Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 538 Adventures Of Ysal (3)

"Yes, ma'am~" I continued to follow the stunning and gorgeous goddess that I got the privilege of following behind. 

"Ysal, can I ask you a bit of a personal question?" She suddenly spoke up as we walked down the hall leading towards the absolute north of the plane. "I promise it won't be something too out of the ordinary." 

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead…" 

"Were you topping Arpious, or were you a bottom?" 

If I had a sip of water in my mouth, all of it would've been sprayed onto the floor as I was so taken aback by the question that I stuttered seemingly endlessly until she began to laugh. 

"Well? What is it?" Treyni confidently smiled, and to be honest, I couldn't tell if she was trying to tease, humiliate, or just ask me a simple question. But whatever it was, it really took me off guard to the point where I could barely respond. "I guess you're a bottom, huh? You don't look like it." 

"N-No, I'm a top. I'm definitely a top… just don't ask such questions out of nowhere. You took me hella off guard," I nervously chuckled. 

"Oh, was that too big of a question for you?" The woman stepped closer to me as we continued down the long hall. 

Her hand grazed my hand, and after I gulped down a large drop of saliva, I broke the silence with my own question. 

"A-Are you a top? Just from your attitude, I can tell you're a top." 

"Hmmmm… well, I can do either. I don't really mind as long as the person I'm with is somebody I love~" She got up close to my ear and whispered into it, those sweet words of hers gripping my brain itself. 

Her words were like the song of a siren, attempting to turn my brain to mush so she could control and manipulate me however she would like. 

"Anyways, how many wives do you have? I doubt it's as many as Arpious, but I'm still curious… are you able to keep up with all of them, or are there breakouts of jealousy?" 

"Occasionally, there are breakouts of jealousy, but within my three wives including Arpious, they are mostly on good terms. At first, Arpious and the elven empress were on bad terms, but after working together a few times, their relationship has improved… I think." 

"You think?" Treyni chuckled. "Is that a maybe… do you think they're fighting behind the scenes and not telling you anything?" 

"That could very well be happening, so I guess I should start putting in my work for my wives… *sigh*... I've just been so caught up with work lately that I have been barely able to give them attention. Especially the demon empress… she's one hell of a character and even more a handful when it comes to neediness. Geez, I swear… I can never get her off my back." 

"Then how do you handle her?" 

"I ummmm… well, while I'm working, I just keep her under my desk. She likes it down there, especially when she's… well… ummmmm…." 

The nature woman burst out laughing, even beginning to slap my shoulder as she could hardly contain her uncontrollable wave of laughter. 

"That's quite the solution! AHAHAHAA!" 

"W-What does Arpious do with the needy ones? I assume it's less extreme than that, right?" I attempted to cut in to save myself some embarrassment. 

"Well, none of her wives are needy since she's the needy one. Quite the predicament, right? Especially when all of her wives are quite obsessed with her… you'd think there would be more fights across this plane, but we managed to make it work… kind of." 

"Oh? Kind of?" I smirked, calling her back to her previous reaction. 

"I mean… we're on good terms occasionally, but it's normally Aika and Kumo who are together. Homura and I just do our own things… actually, she does have pets that are quite needy. And they might pull through with something that is less than favorable for our plane." 

"Pets? What kind of monsters is she keeping? Can I see them?" 

"Honey, they aren't monsters. They're human empresses who she forced into submission through her own skills and power. She did end up dying, but-" 

"Dying? She ended up dying? What the fuck?" 

"Oh, she has a skill where she can revive herself. During the war where we conquered the plane, she killed some mage who had a revival skill. Pretty crazy and overpowered, if I must say so myself." 

"I have a similar skill, although it's more related to my immortality than anything else. As long as the sun exists, I'll exist… that's just how it works." 

"Interesting…" Treyni slowly circled around me, grazing her eyes up and down. "You're covering it with this neat white button-up shirt and pleated pants, but you're quite the curvaceous specimen. Can I give it a try later?" 

As she bit her lips seductively, I turned bashful for the first time in my life, failing to cover myself with my own arms and crossed legs. 

She lightly chuckled before speaking in a smug tone. "Not a bottom… not a bottom… hmmmm… well, let's finish cleaning up this place first before we settle on who's going to be doing who." 

"W-What? W-We haven't even gone on our date yet?" I stuttered, catching up with Treyni as she began to run down the hallway. 

"Oh honey… we both know what we both want… but a date wouldn't sound so bad. How about we get a private room at a club or something? Warm up a bit for tonight… how does that sound, sweetheart?" 

"S-Sure," I stuttered, just throwing my hands up in the air and giving in. I didn't care anymore as this woman was too beautiful to talk back to. 

"Now… let's see… I'm assuming it should be around here." 

Treyni ran her hand across the patterned stone wall until her fingers suddenly slipped through a fake wall which she immediately walked into. 

Her entire body phased through, so I decided to just go with the flow and follower her right in. 

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