Apocalypse Gachapon

Chapter 506: Please choose your way to die

Chapter 506: Please choose your way to die

Xiao Min tilted her head to look at her brother. This was her habit. She didn’t scream and cry like before and didn’t feel hate and pity. Now, she didn’t even have any tears.

She was numb and in despair.

She and her brother were evolved, and they were strong evolved. Both of them were four-star!

But they were pigs that were being raised!

The difference was that her brother had no limbs, but she was a healthy human. The similarity was that they could only lay on a bed. They had no strength and even had to be fed.

In her memory, since those bunch of black shirt people captured her, she had been in such a state. Apart from eating and sleeping, the other thing would be to get pierced by needles. It was a needle that made her body powerless. Every period, she would be injected with evolution potions.

Although she was a four-star evolved, she was only a four-star evolved. She didn’t have jobs or skills and didn’t even have any clothes on her.

Those animals that played around with her said that the reason why she still had her limbs was because she was a woman, a beautiful woman. Apart from being fed, she had other uses.

Uses that made her feel like dying.

Although powerless as a four-star evolved, her body was very strong. This gave them a reason not to hold back. Each day, many people would vent their frustration on her. She wanted to bite them, but she didn’t have the strength. She wanted to commit suicide, but she didn’t have the strength either.

Since she knew what the outcome of her brother and her would be, she wished for that day to arrive. She had never hoped for such a thing so much before. Even if it was being eaten by mutated lifeforms and letting them evolve…

She passed day after day here. The only consolation and the biggest torture was her brother, who had lost his mind and became a retard.

Xiao Min thought today would be another nightmarish day until the door was knocked open…


Ye Zhongming came to the seventh floor. This place was renovated. Apart from load-bearing walls, they were all opened up, and metal cages lined up. Inside were many zombies. There were all levels, from the lowest to level five.

But these zombies were all chained to the ground and had a hole in their foreheads. But looking at their state, they weren’t killed after resisting but had their demon crystals dug from them unknowingly.

Ye Zhongming knew more about Soul Merchant than others. These zombies were one type of pig. They would capture survivors, and most of those who didn’t get the immunity potions would turn into zombies. Some people will be fed to them so they can evolve. Soul Merchant would kill the controlled zombies to get demon crystals when needed.

A small portion was locked up. Most were women and would be injected with evolution potions to get strong. At a suitable time, they would feed them to higher-level zombies or mutated plants to become their nutrients.

Before feeding them, they were played with by Soul Merchant.

The survivors from Ying City probably found that out, so they called them animals.

“Boss Ye, look!”

This person led Ye Zhongming to the end of the floor, where there were computers. This entire building had electricity, and the generator was on the roof.

There were some data. Of course, it was their data to Soul Merchant, but to others, it was a copy of their sins.

It recorded the different ways of using these pigs, their different outcomes, and the torture they faced before their lives ended.

Nothing could impact one more than seeing something happen. Even Ye Zhongming, who guessed such things, couldn’t suppress his rage when he read all the data.

Maybe humans were fighting one another for bases, equipment, potions, scrolls, beautiful women, a bottle of water, or a piece of biscuit.

That was to live better and survive in this world.

But anyone with a bottom line couldn’t accept such actions of treating humans as food.

Ye Zhong was mentally prepared. The others who saw the videos couldn’t take it. Their eyes were red as they searched for the remaining Soul Merchant forces. If they found them, they would torture them to death.

No one stopped them as they had to vent their frustrations.

“Zhongming, this…”

Park Xiuying’s face was red, not from embarrassment but rage. Since her job and level increased, the saint aura on her body increased. Very few things could make her lose control of her emotions. But now she was emotional.

Ye Zhongming saw those pigs that were injected with evolution potions and used to feed mutated lifeforms!

In many of the rooms were such pigs. There were hundreds of them. A small portion of guys had their limbs sliced, and they became human sticks. The rest were women that were naked and showed signs of being raped. They lay there, and their eyes were numb. Some people lost their minds, and they collapsed.

Xiao Min saw Ye Zhongming for the first time, and Park Xiuying…

Xia Bai and Liang Chuyin carried someone wearing a white coat to the seventh floor. They had many broken bones, and their eyes were filled with fear.

“They are in charge.”

Xia Bai’s words were direct. She used a white cloth to wipe her hands, and it was quickly dyed red.

“Heal them once.” Ye Zhongming said.

Park Xiuying used two Cleansing Dews to reduce their injuries.

“You two will die today, but there are two ways of death which you can choose.” He squatted in front of the two shivering fellows and reached two fingers out, “First, you can die without any pain as long as you answer my question.”

“Second, I will torture you for an hour, and you will die in pain. That is if you can’t give me a satisfactory answer.”

“You have three seconds to tell me which way.”

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