Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 550 Taking Care Of Things (2)

One was a woman with long hair flashing with all the colors of the rainbow. She looked like a harpy with her feathery features and extremely bright colors. In addition to her beautiful pale figure enhanced by a maid outfit, she had two sparkling rainbow wings flapping behind her. 

The other was a man with two wolf ears sprouting from his short but wavy black and white hair. He had a few patches of fur scattered across his dark skin and a wagging tail behind him. He was currently in a butler outfit that really enhanced his muscular features. 

Finally, there was another man in a butler outfit, but this time he had two deer antlers sprouting from his head. His pale white skin had none of the animal features the other servants had, but he did have a small stubby tail poking out from his pants. 

"You all are… oh, yeah… ummmm… yeah, you don't have to work for me anymore. You have no more use to me now."

Frightened by what I had just said, the three servants paled at the thought of me abandoning them, and to be honest, I only spoke the truth. I was never going to use them again as I won't be on this plane very often. So, the only option for me to save somebody from a lifetime of hoping for their master to come back would be to just let them go. 

All three of them nearly spoke up, but I quickly raised my hand, pausing them as I already knew what they were going to say. They were going to ask whether I didn't like them anymore or possibly they did something wrong. It was the usual, so I immediately spoke up, giving them just a bit of hope. 

"Ummm… well, yeah. It's the truth, but you all did nothing wrong, I just want you to have some kind of life. Travel the planes and develop your skills. You all are strong but could be even stronger. I don't want to limit you all at my own selfishness as, to be honest, I won't be coming back much. And the fact that I forgot about you all just proves that point, so I hereby dismiss you from your position. You may all leave. You all are free," I meekly smiled, causing all three of them to begin crying, but it wasn't some kind of breakdown. They were understanding and leaked just a few tears before wiping them away. And with one last goodbye, I saw them bow before disappearing. 

"Going up planes is very different from going down planes," Lucifer explained before taking a sip from her cup of tea. "I'm sure you've already noticed, but when you reach the chamber from which the portal is held, you are sent down a layer. That is the common reason as to why most people become demons upon going across each plane." 

"So then, how are we supposed to go up?" I asked, slouching down in my chair while fiddling with a golden coin. 

I had finished all of my tasks over the past couple of days. That included explaining practically everything while also helping to set the entirety of my plane in the right direction once more. Meeting up with the empresses, again and again, was so tedious, but the times we had together after all of the tasks had been completed almost made it worth it… almost. 

And now, I was on a date back in hell, discussing the final details of the mission I was being sent on. Lucifer really had to dumb it down for me because there were so many complicated details that went into this that, eventually, she just told me to do my own thing. The only real plan I had to follow was hitting a few points and objectives on the way to the final objective. 

"To go up, you have to break through the fake sky and plane. You have to literally force your way up, but this is nearly impossible even for me. But you are different. You have [Weak Celestial Bone Dive], a skill that allows you to dive through the skeleton of the plane, which is essentially the ceiling for all planes." 

"So I just activate it and dive through?" 

"Yes, but you have to use all of your buff skills. Even if they're weak and hardly do anything, I would still activate them. It's going to hurt as well, as you're essentially resisting the will of the universe."

"And how many times will I have to do this exactly? The way you're explaining it makes it seem like I'll pass out from just one plane… so what about the others? I'm sure my plane is nowhere near the others." 

"I can teleport you to the closest plane, but I can't teleport you directly to the plane. My presence will be revealed, and you'll be given an extremely hard time… to the point where you might as well just retreat… okay?" 

"Okay, but how many planes exactly?" 

"Only two. That's it. Can you handle it?" 

"Are you applying buffs to me as well?" 

"No, otherwise, the angels will detect that as well. This is all you, but I will be rooting for you… and…" The demon queen leaned over the table we were sitting at and gave me a kiss on the lips. "... good luck… please don't die." 

"If you insist," I smiled back, finishing the rest of my tea and then standing up. Lucifer walked towards me, her eyes and aura displaying every ounce of worry she could muster. Her hand grasped mine, and as we walked to the top of my castle, me saying goodbye to all of the maids present, we smiled at each other. 

As soon as we reached the top, a cool breeze fluttered my hair and dried out my slightly tearing eyes. I looked over the plane that I had cultivated for so long and said one last goodbye to it before I would potentially never see it again. 

"Let's go." 

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