[Day 38]

My body feels so sore.

As I open my eyes, I see numerous plants around me. The bed and room were different from my room so I assumed it was a guest room. The bed was enough for me to roll around but I didn't have the energy to do that.

"... It's so hot but I have the chills… wait when did I get a fever? I thought I only injured my body? Plus I have [Disease Immunity] so there's no way I can have a fever…" I quietly mutter to myself.

Suddenly, I hear the wooden door creak open and see a maid enter the room with a basin of water and cloth made from rubber cotton. When she saw me, she jumped slightly before scampering over to my nightstand and placing the items on it.

She then bows and says,

"Good morning master. I have prepared a wipe-down bath for you," the maids says.

"I'll just take a regular bath," I say weakly while moving my legs out of bed.

The maid reached out towards me but before she could stop me, I collapsed and remembered part of my left leg was gone. The maid ran over to me and helped me back onto my bed and only just felt the insane amount of sweat all over my body.

"Please rest, master. You are suffering from mana sickness and you need time to recover," The maid says, laying me down on my bed.

I give in, as she takes off my clothes and dips the cloth into the basin of water. She then wipes the sweat off my legs and arms, moving to my torso and back. As soon as she finishes wiping me down, I feel much more refreshed and put on a new nightgown that rested on the nightstand beside me.

"Where are my wives?" I asked the maid as she picked up a broom and started to clean the room.

"They are all currently shopping to try and relieve some stress. They were extremely worried when they saw you hadn't woken up this morning," The maid responds.

"Did you send maids to follow them in case they run into any trouble?"

"The assassin corps is currently watching over them," The maids says.

The maid continues to sweep the room as I lean back onto the comfy pillow. I curled up in my blanket and proceeded to shiver, trying to go back to sleep.

About 5 minutes later, I hear the door open and see a maid with a bowl full of crushed up herbs. Looking closer I realize that the maid clothing that I requested and drew for Aimi was on the maid. I looked at the other maid in the room and saw she was wearing the same outfit as well.


Damn… I really am sick.

"Good morning master, please take this medicine. It will help relieve your fever,"

"Thanks," I say, taking the ceramic bowl from her hand.

I pour the dust-like herbs into my mouth and swallow. It was extremely bitter which made me grimace slightly before handing the ceramic bowl back. Wiping my mouth, I request another blanket which the maid happily complies.

"Oh, also tell my wives to come to see me when they're done shopping. They're probably wondering how and why I ended up like this," I say to the maid who was just about to close the wooden door.

"As you wish,"

"*cough* *cough*... has a large deer or wolf come by here?" I ask the maid sweeping the room.

"Yes, they have. We have put the strange grey orb, bones, and dragon corpse into the treasure room. Masters wives aren't aware of this yet since they just came by and then disappeared after your wives left," the maids answers.

"I see… bring me one of the bones," I ordered.

"As you wish,"

About 10 minutes passed until I heard the door creak open. Instead of the maid, I ordered to bring one of the bones, it was my wives with mostly tears in their eyes. Kumo was just smiling happily while running towards me.

"Are you alright?! What happened to you?! Did the dragon do this to you?! Did you take the medicine that Ichika prepared?! Are you feeling any better?!"

Multiple questions flooded in while Aika hugged me tightly. They all took turns hugging me tightly until they backed away and took a deep breath, calming themselves down.

"Was it the dragon that did this to you?" Kumo asks.

"Technically I did this to myself but I won't go into much detail about it. But I already received many injuries from an enemy I failed to kill in the past,"

"Was it that bear queen?" Homura asks.

"Yeah… I saw that she obtained something called a death stone last time. It wasn't activated at that time, but it seems she was able to activate it… I did end up killing her er- she killed herself, so you don't need to worry about it.

Also, the dragon was slain by the Golden Mountain Bear Queen but I ordered my summons to bring the corpse back. If you want, you can check them out in the treasure room,"

"Death stone…? Sounds a bit familiar," Kumo says, rubbing her chin.

"Well… I'm just glad I didn't die. Though… I ended up losing part of my leg and an arm in the process," I say with a weary smile.

"Is it possible to grow back a limb with healing magic?" Aika asks.

"I don't know. Maybe I could do it with [Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei], but I currently don't have it. Also, I've been thinking of an idea that might work that includes [Assimilation] but that's it,"

"It doesn't matter if you don't get a limb back or not, as long as you can recover and stay by my er- our side," Aika says, blushing profusely.




"W-what?" Aika stutters.

"That's pretty fucking cringe," I say.

"W-what! It's the truth! Even if you can't fight anymore, we can still protect you!" Aika shouts in embarrassment.

"Yeah yeah, anyway, I'm still feeling feverish so can you please leave for now," I say.

"Alright, but you're not leaving this bed until you fully recover. I bet you're still feeling sore so you're staying here for at least 2 more days," Homura says with a stern face.

"I wasn't planning on leaving for the next 2 days anyway," I say with a smile before slipping under the covers.

"Alright, well make sure to drink lots of water, and have you eaten yet?" Homura asks.

"No, but I'm not that hungry… just leave I'm about to fall asleep any second here," I say, yawning.

"Get better soon," Kumo says before leaving and my other wives soon following after.

I took a sneak peek at their bellies and saw that they had grown quite big, notifying me that they might give birth in the next 2-5 days or so.


The door closes as I feel a presence enter the shadows. It was familiar so I said,

"Yin, come out,"

"M-master, alright you alright?" Yin says kneeling next to the bed.

I sit up slightly, extremely exhausted. Yin had tears forming in the corner of her eyes so I patted my lap.

She smiled in excitement and wiped the forming tears from her eyes before crawling onto my lap like a cat ready for a treat. As I pet her, a blissful expression appeared on her face and I felt my eyelids grow heavier by the second.

"Yin, I'm going to sleep so make sure to protect my wives… while… I'm… *yawn*... here," I say, before resting my head on my pillow.

"Yes, master," Yin says, after switching to her other personality.

(Aika POV)

"I should check out the dragon corpse since I'm going to ask Ava to make a dragon necklace for babe, so I need a reference," I say to Homura and Kumo.

"Alright, I'm just going to go for a stroll," Kumo says, with Homura nodding her head in agreement.

"See ya," Kumo says, as I walk down the opposite way Kumo and Homura were going.

I'm kind of excited to see what the dragon corpse will look like. I mean it's a fucking dragon and the mountain guardian. I wonder if babe would let me try some of its meat? It sounds like it would taste good…

As I turn the corner, I see a maid walking down the hallway with a bone that looked to be the size of a leg.

"Hey, what are you doing with that?"

"Oh, Miss Aika, forgive my rudeness. Master requested for me to bring one of the bones that her summons brought back," The maid says, bowing deeply.

"Okay… take care of her well," I say before passing her.

"As you wish,"

I continue down the hallway and see the massive treasure room with thousands of obsidian, gold, iron, and bronze coins in all 4 corners of the room. On each side of the room were tall glass pillars, with half of them filled with something. 4 of them were corpses while the other 2 were a grey ball that emitted grey mist and a pile of white bones with strange black runes on them.

As I walk in front of the white and blue dragon corpse, I hear a voice come from the glass pillar beside the one I'm in front of right now.

"Are you a fan of… death?"

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