Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 113 Bandit Ringleader

The slaves didn't immediately go after one another. Even though my speech was loud and persuasive, they still had an air of nervousness around them. But it didn't even take 1 minute for chaos to ensue within the packed moshpit.

Blood sprayed everywhere with some slaves trying to escape, while some were going on a blind rampage. Corpses started to pile up in the middle of the arena so the other slaves could have a slightly easier time-fighting.

Eventually, some of the slaves who were running away tried to use the pile of corpses to escape the ring since it was within a jumpable distance of the stone balcony. When they clung onto the stone railing, I tapped on my thrones stone arm with my finger, sending a wave of gold to freeze them solid… in gold.

"[Forbidden Magic: Midas] is pretty good but I think I'll stick with medusa. I don't know, medusa just feels more natural to me," I mumble to myself as I see my golden finger slowly return to normal.

Seeing the bloodbath wasn't going to stop any time soon, I decided to give Yin her reward now since she seemed slightly restless.

"Yin, do you want to have your reward now?"

"C-can I?!" Yin says with a smile.

"Come here," I say, patting my lap.

Once again she crawls onto my lap as I start to stroke her silky hair. When I brushed my hand against her hairy tarantula legs, it felt soft. It surprised me slightly but then assumed that it might be like porcupine quills where you can pet them when they are relaxed, but if you pet them when they're stressed, you'll quill yourself.

"Master, have I been a good girl?" Yin asks.

"Yes, you've been a good girl,"

"Yay!" Yin says with her blissful face.

Damn, she's really like a dog.

The venom jar went on for another 15 minutes until Yin stepped in when only 24 remained. She couldn't save the 25th who already had his gut ripped open with a dagger.

Doesn't matter now.

One of my maids who wielded [Healing Magic], entered the pit and started to heal the slaves. Some were able to even break out of Yin's [Grand Shadow Magic] and try to lash out at the maid but… she quickly put them in their place. Just a few moves were able to send fear into their very soul which then they could only accept the [Healing Magic] that was used on them.

"Yin put them through basic training for now while I come up with their corps-specific training," I ordered.

Yin gets out of my lap and quickly changes personalities to where she just gave me a nod of confirmation. I, on the other hand, climb onto my wolf and direct it towards the top of the hill where my castle is engraved.

"*sigh* it's barely even a sapling,"

I was currently in front of the dirt patch where I planted the Yggdrasil seed but only got disappointed when I saw the seed was barely sprouting out of the ground.

I was regretting turning my skills into these seeds. I should've waited a bit longer when there weren't so many troublesome things to deal with. My kingdom is growing exponentially but I can't even walk through it.

As I continued to beat myself up over my stupid decision, I felt multiple eyes lay on me. They didn't seem familiar but I could tell they were coming from the green hills and when I looked there, I saw a myriad of what look to be… bandits?

I guess…  but why would they come after me… do they think they can kill me even though I have lost an arm and part of my leg… tsk, pretentious little shits.

"So it was true that our queen was severely injured but I didn't think it was this bad. How is she supposed to defend the kingdom when she looks like this," I hear a tall fire harpy say.

As they approached closer, I got off my wolf and sat down on the lush green grass below me.

I would say there are about 60 of these buff guys. Damn, I know there are bandits in my kingdom, but I didn't realize there were so many. Is there possibly a ringleader behind this and they are influencing my citizens into doing this? Maybe a force outside of my kingdom?

No that's not possible. I got rid of every potential threat on the [Mountain of Twilight], which means… The ringmaster is probably in my kingdom. No wonder Yin had to wipe out so many bandit bases, she said there was about 20 right. And that was what she could find. Who knows how many are left.

The bandits soon stopped about 25 feet away from me, gripping their swords tightly.

"Oh, why are you being so wary? Isn't this queen crippled and can't move at all?" I tease with a cold expression.

"HAH! Bluff all you want but we're taking your head and our leader will be the new queen," An Amazonian says.

So it's a woman and not a man. I'll take note of that…

"Hmmm… I wonder why you're doing this? Revenge?"

"Revenge?! Bullshit! We just need a new queen that could protect our kingdom!" shouts the same Amazonian.

My eyes only grew colder as he said that. My cold gaze was enough for the bandits in front of me to slightly step back.

"You are an idiot. A queen protecting her kingdom... You really are… a fucking idiot. The knights and adventurers protect my kingdom while I run it. If I wasn't so nice, in the previous war, we wouldn't have won without my support.

But that doesn't matter now, since my leaders are more than enough to deal with anybody. Even my army and citizens are stacked. There is no point in me going to a battlefield where my subjects fight unless I want to have fun or provide moral support… fucking idiots,"

The bandits barely saw the mistake in their actions but it was too late to turn back. But before they could charge in, I thought I could use this opportunity to let off some steam and have a bit of fun.

"You guys come at me one on one… Unless you're so scared of me that you have to all attack me at once," I provoke.

Seems the bandits were just muscleheads since they fell for my provocation. It's not like I couldn't take them on all at once, it's just that would be boring and end the fun too quickly.

They stepped forward one at a time which I used to hone and practice my skills even without moving. [Forbidden Magic: Midas] is easy to use since you just tap the ground once, think of the direction you want it to go, and then it turns anything it touches into gold.

[Double Earthquake Slash] is like how it sounds. I just swing my hand after it is enveloped in a brown aura, creating slash marks in the air. They not only cut through anything but also split my enemies apart like an earthquake.

Whenever I used it, the air or ground around the slash started to quake and cracks could be seen forming.

Eventually, the bandits finally found out they couldn't beat me on a one on one so they all charged in at once, swords ready in the air.


[Name: Arpious]

[Race: Lamassu of Ancient Fires]

[Status: Slightly Excited]

[Servants: 6]

[Subordinates: 7]

[Pets: 1]

[Level: 39/100]

[HP: 700/700  MP: 500/500  SP: 500/500]

[Strength: 170 (+5) (+25) (+25) (+25) (+60)]

[Defense: 170 (+5)]

[Magic: 170 (+25) (+25) (+25) (+40)]

[Speed: 170 (+5) (+25) (+25) (+25) (+40)]

[Luck: 2]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [******] [Forbidden Magic: Zeus's Nimbus] [Poison Immunity] [Disease Immunity] [Virus] [Forbidden Magic: Medusa] [Fire Immunity] [Lightning Resistance] [Inspect] [Gluttons Stomach] [Concentration] [Evolution Switch] [Gold Manipulation] [Concentration] [Assimilation] [Lavas Will] [Heightened 5 Senses and More] [Summon: Blood Minion] [Forbidden Magic: Hermes] [Blood Devouring Army Enhancement] [Tangible Bloodthirsty Aura] [Pain Immunity] [Invisible Grand Flying Sense] [Ancient Reproduction Art] [Summon: Slime Weapon] [Mystic Arm and Leg] [Summon: Phoenix] [Domain of the Dark Garden] [Summon: Walking Jungle Hydra] [Night and Day Enhancement] [Summon: Overlord Deer] [Summon: Overlord Wolf] [Grand Mind Magic] [Forbidden Magic: Midas] [Summon: Golden Mountain Bear] [Grand Water Magic] [Throne World: Ice Palace] [Weather Manipulation: Wind, Rain, Sun, and Snow] [True Queen Overlords Dominating Presence] [Forbidden Magic: Skadi] [Twilight Dragons Vampiric Breath] [Double Earthquake Slash]

This should do.

"[Throne World: Ice Palace]," I mutter.

I blink once and see that I'm sitting on a massive throne of ice. I looked around and saw that I was in a massive palace that you would only see in fantasy books and of course… It was made from only ice.

When I looked down, I saw that the bandits were about 20 feet below me because of how high my throne was.

I've never used a throne world, but it should be used like this.

Raising my arm up and slamming it down, massive spears of ice pierce down from the roof, instantly impaling every bandit but one below me. The ice even sucked up the blood and quickly retreated into the ceiling, leaving no stains at all.

"Well that's handy," I mutter as I snap fingers, causing me to reappear on the open grassy field.

[49200 XP gained]

[You have leveled up]

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