Apocalypse: I Can See the HP Bar, Killing Monsters Drops Loot

Chapter 241 - Chapter 241: Chapter 132 Revenge (Requesting Monthly

Chapter 241: Chapter 132 Revenge (Requesting Monthly

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After leaving the teachers’ apartment, Sun Weiguang arrived at a student dormitory building—Ou Yingying’s residence.

Standing outside room 404, Sun Weiguang knocked on the door.

“Yingying, open the door, it’s me,” he said.

But there was no response.

Sun Weiguang knocked again.

“It’s me, Yingying, open up!” he insisted.

Still, no response came.

Sun Weiguang frowned.

It was late; Ou Yingying shouldn’t have gone out.

Just then, someone from the neighboring room came out; Sun Weiguang hurriedly called out to him.

“Old Li, have you seen Yingying?” he asked.

The man, called Old Li, gave Sun Weiguang a glance, puzzled.

“Huh? Earlier, a man was shouting for Ou Yingying downstairs; she went down to him. I thought that man was you? Turns out it wasn’t…”

Sun Weiguang was stunned.

A man looking for Ou Yingying at night?

This gave him an immediate bad feeling—had he been cuckolded again?

“Where did they go?” Sun Weiguang quickly asked.

“Probably that little grove over there? Hey, don’t run off so fast! Seriously, don’t start a fight! Consequences for fighting in the base are severe…”

Before Old Li could finish, Sun Weiguang had already sprinted away.


Sun Weiguang walked toward the small grove that Old Li pointed out.

“It can’t be; Yingying and I truly love each other. She couldn’t be involved with another man…”

As he walked, Sun Weiguang muttered to himself.

It was dark already. Naturally, the small grove was deserted. In these end times, with limited entertainment activities, everyone was preparing to sleep at this hour.

After a brief search in the grove, Sun Weiguang quickly spotted a figure seated on a stone bench.

By the look of the long flowing hair, it was indeed Ou Yingying.

Sun Weiguang first secretly observed, making sure there were no men or anything around before he felt relieved.

He just knew it—Ou Yingying and he shared true love; how could she betray him?

Sun Weiguang stepped out and called out loudly:

“Yingying! What are you doing here?”

Hearing the sound, Ou Yingying lifted her head. However, with only the faint starlight, Sun Weiguang couldn’t see Ou Yingying’s expression clearly.

“Are you troubled by something? Talk to me! I’m a man who can earn four Ration Tickets a day now. Whatever the issue, I can handle it!” he said, laughing.

Considering his past, he found it somewhat unbelievable. When he was with Han Rui, earning one Ration Ticket a day was already difficult, relying mostly on Han Rui’s help. But now, with Ou Yingying, he could earn four Ration Tickets by doing manual labor!


Seeing Ou Yingying not speaking, Sun Weiguang found it odd. He quickly walked over and laid his hands on Ou Yingying’s shoulders.

“Yingying, what’s wro—ahh!”

Ou Yingying lifted her head to reveal a ferocious face, with white eyes and dark veins spreading across her face.

Startled, Sun Weiguang fell on his butt.

“A zombie? You, what’s happened to you!”



Ou Yingying reached out, about to grasp Sun Weiguang’s arm, but he hastily retreated, using hands and feet.


Just as Ou Yingying was about to catch Sun Weiguang, she suddenly stopped and flailed wildly. Her nails were only ten centimeters from Sun Weiguang’s leg, yet she could not reach any further.

Sun Weiguang then noticed Ou Yingying was bound with an iron chain, tied to a tree!

After the initial shock, Sun Weiguang started to come to his senses.

Ou Yingying was a victim!

Who, who could have done this?

Sun Weiguang frantically looked around, there were no people among the trees, yet it felt as though each tree concealed a person’s shadow!

“Right, Inhibitor! Yingying, wait for me, I will get you an Inhibitor!”

Sun Weiguang scrambled to his feet and ran.

Wang Tao was in the middle of his routine exercise; he insisted on working out every evening.

Just then, the communicator placed beside him erupted with urgent voices.

“Commissioner Wang! A zombie has been spotted in the base! Come quickly to the base of Dormitory Building No. 1!”

Hearing this, Wang Tao, without a second thought, immediately suited up in his Rush Suit.

“Sister-in-law, stay at home and don’t go out. There’s a zombie in the base!” he warned.

“Ah? Okay! Be careful!”

Ding Yuqin promptly picked up a Firefighter Axe, becoming somewhat nervous. She didn’t offer to accompany Wang Tao, knowing she would be a burden to him. In such times, it was best not to cause trouble.

Wang Tao swiftly got into his vehicle and soon arrived at the base of Dormitory Building No. 1.

Wei Zhenguo, Xiang Hongbin, and a few other committee members had also arrived. They were all in various states of dress, clearly having been asleep. “What’s going on?” Wei Zhenguo demanded sternly.

“Sun Weiguang came to request an Inhibitor. Earlier, the staff thought he was infected, but he said someone in the small grove was infected. When the staff went to check, the person had turned into a zombie, and an Inhibitor was useless!” Ren Jie quickly explained.

“Where’s the zombie? Any casualties?”

“Inside the small grove, tied up with an iron chain. No casualties so far!”

Relieved that the zombie was contained and there were no casualties, everyone’s tension eased somewhat.

At that moment, Wang Tao expressed his curiosity:

“The zombie discovered by Sun Weiguang? Where is he?”

“He’s been detained. He’s not quite right in the head. He keeps saying his girlfriend can still be saved, that she’s just infected…” Ren Jie shrugged.

“Girlfriend? Could it be her?”

Wang Tao instinctively thought of Ou Yingying..

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