Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 589 Witch City's Forest (6)

Many witches boasted tattoos and runic symbols etched into their skin. These markings were not mere decorations but channels of magic and protection. Tattoos of arcane sigils, forest creatures, and ethereal patterns graced their arms, shoulders, and faces, adding to the enigmatic aura they carried. Each witch's tattoos were a personal work of art and a representation of their magical prowess.

Headdresses and crowns, often fashioned from natural materials like vines, leaves, and feathers, adorned the heads of the enchantresses. These headdresses served as a symbol of their roles and specializations. Some featured bird feathers, indicative of air and wind magic, while others incorporated delicate blooms, representing their expertise in herbology and potion-making.

The enchanting beauty of the witches was as much a part of the city's allure as the magic that flowed through its streets. As Arpious and Elara witnessed the enchantresses' captivating appearances, they couldn't help but be drawn further into the realm of the Witch City.

"Shit…" Arpious grinned lightly, her face lightly blushing with excitement. "They're hot as fuck…" 

Elara simply rolled her eyes before dragging the horny bird down to the ground and introducing themselves to the locals. It was best to keep a good reputation for now as this was where they would be staying for the foreseeable future. 

Elara and Arpious, captivated by the enchanting atmosphere of the Witch City, mingled gracefully with the residents. Polite introductions and conversations flowed naturally as they learned about the city's unique magic and traditions. The witches found the duo's unusual appearance and status intriguing, yet their curiosity was met with mutual respect and hospitality.

As the conversations blossomed, Arpious's curiosity, initially concealed by her flirtatious demeanor, surfaced with vigor. She couldn't resist probing the witches about their magical practices and time-honored traditions. The enchantresses, eager to share their wisdom, revealed the secrets of herbal remedies, enchantments, and ancient forest rituals. Meanwhile, Elara, ever the diplomat, listened with rapt attention, providing glimpses of their journey's purpose – to unveil the mysteries concealed within the enigmatic forest.

"Your city is truly enchanting. I can't help but admire your unique practices and the ethereal beauty that surrounds us. Tell me, what are the most ancient secrets you keep within these forest walls?"

"Oh, our secrets are many, dear guest. We are stewards of herbal remedies, guardians of ancient enchantments, and keepers of the forest's balance. Your quest to understand our mysteries is most welcome."

The witches found Arpious particularly fascinating, her unique appearance and race intriguing them.

"I've rarely encountered a being from another plane. Could you share more about your abilities and the creatures you've summoned on your journey?"

"Certainly! I've delved into forbidden magics and summoned incredible mythical creatures. I'm always eager to learn more and share my knowledge, but of course, physical knowledge is just as important, if you know what I mean," Arpious lightly smiled while the witch chuckled in reply. 

The witches were especially drawn to Arpious, whose unique appearance and mysterious lineage piqued their curiosity. Inquisitive about her magical abilities and expertise, they listened with fascination as she recounted tales of her forbidden magic and the awe-inspiring creatures she had summoned during their adventures.

Upon exchanging stories and acquiring a deeper understanding of the city's traditions, the Witch Queen extended a gracious invitation to the heart of the Witch City. They embarked on a mesmerizing journey through spiral staircases, and adorned hallways with intricate mystical symbols, and bioluminescent plants.

Finally, they arrived at the grand hall, a space of magnificent proportions. The grand hall that welcomed Elara and Arpious was a breathtaking fusion of natural beauty and mystical design. It was a place where the ethereal and the earthly met harmoniously. The hall's towering ceilings, adorned with intricate tapestries, gave the impression of a cathedral within the forest.

The walls themselves appeared to be grown rather than built, their surfaces covered with intricate carvings depicting mythical creatures and scenes from the Witch City's history. Bioluminescent plants twined around the columns, their gentle glow casting an enchanting light across the hall.

In the center of the grand hall stood a colossal tree, its branches extending through the roof to form a natural canopy that dappled the interior with soft, shimmering patterns of light and shadow. Birds and fireflies fluttered among the branches, adding a melodious chorus to the ambiance.

At the far end of the hall, the focal point of the chamber was Queen Seraphina's majestic throne. It was a remarkable creation, a merging of artistry and nature. The throne was hewn from the heart of the forest itself, a living part of the ancient trees. It spiraled upward with twisted vines and leaves, creating a throne of unparalleled beauty and elegance.

Seraphina's throne was not just a place of authority but a symbol of her connection to the Witch City and the forest it protected. The throne was adorned with luminescent crystals and mystical symbols that glowed softly in the ambient light, emphasizing the Queen's role as the Keeper of the Forest's Secrets.lightsnovel

Around the throne, soft cushions woven from enchanted foliage awaited guests. A mosaic of intricate designs adorned the floor, telling the tale of the Witch City's history through art and symbolism. The hall was a place of reverence, where the enchanting beauty of the forest and the wisdom of its ruler coalesced in an extraordinary display. As Elara and Arpious approached Queen Seraphina, they couldn't help but be humbled by the enchanting grace and grandeur of their surroundings.

Elara and Arpious approached the resplendent figure of the Witch Queen, gracefully bowing to convey their reverence. In return, the Witch Queen greeted them with a regal nod, her eyes aglow with curiosity as she scrutinized her guests.

lightsΝοvel With grace and poise, the Witch Queen introduced herself in a voice as soothing as the wind rustling through the leaves. She revealed her name as Seraphina, Keeper of the Forest's Secrets and Ruler of the Witch City.

Elara, taking the lead as the representative, expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the warm reception and the privilege to explore the Witch City. She elucidated their quest, stressing their deep respect for the city's customs and traditions, all in pursuit of unraveling the enigmatic forest's mysteries.

"Welcome, esteemed guests. I am Seraphina, Keeper of the Forest's Secrets and Ruler of the Witch City. Tell me, what has brought you to our enchanting realm?"

"Our deepest gratitude for your warm welcome. Your city's beauty and wisdom captivate us. We are honored to explore the Witch City and abide by your customs and traditions. I am Elara, and this is Arpious. We seek to understand the mysteries of the forest and honor your customs. Your city's magic and the wisdom of its enchantresses inspire us."

This was obviously a lie. They just needed to butter up this queen so they could have free roam within this forest and potentially a place to stay as most one-race cities are incredibly hesitant at letting others stay within their walls. 

"I'm excited to learn from you, dear enchantresses. Your magic is as alluring as your beauty."

"Fufufu... Your journey and your connection to the forest are of great interest to me. Please, tell me more about your quest and the challenges you've faced."

Arpious, setting aside her earlier flirtatious banter, allowed her enthusiasm for the city's magic and unique practices to shine. She expressed her eagerness to learn from the enchantresses and, in return, share her own profound knowledge.

The Witch Queen, intrigued by their experiences in the forest and their connection to the ancient woodlands, inquired about their journey. Her questions delved not only into their quest but also their intimate relationship with the secrets hidden within the forest's depths.

As the conversation unfolded, the Witch Queen acknowledged the earnestness of Elara and Arpious' intentions. In response, she extended her blessings for their forthcoming exploration of the Witch City, granting them access to the city's archives and vast magical resources.

Elara and Arpious, profoundly touched by the Witch Queen's generosity, conveyed their heartfelt gratitude. They wholeheartedly agreed to abide by the city's customs and promised to contribute positively to the Witch City during their stay.

"We promise to contribute positively to the Witch City during our stay, and we are eager to explore your archives and magical resources," Elara graciously thanked both Arpious and Elara bowing to show even more respect.

Leaving the grand hall, they couldn't help but be awestruck by the enchanting Witch City and its enigmatic ruler. The wisdom and ethereal beauty of the enchantresses, combined with the city's mesmerizing surroundings, had etched an indelible mark on their journey. They eagerly anticipated the unraveling of the forest's secrets under the benevolent guidance of the Witch Queen.

"So, I guess we got the greenlight to stay. I'm gonna search for an inn, or possibly a house that we could buy. I got some things as gifts from the witches we first encountered so we have quite the capital to start off with…" 

"Uhhhh… yeah, go ahead. I'm going to try the local cuisine…" Arpious gave Elara a salacious look before attempting to run off. But before she could even so much as take a step away, Elara caught her by the collar of her dress and pulled her back towards her. 

"You… are not going anywhere until we figure out the basic necessities to live here… got it?" Elara gave Arpious a malicious smile, forcing the bird woman to nod vigorously in submission. 


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