Apocalypse Gachapon

Chapter 485: Weapon Monster

Chapter 485: Weapon Monster

The heavier the user’s injuries, the stronger the weapon.

Even Ye Zhongming had to praise this ability. If not for the mental energy restriction and the fact that you often had to risk your life before you used it, he felt like this ability alone was enough to raise its grade by a few levels and become either green or blue equipment.

Xia Bai fought three battles and was out of stamina. Her chances of beating the grasshopper weren’t big. This agile monster would drag Xia Bai to death.

Xia Bai thought of a strategy from the start. Defend, get injured, Darkness Calamity, restrain the enemy, Sadness Pattern.

She used herself as the bait, drew the grasshopper into a trap, and successfully killed it.

It looked simple, but it was very risky.

The plan would fail if she couldn’t tank the damage and died. If she couldn’t force the grasshopper to use all its skills and for her skill to be broken by one of its skills, it would all be for nothing.

Moreover, not everyone could handle the increased pain from Darkness Calamity. If their mind wasn’t strong enough, they might faint. At that time, they would be there for the taking!

Xia Bai was walking on a tightrope since she chose to do that. If she weren’t careful, she would fall into an abyss.

Fortunately, she won.

Xia Bai consumed all her mental energy to allow the Sadness Ink Pattern Scythe to have the strongest combat strength. The moment before she fell unconscious, she chose to leave the arena.

Her body was fully injured and was teleported back into Cloud Peak’s camp, and Teacher Park started to heal her.

She suffered heavy injuries twice and survived. Only someone like Xia Bai could do it.

After this battle, Xia Bai had a supernatural status in Cloud Peak. She won everyone’s respect. Especially people like Ah Yang, who didn’t understand Cloud Peak. They looked at Xia Bai with worshipping gazes!

Ye Zhongming heaved a sigh of relief when he looked at Xia Bai, who was badly injured but still alive. He knew that it was down to him to end the battle.

He appeared in the arena. Light flashed, and the Weapon Monster stood opposite him.

Human body, frog face, six arms. Each with a different weapon. They were a blade, soft sword, hammer, halberd, nunchuck, fan.

It was a similar height to humans, but it felt like a grandmaster when it stood there.

This was a mutated lifeform that people respected.

Ye Zhongming had never faced such a monster before, but he saw its portrait. Survivors also mentioned that it wasn’t easy to deal with.

Very few monsters could have such an aura. Some of whom were the Talking Lady and this fellow.

He pulled out Moon Blade and pointed it at the Weapon Monster.

The stronger the monster was, the more fighting spirit he had. He saw Xia Bai risking her life, and that fighting spirit got so strong that he couldn’t suppress it anymore.

Ye Zhongming knew that this was left from his last life, but he didn’t hate it and didn’t suppress it. Only by having such a desire to fight would he have the motivation to get stronger.

Ye Zhongming attacked first.

Seal: Mountain Blade!

He used the job skill right away.

Huge pressure covered the Weapon Monster.

The frog face was expressionless. The moment Ye Zhongming attacked, it did, too.

The six arms waved, and the old blade on its upper left arm slashed, too.

“Shocking Blade Wave!”

Numerous blade shadows flew out from the blade and formed a giant light wave that suppressed Ye Zhongming’s skill. The two moves clashed.

There were no sounds. It was like there wasn’t any aura. The two moves clashed, tangled, and then disappeared.

The two figures bumped into each other.

At this time, there was an explosion and many more. Their weapons clashed many times in a short dozen seconds, and no one could deduce what was happening.

When they split up, the remnant sounds echoed in the space.

Too quick!

Be it the Abyss Cleaner or the grasshopper, they were quick, but the Cloud Peak warriors could still keep up.

But now, they realized how strong the true experts were.

The two of them announced what kind of battle this would be!

“Sword Moon Flash!”

“Seal: Metal Blade!”

As if they had discussed it beforehand, they used their skills simultaneously after they clashed with one another.

On one side, the soft blade slashed many lightning-like things. On the other hand, stars with the power of heaven and earth landed on the target.

It was so bright that everyone squinted their eyes.

They clashed and disappeared like the first time.

But this time, there were colors like fireworks.

They hadn’t witnessed such a brilliant battle.

Just one move and both of them took several steps back.

Even Ye Zhongming, the level-six mutated lifeform, had to take a breather after going all out and using skills consecutively.

Cloud Peak members couldn’t help but worry. They knew that their boss only had a few skills, and he had a Flame Blade at most. But that monster had six weapons, and it might have many skills. After three battles, they also realized that the monsters had a lot of mental energy and could use the skills multiple times. What would happen then?

They were confident in Ye Zhongming and believed he could defeat this monster. But how would he face the level-seven lifeform if he used all his energy or got injured?

“Flying Halberd Strike!”

The Weapon Monster used its third talent skill. It tossed that halberd into the air and turned into four shadows. The moment it appeared, the first shadow thrust towards Ye Zhongming.


Moon Edge smashed into the first one and shattered it. Ye Zhongming was also forced to take two steps back.

The second arrived, then the third, and the fourth!

The few halberd shadows combined.

Ye Zhongming retreated and retreated again!

A human-like expression appeared on that frog face for the first time, like it was impressed by its opponent.

It was shocked at the reaction speed and technique he used.

Don’t underestimate the retreat.

Each step he took would open some distance, increasing the halberd's flying distance. He could have enough reaction time then. Block the first, and then you could block the second when you retreated. This continued until you blocked all. Ye Zhongming was ten steps back, and although it looked tough, he didn’t use any skills and broke the Weapon Monster’s move.

It wasn’t as elegant as Xia Bai’s battle, but his movement was fluid. His legs didn’t even touch the ground. The ethereal-like feeling made the Cloud Peak warriors cheer for their boss.

This should be the nature of fights. Now, a simple, head-on battle!

The battle entered its most intense stage!!

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