
Chapter 1353 Depart

"I don't think you need to worry about that, Sir. Even if you can't regrow your missing part, you still can walk. We have this thing called mechanical limbs that will help you to walk again and do any other normal activity. If you have gotten used to the normal mechanical limbs, we can upgrade those mechanical limbs for special activity as well," Yu approached the red monkey and took out a vial.

"And I don't think you need to worry about the mechanical limbs too. As long as we get rid of the poison in your system, your chance to regrow your missing limbs is high. The most important thing is to cure the poison before it reaches your Mana Whirlpool. It will be more dangerous if the poison reaches your core," He then handed the vial to Jacky, "You drink this. That should be enough to slow down the poison until we go back to my lab."

Yu then turned toward Tang Shaoyang, "So how do I get back, Master?" After settling down with his patient, he realized that he was far from home. Even though he spent most of his time inside the facility, he could tell this city was far from home.

The building architecture was the tell, this was not The Tang Empire or Earth. If he was not in the Tang Empire, that meant….

"Are we in another world? How am I going to bring him back then?"

Frost, Jacky, and Rumru turned toward Tang Shaoyang. They were told that he came through a dimensional gate. However, they did not know what this dimensional gate was. Whether it was something like a skill, or it physically existed.

It was good that Frost was understanding instead of making outrageous demands.

"Ah, don't send any of your people to search for the gate either. I put guards on the gate, and they will kill your people if they get too close to the gate. So you don't need to worry about the Phoebus Legion and The Clown Troupe to sneak on your back anymore." Tang Shaoyang reminded Frost.

"I will warn my people not to venture out to that area as well," Frost did not have a negative thing about the warning. He knew that Tang Shaoyang would not put his trust in him unless The Orin Kingdom became the Tang Empire's vassal and took the oath.

"Good, have you decided on a guide for me? I have taken care of the knights besieging the city, and it's time for me to leave to look for those Gods," Tang Shaoyang did not mention the vassal offer. Since Frost did not bring it up, the Orin Kingdom's high-ranking official had not made the decision yet.

"We have prepared a small team of four people to be your guide, Sir. They are representing the four major tribes of the Orin Kingdom…."

Tang Shaoyang cut him off, "I don't need four people to babysit. I just need one, a single guide should be enough. Cut the guide only to one guide."

The reason for him to do so was because he did not want to travel by foot. He wanted to fly because it was much faster to fly. Carrying one person should be fine, but he did not want to carry four beastmen with him.

Frost smiled wryly, "It's not me who decides those four guides, Sir. But the council did. They wanted to observe before we made the decision whether we should become your vassal. The guides' opinion will be the key for them to make the decision, Sir."


Tang Shaoyang clicked his tongue as he did not really like this, "Then you have to answer my question. Who's strongest in the Orin Kingdom? What Rank?" If the Orin Kingdom's strength was on par with the Elven Kingdom, then he would not mind accepting these four guides. Or else, it was not worth it to have four burdens with him.

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