Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 134 Arena Of Twilight (2)

I'll shove that question away, for now, the match is about to start.

[Evolution Switch]

My body once again compresses itself. It looked like my muscles and bones were collapsing in on themselves. The strange feeling though… continued to reap.

The feathers on my massive wings curled around my body and a few seconds after, I was back in my Cursed Wings form.


"S-so cute~," Treyni says, her hands covering her mouth.

'Oi, bring me to the seating now,'

"F-forgive my rudeness," Treyni stutters, picking me up and running back towards the stands.

We made it just in time. As Treyni sat down, right next to Amelia, a woman walked onto the dirt arena. It was a beast woman with grey ears protruding from the top of her head, and a grey, fluffy tail, wagging behind her.

"Our next match is a 3 on 3, with the first team being a trio of students from the newly created Academy of Twilight! Versus! The second-ranked badge group, the Flaming Phoenixes!"

The announcer's voice was loud but she wasn't shouting in the slightest. It echoed through the arena, pumping the audience full of adrenaline.

Both groups then come out of an entrance on opposite sides of the arena. The cheers got even louder as the group called "Flaming Phoenixes" came out. They were filled to the brim with confidence but it didn't reach the point of arrogance.

It was a trio of 3 sirens. The wings that protruded from their backs were made entirely of fire red feathers. A swordsman, tank, and mage, the most basic set up for a party. Not that it's bad, but they're just average.

They won't specialize in short-ranged attacks, defense, or long-ranged attacks… the perfect first opponents for my daughters.

Both teams step forward with the announcer in between them. Freya and Luna seemed concentrated and even looked down on their opponent while their beastman teammate was pretty nervous.

He was sweating profusely and he fidgeted with his hands a lot. His eyes darted all over the place, probably scared of being judged by the large audience.

"*sigh* I didn't expect much, but I thought he could try and be a bit more confident," Treyni says.

Treyni must've picked him for a reason so I'll give him a chance. But if he brings any harm to my daughters, I won't show mercy.

"This is not a deathmatch, so please try to keep yourself from killing each other. Proper punishment will be dished out if you can't follow this one rule,"

Huh, not a fight to the death? This won't change my daughters in the slightest if they don't fight to the death.

'Referee, make it a fight to the death. I'll give you whatever you want,' I say, using [Grand Mind Magic].

The referee quickly looks around. She seemed to be startled at hearing my voice and she knew exactly who I was.

"F-forgive me but we just got a special request from the queen! She has requested that this be a fight to the death!" The announcer says.

The entire arena was silent for one second and the next second, it exploded into chaotic cheers. Treyni panicked eyes darted towards me but I kept my head straight. If they were about to die, I was going to step in.

This will give them an extra layer of pressure, forcing them to work together.

Freya and Luna exchanged a few words before looking straight ahead at their opponents. Also, Violet came running into the arena with 2 scythes about the same height as my daughters. The blade on the other hand was half the size of my daughter's height.

Violet handed the steel scythes to my daughters which they gripped tightly and twirled in their fingers. It seemed much more comfortable in their hands compared to the long swords from before.

"Alright, it seems everybody is ready! This fight will only be stopped once one team is completely wiped out! First aid will be applied once the match is over!" The announcer says.

Everybody takes a fighting stance and my daughter's eyes grow cold. The beastman was practically shaking in his boots from all the pressure and potentially dying.

"Ready… set… BEGIN!" The announcer shouts, taking a few steps back.

Luna dashes towards the swordsman and the handle of her scythe collides with his iron sword. Luna raises her knee but the experienced swordsman doesn't fall for her fake so she twirls the scythe around her wrist.

The sword slid off and the blade of the scythe appeared in front of the fire harpies face. He was surprised and barely managed to slip out of the way.

My daughter didn't give him a second to breathe with what looked to be spider legs protruding from the ground. They surrounded him and he was forced to split his attention since Luna's onslaught of scythe-based attacks almost killed him with every swing.

I shifted my eyes to Freya, to see how she was doing.

She was currently in an intense clash with the female mage of the group. The tank tried to keep Freya back in the beginning, since protecting the mage was common knowledge, but the beastman kept slashing at his shield.

The beastman seemed to have gone into a type of berserk mode. His extended claws made an ear-wrenching sound whenever they scratched across the tank's metallic shield. Also, his attacks were so fast that the tank couldn't even give a bit of support to the mage.

Shifting back to Freya I saw that she wasn't using the scythe as much as Luna. The mage was able to keep her distance with [Fire Magic]. Fireballs, spears, swords, all types of weapons came flying at Freya but she didn't waver.

Her blue fire easily countered it but she was still, greatly holding back.


[Name: Freya]

[Race: Blue Sun Lamassu]

[Status: Calm]

[Level: 1/100]

[HP: 800/800  MP: 500/500  SP: 700/700]

[Strength: 160]

[Defense: 160]

[Magic: 110]

[Speed: 150]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 25]

[Skills: [Blue Fire Magic] [Forbidden Magic: Ra] [Feral Claws] [Beastly Vision Enhancement] [Sunlight Magic] [Domain of the Sun] [Air Shattering Claws] [Air Destroying Claws] [Fire Absorbing Claws] [Petrification] [Forbidden Magic: Zeus's Nimbus]

[Body Modifications: [Cursed Eyes] [The Eyes of Ra] [Blessed Blue Fur Wings of the Blue Sun Lamassu] [Blessed Tail of the Blue Sun Lamassu]

[Titles: [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of the Sun]

She could've ended the fight at any time, either with, [Fire Absorbing Claws], [Domain of the Sun], or either of her forbidden magic. But, using forbidden magic is probably something that should be saved as a very last resort since it will expose her identity immediately.

Freya had a smile as she slowly closed the distance between the mage and her. Once she felt the time was right, she ducked down and rocketed towards the mage. She stumbled back in fear as blue fire coated Freya's scythe.

Freya swung her scythe towards the neck of the mage, slitting it instantly. But before she passed away, she launched a desperate fireball from point-blank range. It exploded instantly, creating an extremely loud,


Luna who was fighting the swordsman saw what happened to her sister and was thrown into a fit of rage.

'They might seem like they only hate each other, but deep down they love each other a lot. Their competitive nature influences their thoughts greatly, but when it comes down to the real thing, their sisterly bond is still in fact there,' I mentally say, using [Grand Mind Magic] on Treyni.

Luna's eyes were furrowed as thousands of black spider legs protruded from the ground. Before they were white but they suddenly turned black, as if they were reacting to her unstable emotions.

The swordsman stumbled in fear as the sun was blocked out and in one swift swing, he was dead. His head plopped to the ground as Luna dashed towards Freya who was lying on the ground, burns ridding her body.

The tank who saw both of his teammates die a cruel death was enraged but instead of focusing on the opponent in front of him, he targeted the unconscious Freya.

He wanted revenge. One that won't just injure his opponent, but will mentally break them down even if he dies himself.

The beastman he was facing tried to stop him but his burly body received his scratches like they were nothing. Blood was pouring everywhere but he kept charging towards Freya and lifted his shield into the air, ready to decapitate her.

You're already too late…

Luna changes her target and activates all her attack skills at once. Thousands of chains burst from the ground, wrapping around him as spider legs pierced through the small holes that were part of the chains.

Threads slipped their way in, tightening the chains even further. Finally… her hand had medusa coating it.

Luna kneeled next to Freya, holding her tightly against her chest while she slammed her hand into the ground. She didn't have as much control as me so she was only able to make a large sinkhole around herself and Freya.

But, that was unnecessary. The fire harpy had already died from extensive blood loss but for the icing on the cake, the chains tightened so much that his body ended up exploding. Guts and blood covered the arena but Luna kept checking on Freya in case she might've had life-threatening injuries.

"HEY, DUMBASSES! BRING THE FUCKING MEDICS!" Luna shouts in anger as healers come running out.

"*sigh*... That scared me," Amelia says, her hands shaking.

The rest of the class looked disturbed at what happened but this is a good learning experience. Now they know what death looks like and a brutal one at that. The shock factor when they're in a life-threatening situation will be reduced slightly.

Of course, the pressure will be on them and it's up to them whether they live or die.

"Miss Treyni, what was that skill Luna used?" Alice asked.

This should be entertaining. Now, what excuse will you give or will you tell the truth?

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