Chapter 268: Chapter 141 Thank You_2

Han Rui quickly added another warning.

Wang Tao looked back and then saw a group of Elite Zombies sprinting from the stairwell of the first underground level towards this second underground level!


Seeing this scene, Wang Tao was somewhat surprised because these Elite Zombies ran as fast as Mad Demon Zombies!

What’s happening, are they in a frenzy?

Wang Tao couldn’t afford to continue dealing with the Green-eyed Zombie, so he quickly turned to confront these Elite Zombies.

These Elite Zombies were no longer the dazed creatures they had been before; after rushing down, some of them charged directly at Wang Tao and Han Rui while the rest sprinted towards the Green-eyed Zombie.

“Could it be that the Green-eyed Zombie can still fuse with these zombies?” Wang Tao swiftly killed the zombies rushing at him, then hurried over to the Green-eyed Zombie.

When they got there, Wang Tao and Han Rui were both somewhat baffled. These Elite Zombies weren’t fusing with the Green-eyed Zombie, but instead, they were diving straight into the yellow-green slime!

“What’s the situation?”

Wang Tao was taken aback, and then he looked closely at the yellow- green slime and was shocked.

He hadn’t paid much attention before, but now he noticed he could actually see the name of this liquid!

[Zombie Culture Fluid*300]

This name didn’t sound like anything good, but the fact that he could see its name meant he could collect it in his Space Backpack!

And as long as it could be collected in the Space Backpack, no matter if it was useful or not, he would take it – after all, his Space Backpack was infinite in size!

So, Wang Tao threw out another Shockwave, killing all the zombies lying in the slime.

This was his loot, zombies be damned!

At that moment, Han Rui urgently said.

“There are more Elite Zombies coming down from upstairs!” This Zombie Culture Fluid sure seems to attract zombies!

Wang Tao immediately said to Han Rui.

“You block them; I’ll see if 1 can take care of the Green-eyed Zombie quickly! ”


Han Rui immediately grabbed the axe and ran to the stairwell entrance. Against a large number of zombies, an axe was obviously more suitable than crossbow arrows.

Approaching the slime, Wang Tao concentrated his thoughts and quickly collected the slime into his Space Backpack, also picking up all the Zombie Cores on the ground.

He didn’t dawdle and started swinging his axe violently at the Green-eyed


One Shockwave after another struck its body.


in moments, the remaining seven tumors were all shattered, and yellow-green, foul-smelling slime spilled everywhere.

The smell was so unbearable that not only Wang Tao, but also Han Rui at the stairwell entrance, almost threw up.

Suppressing his disgust, Wang Tao quickly collected all the slime intohis backpack.

[Obtained: Zombie Culture Fluid*7OO]


The Green-eyed Zombie, with all ten tumors in its lower half ruptured, twisted its body before slowly emerging from the flesh masses.

Its upper body separated from its lower body, it crawled with its arms on the ground, dragging intestines-like things beneath it.

Then suddenly, the Green-eyed Zombie used its arms to leap into the air and pounced at Wang Tao.


Wang Tao had been on his guard against the Green-eyed Zombie; after all, it still had a full 15000 HP.

So even when the Green-eyed Zombie “flew” towards him, he didn’t panic. He activated Iron and Copper Bones and his Precision Shooting Ability, and when he saw the Green-eyed Zombie flying at him, Wang Tao suddenly raised his Firefighter Axe high and then fiercely swung it downwards.


The axe struck the Green-eyed Zombie’s forehead with such force that it was sent flying back.



Even though the damage number wasn’t high, it was real damage-the Green- eyed Zombie couldn’t regenerate blood anymore!

It must be due to that liquid!

After being knocked back, the Green-eyed Zombie continued to crawl with its arms on the ground and then seized the opportunity to lunge at Wang Tao again.


Wang Tao swung his axe again, this time not only striking the Green-eyed Zombie in the head but also hitting precisely where he had hit the first time.



The Green-eyed Zombie was knocked back once again.

But it stubbornly lunged at Wang Tao for the third time.

After using this move to attack himself three times, Wang Tao felt that the Green-eyed Zombie probably didn’t have many tactics left. So this time he got a little braver, sidestepping as it lunged, avoiding its attack, and sud en y grabbing its neck!

Then Wang Tao summoned all his strength and slammed it down to the ground.


He pressed the Green-eyed Zombie down from behind.

The Green-eyed Zombie was strong, but not as strong as the Hooded Zombie. Plus, with Wang Tao’s extraordinary strength, he knelt on the Green-eyed Zombie’s back with his knees, rendering it unable to escape.

He held the Green-eyed Zombie’s neck with one hand, and with an axe in the other, he started chopping at its head.





Wang Tao’s arms moved so quickly they blurred into afterimages!

Finally, with a wet crack, the Green-eyed Zombie’s skull was cleaved by Wang




The Green-eyed Zombie’s HP bar dropped to zero!


Wang Tao rubbed his aching arm.

The battle with the Green-eyed Zombie had been short and not very dangerous but was quite exhausting. Every blow from Wang Tao was full of force; even with his physical condition, he needed to take some deep breaths.

Looking at the Green-eyed Zombie, his mouth under the visor stretched into a grin.

The Green-eyed Zombie exploded with loot!

Wang Tao quickly collected the Loot Pack into his Space Backpack, then, still enduring the Green-eyed Zombie’s foul smell, extracted its Crystal Core.

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