Archean Eon Art

Chapter 274 - Frozen into Nothingness

Chapter 274 Frozen into Nothingness

After refining Origins Returning baneful aura completely, it was already late at night.

Liu Qiyue leaned on the bed headboard as she read dossiers. She always waited for Meng Chuan before they slept together.

Liu Qiyue looked up. “Ah Chuan.”

Meng Chuan walked into the room, took off his coat, and got on the bed. He leaned towards his wife.

Liu Qiyue couldn’t help but lean against her husband and whispered, “You refined the baneful aura completely?”.

“Yes, it’s just as I expected,” said Meng Chuan with a smile. “The Origins Returning baneful aura I received from Master was just a little more than needed.”

“Master was afraid that you wouldn’t have enough, so he naturally gave you more,” said Liu Qiyue, “How potent is your baneful aura domain after refining Origins returning baneful aura? Let me take a look.”

Meng Chuan extended his finger. A dark-cyan gas appeared on his fingertip. It looked like an ordinary, mysterious dark-cyan gas that did not affect the surroundings at all.

Liu Qiyue’s Darkstar domain was constantly active. Thus, she could sense a horrifying sensation coming from the dark-cyan gas. She couldn’t help but wrap her Quintessential Essence around her body to protect herself. Her instincts told her to be ready to cast Phoenix’s Nirvana at any given moment. She looked at the dark-cyan gas in horror. “Ah Chuan, it clearly doesn’t emit any power, but I can sense how terrifying it is. It’s like I’ll immediately die once it touches me. I wouldn’t even have time to cast Phoenix’s Nirvana.”

“Even Regis Godfiends have to rely on their Seamless domains to protect themselves. They won’t dare to touch it,” said Meng Chuan. “Even so, although they can withstand the baneful aura invading their body, their strength will be greatly reduced.”

“Impressive,” exclaimed Liu Qiyue.

“It’s considered the strongest baneful aura among Regis Godfiends,” said Meng Chuan. “Most of my combat strength now stems from it.”

Liu Qiyue said, “Ah Chuan, you’re a Marquis Godfiend, but you’re already so powerful...” “Firstly, I’m powerful because of my physical body mystic technique. I have an extremely tenacious vitality. In addition, I can refine baneful auras with my Lightning Devastator Fiend Body. Secondly, Master gave this Origins Returning baneful aura to me. This is a mysterious baneful aura obtained from outside this world by our Archean Mountain seniors. It’s now very difficult to find Turbin Yin Specter baneful aura and Extreme Earth Frost baneful aura in this world. Also, Origins Returning baneful aura is stronger than these two baneful auras.”

One needed strength and luck to refine such a powerful baneful aura completely.

“If the Origins Returning baneful aura were to be given to others, they might not be able to refine it completely,” said Liu Qiyue with a smile.

“Yes.” Meng Chuan shook his head gently. “Unfortunately, even after refining the Origins Returning baneful aura completely, I still feel flustered when faced with the upcoming final battle.”

Liu Qiyue nodded. “In the face of war, what we can do is limited. Ah Chuan, at least you can save people across the world.”

“There are so many greater demon monarchs attacking the various parts of the world. No matter how fast I am, how many places can I save?” said Meng Chuan softly. “A million demon monarchs are about to attack; I’m but just one person. What can I do?”

“You aren’t alone. There are still Regis Godfiends and Creation Supremacies in the world,” said Liu Qiyue. “I can’t see the path ahead. I can only kill my way through,” said Meng Chuan.

Liu Qiyue looked at her husband. “I’ll always be by your side.”

Meng Chuan couldn’t help but smile as he looked at his wife. He reached out and hugged her.

Liu Qiyue leaned into Meng Chuan’s embrace. She said softly, “I wonder if we will be able to see the day the human race wins the war.”

“I also wish to see that day,” Meng Chuan said softly.

The couple did not sleep that night and just chatted. They talked about the world, Jiang State Capital, their parents, their children...


Meng Chuan, who had finished practicing his saber art, was having breakfast with his wife. “Chuan’er.” Meng Dajiang arrived at Lake Heart Pavilion. “Dad.” Meng Chuan and Liu Qiyue stood up.

Liu Qiyue asked, “Dad, do you want breakfast? I’ll get you a bowl.”

“I’ve already eaten.” Meng Dajiang chuckled and sat down. He seemed somewhat hesitant.

Meng Chuan smiled. “Dad, what do you have to say?”

Meng Dajiang looked at his son and whispered, “Chuan’er, I also need external materials for my cultivation. However, I don’t have much credit and can’t afford it. Therefore, I wish to borrow some credit from you.”

“You should have said so earlier. It’s such a trivial matter.” Meng Chuan and his wife, Liu Qiyue, exchanged looks. They were caught between laughter and tears.

His underground reconnaissance had to be kept a secret. Therefore, the vast majority of the public didn’t know how fast Meng Chuan earned credits. However, just providing reinforcements across the entire Great Zhou Dynasty allowed him to accumulate credit quickly; his speed at accumulating credit was comparable to a Regis Godfiend. “I want 1,030,000 credits,” said Meng Dajiang. He felt ashamed. Parents typically sacrificed everything for their children and gave them the best. He had never asked for Meng Chuan’s help all these years! However, he had no choice now. He couldn’t obtain more than a million credits elsewhere.

“Is that all? Dad, when your son is out fighting, I might kill a few demon monarchs in a stroke of good luck. The spoils of war are worth more than a million credits,” said Meng Chuan. In fact, he had been carrying out underground reconnaissance every day. He killed about 100 demon monarchs a day. The demon monarch corpses and his spoils of war earned him more than a million credits a day.

“I’ll write a letter to Archean Mountain and transfer five million credits to your name,” said Meng Chuan. “Use it for whatever you want.”

“Five million credits is too much,” said Meng Dajiang immediately. He was quite stressed about making such a request of his son for the first time. How could he accept five million credits?

“It’s not much, not much at all,” said Meng Chuan with a smile. With a flip of his hand, ink and paper appeared. He immediately began writing. The words contained his Quintessential Essence signature.

“Little Gray, quickly send this to Archean Mountain,” shouted Meng Chuan.


The avian demon monarch, Aunt Hui, appeared and respectfully received the letter. “Yes, Master.” Immediately, she transformed into a gray bird and flew towards Archean Mountain.

Meng Dajiang didn’t oppose his son’s decision. He really did need the credit.

Meng Chuan stood up. “Dad, I’m going out. I have plenty of matters to attend to.”

Liu Qiyue also stood up. “I need to head over to Earth Net headquarters too.”

“You guys deal with your business.” Meng Dajiang knew that his son and daughter-in-law had a lot of things to deal with. Liu Qiyue was very busy with managing 20 million people and the migrations.

After leaving Lake Heart Pavilion, Meng Dajiang returned to his courtyard.

A million demon monarchs wreaking havoc in the world? Is the situation getting worse? Meng Dajiang sat in his yard and began practicing his saber calmly. I, Meng Dajiang, wished to create a miracle in the Body Tempering Godfiend lineage and become the number one Body Tempering Godfiend. I wanted to impress the Bai family so that I would have a chance of being reunited with Nianyun. Now, I’m 80 years old, but I’m still in the Indestructible realm. It’s impossible for the Bai family to look at me in a different light.

But I’m also a Godfiend. I can’t hide behind my son and daughter-in-law forever during this war. Can I? After cultivating for so many years and perusing the many saber art manuals my son got for me, I’ve finally achieved Saber Intent. There’s finally hope for me to become a Great Solar Body Tempering Godfiend.

Let’s give it a try.

Meng Dajiang had wanted to become stronger for many years. When he was young, he had wanted to make history in the Body Tempering Godfiend lineage and become the first Body Tempering Marquis Godfiend. Now, he had completely given up. Even his son couldn’t help him reunite with his wife, Bai Nianyun. All he could do was keep his hope close to his heart.

He still had the heart to fight demon monarchs. He didn’t want to hide behind others.

Meng Chuan spent 12 hours underground every day. How could he have noticed his father’s psychological changes when he was so exhausted?


Meng Chuan continued his underground reconnaissance.

At a depth of 95 kilometers underground, Meng Chuan maintained his Divine Eye of Lightning and traveled at high speeds. He did his best to probe the area. He would seek out fourth Firmament demon monarchs several times a day, but it was mostly to no avail. However, he still persevered. Only if he persevered would he have hope of finding more fourth Firmament demon monarchs.

Huh? As Meng Chuan flew, he suddenly revealed a look of delight. Found it!

At a depth of 96 kilometers underground, there was a demon monarch lair. It was within Meng Chuan’s electromagnetic domain.

Three days after refining Origins Returning baneful aura completely, I discovered a fourth Firmament demon monarch. This is the fourth greater demon monarch I discovered underground in the past year. Meng Chuan was in an excellent mood. Lightning instantly erupted from his electromagnetic domain.


In the demon monarch lair, a fourth Firmament bear demon monarch was sleeping soundly. When electromagnetic waves swept over, his eyes suddenly opened. His huge, bright eyes were filled with shock and anger.

“A Godfiend. Hurry up and flee!” roared the bear demon monarch via voice transmission. His body shot up with a boom. He easily shattered all obstacles above him. To him, even the hard rocks were as fragile as tofu.


The electromagnetic domain generated countless lightning bolts. The lightning bolts flashed, and instantly, most of the mortal demons and demon monarchs in the cave abode were killed. Only three third Firmament demon monarchs survived, but their flesh and skin were burned black. They were severely injured.


In the distorted void, a dark-cyan gas suddenly surged over.

“Oh?” The bear demon monarch-who was frantically fleeing-flew at high speeds with his two sledgehammers. He held them in his hands and was ready to fight back at any moment. However, he suddenly discovered a dark-cyan gas traveling through the distorted void.

Within the distorted void, the rocks weren’t obstacles to the dark-cyan gas. It was as though it had teleported directly in front of the bear demon monarch. The rock remained intact, but the dark-cyan gas appeared right in front of him.

“What’s that?” The bear demon monarch did not have a Darkstar domain, so his senses were not sharp enough. However, he still carefully struck out with his sledgehammer that was filled with an earthen-yellow demonic power.


The sledgehammer reached the dark-cyan gas. However, the dark-cyan gas was really just gas. When it touched the sledgehammer, it naturally dispersed and enveloped the bear demon monarch. The bear demon monarch only felt an unimaginable coldness instantly spread from his chest to his entire body! Following that, he lost consciousness. The bear demon monarch’s body, including the sledgehammers, was frozen by the terrifying dark-cyan gas completely. A layer of frost covered them.


Silently, the bear demon monarch’s body disintegrated into tiny particles that scattered through the underground cave abode. The two frozen sledgehammers in his hands also shattered into dozens of fragments. His clothes, storage bag, and other items shattered into pieces. Only a small number of objects remained.

Meng Chuan walked over from the other end of the distorted void. When he saw the bear demon monarch disintegrate into nothingness and an Earth-grade divine armament crack from the cold, he couldn’t help but sigh in astonishment.

My senses tell me that its frozen body has shattered into pieces completely. Even its fur and blood had been frozen and shattered. It was directly reduced to nothingness. There’s no need to use it unless necessary. Demon Slayer didn’t even manage to absorb its blood. Even 99% of my spoils of war were destroyed.

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