Chapter 82

"Do you have drinks in your fridge that you don't like?" Tang asked.

"There are so many varieties, not all of them are my favorite." Yan Xu raised the red bull in the hand, "this is my favorite."

"Just like it." At the end of the Tang Dynasty, YanXu didn't ask the answer he wanted to know.

The pain on Yan Xu's body has been greatly alleviated and can be moved.

Far away, you can still hear the fierce beast's scraping and roaring. In the Tang Dynasty, he took out the food and threw two bags to YanXu. He tore up and ate it.

"Eat first, wait for the wild beast to dig the hole, there will be a fierce battle."

Yan Xu's eating hand stopped, "do you think they can open the hole?"

In the Tang Dynasty, his face was expressionless and his tone was cold. "In accordance with the degree of revenge, we won't be spared easily. What's more, you are still the king of the beast."

After eating, Tang Shi and YanXu are watching the front of the black hole warily. The sound of scraping debris is still there. It seems that they can rush out at any time in the dark, and the violent beasts threaten their lives.

The two of them were so tense that they were waiting for the mob to dig up the ruins and kill them. They fought back for the first time. The general level of the mob was level 6. There was more than one outside, and there was also a king of the mob. In the Tang Dynasty, the hand holding the battle blade was tight and tight, and the palm was full of cold sweat. He would rather be buried in this cave than fight with the fury and fear of animals. There was almost no doubt about it. Once he faced up, there was no doubt that he would die.

Just as the roar of the beast became clearer and clearer, the soil layer above the passage seemed to be unable to bear the weight. It collapsed again, burying the passage again, and the roar of the beast became blurred again.

In Tang Dynasty, his eyes brightened and he had an idea.

Take out the iron mane gray bear servant from the card, materialize it, and let it go ahead and hit the passage from the inside. The passage is only a few meters wide. The rocks at the top of the passage can't stand a little vibration. If there is any movement, it will collapse. The Tang Dynasty preferred to cover the passage of nearly 30 meters and let the wild animals dig slowly. Even so, it was safer than facing the enemy head on.

The iron bristled grizzly bear has a lot of strength, and the "bang bang" sound really makes it collapse, covering the passage, and blurring the voice of the wild beast again.

It's effective in the Tang Dynasty. At last, it's easy to relax. If they don't give up, the ruins are long enough for them to dig for a few days. Thinking of this, Tang Dynasty did not continue to waste time. Instead, he sat down cross legged and began to try to make yuanneng cards. It was not a bad thing to have more yuanneng cards in his hands. When necessary, he could call out the vicious blacksmith to help.

In this way, after three days in a row, the fury still did not leave, still dragging the ruins. If they want to clear the tunnel, they can only dig it to 5 meters wide.

"I'm sorry."

The time in the dark is very long. Only time goes round and round. He is as firm as Yan Xu. He is not afraid of death. He does not regret that he led the mob to leave and let the crowd go first. He just feels sorry for Tang Shi. He is trapped with himself and may be killed by the mob.

Tang Shi was concentrating on making yuanneng card when he heard this sentence. He looked up at YanXu on the opposite side and said: "you don't have to apologize. It's my choice."

Yan Xu's eyes are burning, staring at the opposite person. He has an impulse in his heart. He wants to say it to Tang Shi seriously. He is serious. He really wants to associate with him. When he opens his mouth for the first two times, he is always distorted by Tang Shi's improper or slightly sarcastic tone, which makes his words seem unreliable.

But he was serious.

YanXu didn't say anything. It's cold and stuffy in the Tang Dynasty. In these days when he was trapped in a cave, he hardly spoke actively except for making yuanneng cards. This is quite different from the normal character of the Tang Dynasty. Sometimes YanXu spoke actively, he would respond and then continue to make yuanneng cards.

The madness of fury made YanXu fully realize the horror of the orcs. They persisted, hated and United. They dug up the ruins for many days. Ten days later, the sound of digging stopped, but the fury did not leave. They stayed outside, waiting for themselves to go out. After so many days, even the occasional roar disappeared.

The orcs are so cunning that they didn't go out immediately in the Tang Dynasty. Instead, they called out the iron maned grizzly bear. Animals had a stronger sense of crisis than humans. The iron maned grizzly bear was afraid of powerful and violent beasts. When he heard their smell, he would cringe and run away. He was afraid to go forward. The iron bristled grizzly bear's reaction confirmed Tang Shi that the wild animals were still outside, but cunningly did not make a sound, waiting for them to fall into the trap.

After that day, Tang Shi would put out the iron maned grizzly bear every day. To see its reaction, the fury and fear of animals had never left, and they were watching them silently. Fortunately, there was food in the small lattice in the Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, it was impossible to live after being besieged for so many days. Even so, the group of wild animals surrounded them for nearly a month. On the day they left, they roared like crazy, especially arrogant and proud, as if they were sure that the human who attacked them had died. Although they did not eat their flesh and blood, as long as they died, they could survive A bad breath.Tang Shi, who used to be cold and green in his eyes, suddenly wiped a cold sweat that didn't exist with exaggerated expression and bared his teeth and said: "fuck, next time, remember, don't provoke such a careful race. It's going to kill us!"

Yan Xu looked at him in amazement. He didn't seem to have reflected the change of Tang Dynasty. He hesitated and said: "you Back to normal? "

Tang Shi tilted his eyes at him, "when did I ever get abnormal?"

This time, Tang Dynasty was affected for a long time, for a full month. Although he was affected by the sickle of the dead before, he would become bloodthirsty and violent. It was only a few days. Unexpectedly, this time, it was as long as a month. Yan Xu thought that he might not be able to recover, and he would never return to the Tang Dynasty when he always spoke with two points of ridicule, three points of ridicule and four points of anger He was suddenly normal. At the same time, he raised his vigilance and turned to Tang Shi with a gloomy face.

As soon as Tang Shi saw that his face was not right, he subconsciously took a step back. The space was limited. As soon as he retreated, he came to the edge. Behind him was the cold stone wall. He was hurt and stared at him defensively, "what do you want? I tell you, you can't beat me. I advise you not to be impulsive. "

Yan Xu's eyes were filled with anger. He raised his arm and waved it to Tang Shi. Tang Shi thought he was going to beat himself, and he had done a good job. Unexpectedly, Yan Xu's fist hit the stone wall behind him, and the fine soil fell like rain. Knowing the rope, the passage was shaking, and it might collapse at any time.

"Hey, don't be impulsive. It will collapse later. None of us want to go out. We have to die here."

Yan Xu gnashed his teeth and said, "are you still afraid of death?"

In the Tang Dynasty, who let YanXu be higher than him? By the yellow light of the flashlight, YanXu, like the painstakingly carved facial lines, was much softer. If it wasn't for the tense facial muscles, it was frightening. This kind of YanXu gave people the illusion of warmth. Tang Dynasty always knew that YanXu's face value was very high, but it was a little worse than him. Such a handsome person with such an expression is really a waste.

In Tang Dynasty, he patted his thick chest placidly, feeling good, "I'm not afraid of death, I cherish life. Don't be angry. What are you angry about? "

"What do you call life? You are looking for death! I have repeatedly told you not to use the scythe of the dead. You always don't listen. How about this time? How do you feel about being completely dominated by the scythe of the dead? Is that cool? " Yan Xu was so angry that he almost roared. He really wanted to drag people over to have a good repair as he did four years ago. Now he can't fix it. The level of Tang Dynasty was higher than him.

In Tang Dynasty, he muttered in a low voice: "it's not completely controlled. I still have consciousness..."

"You - say - what?" These words are almost squeezed out of my teeth.

Tang Shi quickly lost his smile. "It's really dangerous. It's really very dangerous. How can this thing be so dangerous? I really can't use it often. I'll restrain myself and never use it easily any more. Is that ok? Don't be angry, don't be angry. The most important thing for us now is not to settle accounts, but to think about how to get out. "

Yan Xu's self-discipline and self-restraint are amazing. He has always been proud of his calm self-reliance, and will be eaten by this bastard in the Tang Dynasty. He feels very anxious, wants to blow up his hair, and wants to be mad. But now he must not be in chaos. The most urgent thing is not to settle accounts with the Tang Dynasty, but how to dig away these ruins, otherwise they will not want to go out.

It's such a fuckin 'thing. I buried myself, and now I'm going out again. It's killing them.

"I repeat, don't use the scythe any more, do you hear me?" Yan Xu was so angry that he couldn't stimulate him any more, so he had to nod his head.

"I heard it. I'll try not to use it later."

"Not as much as possible!" YanXu roars.

"Well, well, listen to you. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

When I say this, I think that when there is danger, who will worry about the influence of the shadow. As long as he can live, he will use any tricks.

Yan Xu glared at him fiercely, and then he went to check the depth of burial, and tried to move these broken stones to dig holes, otherwise they would be difficult to get out.

Tang Dynasty is secretly relieved. Even if Yan Xu doesn't emphasize to him, he doesn't dare to continue to use the sickle of the dead. It's definitely hard for him to be affected this month. What's happy is the sickle of the dead, but what's suffering is him. In Tang Dynasty, if he's in the past, unless he's full, he'll challenge a higher level alien.

Since he strengthened the sickle of the dead, he was like a mad dog who had eaten bear heart and leopard gall. When he saw a foreign race, he killed it all. No matter it was one or a group of people. When he looked unhappy, he rushed up to kill it. Let alone the lower level, even a level 8 foreign race was scared by his madness and turned around to escape. Mingming was stabbed several holes in his body, and his blood flowed out like tap water. Just like he had lost the pain, he still struggled to fight until he was satisfied with the killing, and then his anger and murderous spirit were slightly restrained. Otherwise, he would continue to run wild.

He has made an impression of everything he has done, but his body doesn't seem to be controlled by him. No, to be exact, it doesn't seem to be his body. He is like an undead floating in the sky, watching the body kill in his name. After being injured, he has to bear the pain. Those injuries were real. In retrospect, Tang Shi wanted to be crazy and hurt him to death.They squatted down and calmly studied the plan of digging a hole. The Tang Dynasty once again lamented that it was impossible to live by committing crimes. If he had known that, he would have let the iron maned grizzly bear bury less. It would have been enough if there were wild animals to dig holes for them. It's not so sad that now they want to join the iron maned grizzly bear in digging a passage instead of burying a passage!

After the Tang Dynasty moved two pieces of gravel, he sat in the back and sighed. He didn't want to start. YanXu continued to work as hard as an old ox. the iron sideburns grizzly bear pulled the gravel with his claws in front of him. YanXu piled the gravel on both sides and behind him, leaving a narrow passage. He could barely move forward sideways.

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