Archean Eon Art

Chapter 430 - Three Years

Chapter 430 Three Years

The World Gap.

Meng Chuan put away the table and chair and looked up at the purple lightning that tore through the darkness.

“It took me 53 days to finish 15 paintings. It took much longer than it previously did,” said Meng Chuan softly. As he painted, his Essence Soul constantly emitted a spiritual glow. Clearly, the insights he gained from painting had stirred his heart and affected him greatly.

Back then, he took 23 days to finish painting Fifteen Lightning Forms for the first time. This was because his cultivation and technique realm was low, thus he saw ‘less.’ Due to seeing less, his paintings of the purple lightning were blurry! Back then, he only cared about depicting the purple lightning’s charm in his paintings vaguely.

This time, he saw a lot more. The paintings were more complicated and exquisite. The Fifteen Lightning Forms’ charm was much more similar to the actual purple lightning.

These 15 paintings represent the purple lightning’s different aspects. However, all these paintings still depict the same purple lightning Meng Chuan understood this concept. If I can fuse the 15 forms into my saber arts one day, my saber arts will be like the purple lightning. When I strike, I will be able to tear through the River of Spacetime and shatter the darkness. My achievements then will probably be comparable to Ancestral Master Archean Eon’s.

Perhaps the purple lightning was weaker than Ancestral Master Archean Eon? Or was it slightly stronger than him?

Meng Chuan couldn’t judge the differences between the two with his current level of insight. However, he definitely knew that the purple lightning was slightly stronger when compared to the Star Cluster Building’s two tribulation-level ultimate techniques of the lightning lineage-Lightning Realm and Three World Saber.

Since Ancestral Master Archean Eon and the alien experts can reach such a level, I, Meng Chuan, also have the chance of doing so. Meng Chuan instantly drew Demon Slayer and faced the forming world. He stood on the vast land and slashed out.

A beard lathered was half shaved. To Meng Chuan, his second attempt at painting Fifteen Lightning Forms was the lathering of the beard. It deepened his understanding of the purple lightning. He had a clearer understanding of which aspects he could still improve on.

Days passed.

Archean Mountain’s team, as well as the Two World Island and Black Sand Grotto-Heaven team, cultivated peacefully.

This cultivation lasted for three years!

In these three years, the demons didn’t send any demon monarchs into the World Gap. This made Meng Chuan and company even more cautious. The demons were clearly making secret preparations. The longer they bided their time, the more terrifying their attacks would be.

With regards to this, the humans were temporarily unable to do anything. Meng Chuan and company focused on their cultivation. Their chances of dealing with danger successfully increased as they got stronger.


King True Martial sat cross-legged. He formed a black-and-white domain that spanned five kilometers around him. The black-and-white gas streams chased after the gray, blurry energy that had fused and gathered at the core of the domain.

Peng Mu, Yun Jianhai, and Meng Chuan occasionally sighed in amazement when they saw the True Martial domain’s might.

The True Martial lineage doesn’t follow one path to the extreme. It’s very powerful in all aspects. Meng Chuan sighed inwardly.

The True Martial Lineage granted one an extremely powerful domain, offense, and defense. This was an extremely comprehensive ultimate technique. Of course, due to its comprehensiveness, it had limited strength. Compared to King True Martial’s self-created ultimate technique, the most terrifying ultimate techniques in the River of Spacetime allowed Creation Supremacies to kill Imperial Lords. These ultimate techniques focused on one aspect to the extreme.

For example, the Golden Lotus Descent was even more profound than the True Martial lineage. Furthermore, it had only one goal-to unleash its full power! Only by doing so could one kill an Imperial Lord with the technique!

The True Martial lineage was too comprehensive. It could only be considered dazzling in the human world. Compared to the most heaven-defying ultimate techniques in the River of Spacetime, it was still inferior.


Meng Chuan, Peng Mu, and Yun Jianhai were all very impressed with King True Martial. After all, King True Martial could leave his name in human history. In this era, even the strongest-Qin Wu, Li Guan, and Bai Yaoyuelearned their predecessors’ techniques.


Standing on the vast land, Meng Chuan drew his saber and slashed out.


The saber beam could not be seen with the naked eye. The world rumbled as the world membrane distorted.

Without using his divine powers, Meng Chuan had made the world membrane tremble and distort, a testament of his might. “Peak of the Dharma Domain realm,” muttered Meng Chuan softly. “I’ve finally reached this stage?”

Just as I expected, the suppression of the worldly laws is even more terrifying now. Meng Chuan pondered. After three years in the World Gap, Meng Chuan’s Infinite Saber had broken through to the peak of the Dharma Domain realm.

If he had remained in the human world, hadn’t painted the purple lightning again, and hadn’t constantly contemplated the mysteries of a forming world, he might have needed another five to six years to accomplish this feat.

I became a Regis Godfiend at the age of 55. I’m now 63 years old. It took me about eight years to reach the peak of the Dharma Domain realm. Logically speaking, it’s even harder to reach the Grotto-Heaven realm from the peak of the Dharma Domain realm. Considering my current cultivation speed, I will reach the Grotto-Heaven realm after about ten years. However, that is only if I follow an ordinary cultivation path. If I follow the Infinite Saber’s extreme path, it will be difficult for me to reach the Grotto-Heaven realm.

The Infinite Saber Art pursued the limits of speed.

In human history, nobody had ever broken free of the world’s shackles. Nobody had ever reached the Grotto-Heaven realm by following the path of pure speed in the human world.

To break free of the world’s shackles with extreme speed?

The difficulty of doing such a thing was very high.

Some experts in the River of Spacetime could do it. Even some powerful Tribulation Eminences could do it.

Therefore, the three ultimate techniques that he had infused with his insights of the Bloodblade Disc’s runes—Lightning Realm, Three World Saber, and Lightning Walk-could definitely break free of the world’s shackles.

Whether it’s the Bloodblade Disc or the three ultimate techniques, there’s only one way to break through the limits of pure speed.With the Flash Form of Lightning as the core, I will fuse the Wave Splitting Forms of Lightning and the Yin-Yang Form of Lightning with it. Only by fusing the three forms together can I break the world’s shackles with pure speed alone.

One had to fuse more forms together as they traveled further down their cultivation path.

Meng Chuan estimated that he would learn Golden Lotus Descent by fusing five formsEndless Form of Destruction, Perfect Harmonization Form of Destruction, Void Form of Destruction, Flash Form of Lightning, and Yin-Yang Form of Lightning-together.

The higher one’s attainments, the more forms they had to fuse.

Meng Chuan felt that he had to combine all 15 forms together if he wanted to learn Lightning Realm and Three World Saber. The 15 forms only represented elements contained within the purple lightning. Different chefs made different things with the same ingredients.The same Fifteen Lightning Forms would ultimately form different techniques when using different fusion methods.

I’ve already reached the peak of the Dharma Domain realm for Flash Form of Lightning. My Yin-Yang Form of Lightning and Wave Splitting Forms of Lightning need to reach the peak of the Dharma Domain realm independently. Only by fusing the three perfectly will I be able to break free of the world’s shackles. Infinite Saber will also reach the Grotto-Heaven realm. The most difficult thing is the fusion of the three forms.

On the contrary, my Cloud Dragon Snake Movement Technique doesn’t have to break free of the world’s shackles. It might reach the Grotto-Heaven realm earlier than the Infinite Saber Art.

Three years and six months after he entered the World Gap, his Cloud Dragon Snake Movement Technique also reached the peak of the Dharma Domain realm.

For this ultimate technique, Meng Chuan did not go to the extremes of a singular aspect. Thus, he didn’t need to break free of the world’s shackles for this particular technique. Meng Chuan estimated that the Cloud Dragon Snake Movement Technique would reach the Grotto-Heaven realm in another decade or so. However, he couldn’t tell how long the Infinite Saber Art would take. It was very likely that he wouldn’t be able to break through the bottleneck.

Three years and 11 months after Meng Chuan came to the World Gap.


King True Martial and Peng Mu, who were cultivating, suddenly sensed something. They turned their heads and looked in a direction. Soon, Yun Jianhai also sensed something and turned his head to look. Only Meng Chuan didn’t sense anything. He was in a ghostly state as he cultivated the Cloud Dragon Snake Movement Technique.

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