes a few seconds. And when her motorbike dies so she started to turn it on and just two seconds when the green light flashes, her motorbike is working. She's ready to leave but the car behind her who keep on honking carelessly hit her motorbike that it crashes down. 

   She falls together with the motorbike and since it's a big impact that her wrist might be broken. Few bikers helped her out and she held her left wrist as she glowered at the man of the Maserati. The man comes out together with the woman. They check the scratched that they made on their own. 

"Are you okay?" One of the bikers of 500cc asked and checked her wrist. He even wrapped his handkerchief around it for support. 

   Andromeda removed her helmet with one hand and glower at the driver. Then to the familiar woman. Deborah. The model that Zach had fucked. 

"Are you dumb to stop there?!" The man asked. He's young and dumb. 

"Are you fucking stupid to hit me?" Andromeda asked calmly and the bikers defended her since she's the one who got hit. 

"You stopped so suddenly," Deborah said and crossed her arms. She's wearing big shades and scarf so no one would recognize her. 

"I didn't stop so suddenly, bitch." She said it crisply and that makes Deborah gasped. Then Andy glare at the man. 

"You will pay for this." The bastard said and pointed the scratched. Andromeda only looked at it. 

   Then suddenly men in motorbikes came and surrounded the Maserati car. The big guy came and removed his helmet. It's the head guard that has been tailing her just a few meters away. Andromeda exhales. 

"Madam." The head guard checked her injury and signed one of his men. "Bring the car. We need to bring her to the hospital immediately." He demanded. "We are so sorry Madam. Next time, we will adjust our distance from you." 

"It's fine." She told. 

"You aren't fine. You are injured." The Headguard insisted and face the man and the scratched on the Maserati. "Sir, do you know who you are hitting?" He asked. "We will pay for the scratched, but you have to pay for her medical bills including the motorbike." 

   The man gapes and the patrolling police came and check the incidents. They take the details and the riders give their statements. Andromeda wasn't done yet. She reached one of the wrench tools inside the U-box of her motorbike and started breaking and scratching the Maserati with her not injured wrist and pulled out ten thousand cash from her backpack and throw it on the man's face. 

"There, it only cost ten thousand for the damages." The man is so surprised and it also added by the Headguard who always has cash with him as his allowance to every security that is with him and put it to a woman's hand. 

"Officer, I think, I already settled and paid the damages of his Maserati. And I'll be waiting for the bill of my medical and my motorbike." 

   The bikers who helped her are so shocked. A 4-seater Audi stopped in front of her and the Headguard opened the back door. She's still shaking in anger as she gets in and the car drove to the hospital. 

   When Zach learned about what happened, he immediately rushed to the said hospital and asked for MRI and CT-Scan but Andy only requests for X-Ray. 

   Andy is calm as she got a brace for her wrist and Zach is frowning staring at her injury. 

"Leave us." She told the guards and they did leave. They close the door of the private room and Zach scooped her face and checked if there are other scratches. "The guards will guard close to me." She said. "And I don't like it." 

"Yes. They should have. On what happened, they should guard you closely." 

   Andy just looked away and exhales. 

"What's happening?" He asked. 

"My mother is cheating on dad." She told. "I don't know the guy, but I followed the guy and still learning about his identity." 

   Zach hugged her and kissed her top head. 

"With all of these happening, can you still take it?" He asked. 

"Yes. These problems are only small things." 

"Good. Because, I am here, and I won't leave you." 

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