Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 573 After Effects (2)

The eldritch power that had consumed him manifested in terrifying ways. Shadows clung to him, seemingly sentient and obedient to his will. They whispered secrets, distorted reality, and could be woven into malevolent spells that left devastation in their wake. These shadows danced in macabre synchrony with the king's every command, twisting the very fabric of the world to his whims.

The grotesque retinue of shadowy, eldritch beings that attended him were drawn to his malevolence. These eerie attendants resembled distorted versions of the elegant creatures that once served the elven royalty. They emanated an aura of pure dread, serving as an ominous reminder of the kingdom's fall from grace.

The artifacts of his rule, once symbols of his wisdom and authority, had been twisted by the dark power. His staff, a symbol of his stewardship over nature, had become a jagged, obsidian rod pulsating with malevolence. The very essence of his legacy had been tainted, an enduring testament to his descent into the abyss.

The once-glorious crown that adorned his brow had become a jagged circlet of obsidian, studded with sinister, blood-red gems that pulsed with an unnatural, fiery light. It was a stark departure from the traditional, elegant crowns of elven royalty. The crown symbolized his dominion over a kingdom mired in darkness and suffering.

The aura of darkness and despair that clung to him, radiating a sinister energy that corrupted the very air he breathed, was a presence that inspired fear and dread in all who beheld him. The air itself seemed to grow heavy and oppressive, suffocating those who dared to approach. It was as though the very atmosphere conspired to remind all that the kingdom's ruler had become a harbinger of torment.

The king's fall from grace was a sorrowful legend whispered among the elves. He was remembered as a tragic figure, a grim reminder of the ever-present danger of delving too deeply into forbidden magics and enigmatic powers. His name was spoken in hushed tones, not as a title of reverence, but as a warning of the darkness that could consume even the mightiest of souls.

The corruption that gripped the Elven King was a tragedy that had reverberated throughout the kingdom, leaving scars that could never truly heal. It was a tale of a ruler who had lost himself to the abyss, dragging an entire kingdom down with him into the depths of despair and suffering.

The most chilling transformation that the once-noble Elven King underwent was his insatiable hunger for souls. As the king's malevolence deepened, so did his craving for the essence of life itself. His thirst for power led him to commit heinous acts that defied the very essence of elven culture.

With a mere gesture, the king could shatter the bodies and spirits of his victims, reducing them to broken, lifeless shells. His once-pale, ethereal elven skin was tainted by the touch of death, and with a mere touch, he could drain the vitality from any living being. Those unfortunate enough to be caught in his grasp felt their very life force slipping away, leaving them as empty husks.

His relentless pursuit of power culminated in the horrifying display of soul consumption. The queen, who had once been a powerful adversary, was shattered like a porcelain doll and sucked into the king's gray hand. Her neck was snapped with a cruel, casual motion, releasing her soul into the air. The eldritch hand reached out, grabbing her ethereal essence and forcing it down the king's gullet. The act was a grotesque display of his descent into godlike depravity, as he devoured the very souls of his enemies to sate his dark hunger.

With each soul he consumed, the Elven King underwent a terrifying transformation. His very being crackled with dark energy, his form growing more otherworldly and monstrous. The ashen, sickly skin that clung to his body began to writhe with unnatural veins, throbbing with an eerie, purplish light. His eyes, once vibrant and full of life, had become pools of abyssal darkness, devoid of any light or emotion.

The transformation was a descent into godhood, albeit a god of death and despair. He became an embodiment of malevolence and chaos, his very existence defying the laws of nature. Shadows clung to him, seemingly sentient and obedient to his will, as if the darkness itself recognized him as its master.

This surge of eldritch power manifested in various abilities and forbidden magics that defied comprehension. His dominion over darkness was absolute, allowing him to distort reality, twist the minds of others, and manipulate the very fabric of the world. It was a mastery of forbidden arts that left devastation in his wake.

As the Elven King unleashed these unholy powers upon his kingdom, the once-vibrant land withered, twisted, and darkened. Flora and fauna were reduced to lifeless husks, and the very air seemed to resonate with suffering. It was a cataclysmic display of his newfound powers, a horrifying testament to the depths of his malevolence.lightsnovel

lightsnοvεl The kingdom under his rule became a realm of terror and anguish. His subjects, once loyal and proud, now lived in perpetual fear. The corrupted Elven King reveled in the suffering of his people, subjecting them to cruel experiments and dark rituals. He used his eldritch powers to twist their bodies and minds, creating grotesque and obedient abominations.

His tyranny knew no bounds, and those who dared to oppose him were met with swift and merciless retribution. He surrounded himself with enigmatic cults and followers, each more devoted and fanatical than the last. Together, they spread his malevolence throughout the land, perpetuating a reign of darkness and death.

The Elven King's dark legacy was etched in the annals of history as a time of unparalleled horror. The tales of his cruelty and depravity were whispered in terror, serving as a grim reminder of the consequences of unchecked ambition. The kingdom that had once thrived under his benevolent rule had become a shadow of its former self, a nightmarish realm where hope seemed a distant memory.

His fall from grace was not just a personal tragedy but a collective one for the entire elven race. The corrupted Elven King would forever be remembered as a figure of darkness and despair, a blight upon a once-glorious kingdom, and a dire lesson in the perils of unchecked power.

But what had Elara and Arpious been doing this entire time? Well, we'll have to go back a few more months as soon as they escaped the kingdom and fled back to the elven knight's own artificial realm of safety. 

(Arpious POV) 

There was a man, a celestial figure one might say. His appearance was an embodiment of divine aesthetics, transcending mere beauty to manifest purity in its most exquisite form. His long, silvery hair, like strands of moonlight woven into a radiant tapestry, cascaded elegantly down his back. The hair carried with it an ethereal fragrance, reminiscent of the scent of white lilies blooming under the light of the full moon. This scent enveloped him like a sacred shroud, invoking feelings of serenity and sanctity that seemed to resonate in the very air he graced.

His alabaster skin, unblemished and velvety to the touch, bore a subtle perfume reminiscent of fresh, dew-kissed petals at the break of dawn. It was as if the essence of nature's untarnished beauty had chosen to embrace him, leaving behind a delicate trace of floral sweetness that lingered in his wake. His facial features were more than just harmonious; they were a symphony of perfection, meticulously sculpted to create a portrait of angelic elegance. The striking azure of his eyes held a depth that appeared capable of piercing through the very soul of those who met his gaze, and they carried a scent reminiscent of rain-washed skies, evoking a refreshing, invigorating aroma.

Clad in a pristine white robe adorned with celestial embroidery, his every movement caused the fabric to ripple gently, releasing a delicate scent reminiscent of sacred herbs and divine blossoms. The robe itself seemed to be a vessel of fragrance, evoking the sense of strolling through a celestial garden in full bloom. The scent of roses, lilies, and other sacred flowers intermingled, creating an intoxicating bouquet that clung to his form and followed him like an invisible retinue of fragrant attendants. The air surrounding him held the captivating essence of an eternal spring, a sensation that could transport one's senses to an otherworldly realm of pure beauty and serenity.

The aura enveloping this celestial being was akin to an olfactory symphony, a harmonious composition of tranquility and purity that transcended the ordinary. As he moved, a gentle breeze, cool and laden with the scents of distant meadows and blossoming gardens, seemed to accompany his every step. It was as though he bore with him the fragrant essence of untouched, paradisiacal landscapes, each wafting breeze an invitation to explore distant realms and heavenly gardens.

In his presence, the very air underwent a transformation, suffused with an almost surreal quality, as if the atmosphere itself had been purified and sanctified by his divine presence. The celestial harmonies resonating around him were accompanied by a delicate, soothing fragrance, akin to the scent of sacred frankincense and myrrh. This subtle intermingling of fragrances created an ethereal experience, a sensory testament to his divinity. Those fortunate enough to encounter him couldn't help but be transported to a state of profound spiritual bliss and purity, as though they were participants in a sacred ceremony or ancient ritual, where the boundary between the earthly and the divine dissolved in the fragrant embrace of his aura.

"What do you want?" Elara asked, allowing us to receive an arrogant but also graceful smile from the man. 


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