Chapter 77

It's definitely not a wise choice to fight with card creatures. At the time of Tang Dynasty, open the ghost card bag, pull out the minion card and pop it up. The grizzly bear in iron bun appears in the office and holds the city guard. Under the same level, the fighting power of beast is higher than that of human minion.

In Tang Dynasty, the movement was orderly, and the use of card bag was very skilled.

When Zhu Peng heard that sentence from Tang Dynasty, he showed a crazy look. His eyes were red like a mad dog, and he roared, "did you kill Amin?"?! You killed Amin! I'll kill you! "

Zhu Peng drew out another card. Tang Shi didn't wait for him to activate it. He launched shadow step. A flash of red light appeared in front of Zhu Peng and stabbed through the card that Zhu Peng hadn't activated yet.

No matter what this card is, whether it's a minion card or a magic card, it's always a trouble to activate it. Just destroy the card at the moment of activation. In that case, the card will be scrapped.

At the moment when Tang Dynasty pierced the card, there was a flash of white light in front of them and a "boom" sound. Something exploded between them. Both of them were pushed upside down by a stream of air pressure. The furniture in the office was lifted. The rapidly expanding air pressure squeezed the space in the office. The glass was broken and the door was also lifted. It was the scene of the big explosion!

Two fighting card creatures were also overturned by the blast, and their bodies were covered with broken glass.

Although the real iron fierce armor was seriously damaged, it also played a protective role in the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, it was protected by the armor, and the five internal organs were displaced by the shock. The pain was unbearable, not to mention Zhu Peng?

Tang Shi wiped the blood from his mouth, stood up with the combat blade, and went to check Zhu Peng who had been blown up behind his desk.

His hands and feet were broken, his flesh and blood were blurred, his chest was deeply sunken, and he lay dying on the ground. Thick blood ran out of his mouth and nose, and hatred remained in his unfocused eyes. He kept twitching all over. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and died.

Tang Dynasty did not expect that Zhu Peng's luck was so good. The card just now should be a yuanneng bomb. If he was allowed to use it, it would have more power than that. Tang Dynasty has destroyed the card and can still cause such destructive power. It can be seen how terrible the yuanneng bomb is.

Tang Shi touched the necklace in his neck, and he was lucky. When he was promoted to level 7, he got a yuanneng protection Necklace equipment card. As long as he put the yuanneng protection necklace on his neck and instilled yuanneng into it, the yuanneng protection necklace can support an invisible yuanneng protection cover on his head and neck to protect his head and neck from attack. This is the essence of level 7 in the awakening period Life card, the strength of protection is amazing. It increases the defense by 5 points. It's absolutely a dream for ordinary weapons to start from his head and neck.

If you didn't get the yuanneng protection Necklace in advance, you might suffer a loss here today.

YanXu came out late from the office of the first awakening team. When he went out, he lost Tang Shi. He knew that Tang Shi must have gone to the chief's office and found it layer by layer. Before he ran up, he was disturbed by the huge explosion and rushed up like an arrow.

"Tang Dynasty!" Yan Xu rushed into the dilapidated office, saw Tang Shi standing in the office intact, and then looked at Zhu Peng who died miserably under the table, and then said: "how are you? Did you get hurt? "

"I'm fine." Tang Shiyin turned around and walked to the guard who wanted to get up. He cut his head with a knife.

His master is dead. The only way for a card creature to lose his master is to die in battle. Tang Shi didn't want to waste time with him any more, so he had to kill him.

Card the injured grizzly bear, let it recover under the card state, and put it into the card bag.

There was too much noise from the explosion here. Other awakened people in the building, following their seriousness, arrived and blocked the door to prevent them from coming out.

The explosion also attracted the nearby survivors. They were ordinary people. When they passed by the building, they were all awed and envied. Inside they lived awakened people. They were the most powerful human beings. They were terrible beings who could fight with other races.

I didn't expect that there would be an explosion in the place where so many powerful awakening people gathered. Of course, they would gather to have a look at what happened.

Nearby troops also arrived downstairs, surrounded the headquarters of the awakened, and yelled with loudspeakers to make the attackers surrender immediately, or they would be killed immediately.

Tang Shi went to the window and looked down with cold eyes.

YanXu pulls people back and shouts to the downstairs, "I'm YanXu. I'm responsible for all the responsibilities this time. I'll explain to the general that you leave first."

The man who led the soldiers was a captain. When he heard that it was major Yan, he was in a bit of a dilemma. He didn't know whether to carry out the order or not.

Just then, a jeep drove downstairs, and the man who got off the jeep was major general Xu Heng.

Wearing a major general uniform, he looked up at YanXu standing at the window on the fifth floor and waved to him.

"You come down." Then he took the megaphone in the captain's hand and said, "listen to the awakened upstairs, put them down..."

Before Xu Heng finished, Tang stepped on the windowsill and jumped out of the fifth floor window.The crowd was in a tumult and exclaimed.

Xu Heng also straight eyes, a pair of startled look.


With a loud noise, Tang Shi landed on the police car parked downstairs. The roof of the car sagged. Tang Shi bounced again and fell to the ground steadily from the roof.

Yan Xu didn't know what to say. He turned around and wanted to walk from the door. Seeing that all the awakened people gathered there, he had to turn back. He also jumped down from the window and smashed a police car again.

"Good, good! It's OK to jump from such a high place? "

"Should they also be awakeners?"

"The awakened one is so powerful! It's Superman

For a moment, the crowd was talking.

Xu Heng's face turned completely black this time. He didn't speak. He just waved to YanXu. YanXu came and saluted, "major general."

Xu Heng pressed YanXu's shoulder and patted him hard. He gritted his teeth and said, "you boy, you are trying to make trouble with me, aren't you? If you smash one, you can add another one!"

Yan Xu's eyes floated to the station not far away, coldly looking at Tang Shi here.

Xu Heng pushed him, "go, go, I see how you want to explain with the lieutenant general."

"Just a moment." Yan Xu finished, turned and ran to Lengleng, looking at Tang Shi.

Xu Heng is so angry that he can't wait to kick him. He's on business. He's brave enough to ask him to wait!

Xu Heng is in his forties. After yuannengjing was discovered, he also ate it. Now he is also an awakened person, but he has only been upgraded to level 1 in the awakening period. He has failed several times, and still stays at level 1. Seeing YanXu and the young man jumping down from such a high place, just like nobody, he knows that their level is absolutely not low.

The physical fitness of the awakened person will continue to improve with the improvement of the level. However, the height of the fifth floor, even the level 3 awakened person, does not dare to try. If this one is not stable, he may break his arm and leg. If he is lucky, he may break his neck directly. It is estimated that only these two boys can jump from the window when they have enough food to support.

Xu Heng looked at Yan Xu and the young man sticky, urged: "you hurry up, I'm busy, not so much time to wait for you."

Yan Xu had to make a long story short, "you go back first, wait for me to come back."

When Xu Heng leaves with Yan Xu, he can't help but take another look at Tang Shi. He has already guessed who he is.

Wu Zhong has been talking in front of him about not using the best resources. He is a YanXu, a regular special forces soldier, and now he is an awakener. His level is not low. His strength in Lincheng is definitely in the top three. He is not willing to make him the chief of the awakener team.

It's a pity to have YanXu. It's even worse in Tang Dynasty. His strength in Lincheng is absolutely at the top, and he knows YanXu. YanXu, who is not competitive, doesn't know how to say good words to pull people into the military. It's a waste of resources.

When Xu Heng saw the legendary Tang Dynasty, he knew that he was definitely not a good talker. Maybe YanXu was still controlled by him. Just look at the appearance that YanXu was more nervous than himself.

The awakening headquarters is not far from the military temporary headquarters, just two blocks away.

On the bus, Xu Heng asked him, "what's the matter with you?"

Yan Xu's expression is rigid. He looks straight ahead and doesn't answer.

Xu Heng calculated whose office it was. Suddenly, he was shocked and said, "is that Zhu Peng's office? You won't kill another captain, will you

Xu Heng's voice scared the driver in front of him to slip his hand. The jeep twisted a big character on the road and nearly hit the curb.

The driver kept glancing in the rearview mirror to see if major Yan had three heads and six arms. What's the word "you"? Was Jiang Huai, the first leader of the awakeners team, not killed with the spider man, but was killed? Did Zhu Peng, the second leader of the awakening team, also be killed? And it's major Yan who killed two of the awakening team leaders? Impossible? No one will laugh even if they say it as a joke. It's too ridiculous. Those two people are the top figures in the awakeners. They are super powerful. How can someone kill them? If there are such powerful people, why shouldn't they be the team leader and let the weaker people be the team leader?

Driver Xiaobing nodded in secret. It must be so. Major general likes to joke most. He must be joking again.

Yan Xu turns a face, saw Xu major general one eye, light way: "that is him to seek to die."

"Bang bang!"

The driver shivered, and the car really hit the curb. The two people in the car were unprepared, and their heads were firmly knocked on the back of the chair.

Live in It was really killed?!

The driver Xiaobing felt that he overheard the top secret of the military. He trembled nervously and apologized in a trembling voice, "sorry, sorry..."

But Xu Heng ignored Xiaobing. His eyes were staring at YanXu. He pointed out his index finger and said, "you are finished with YanXu. This time, you can see how the general will deal with you."

A few minutes later, Wu Weiguo's roar came out of Wu Zhongjiang's office: "YanXu, what do you mean? I'll arrange a team leader to kill one, two to kill a pair. The awakening team is chaotic enough. You'll make trouble for me! You mean to be against me, don't you? You can be the team leader yourself! Otherwise, you can't shirk your responsibility this time! "Wu Wei Guo slapped the table with a thump, looking furious.

Standing outside the door smoking Xu Heng, bared his teeth hissed, thought: will you play really lifelike, estimated that at this moment in the heart has been happy to bloom, finally can rightfully put YanXu this boy locked in the position of the captain, you are not already thinking about this matter? Now this boy made a mistake himself, and it's in your hands. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to tie YanXu to the position of the commander in chief, I'll write Xu Heng upside down!

Yan Xu stubbles his neck and retorts: "it's him who wants to kill himself. He wants to kill Tang Shi!"

"Good, good! When one team leader wants to kill Tang, and the two team leaders want to kill Tang, you are going to kill all the awaking masters of the military! I'll put my words here. Either you can be the team leader or let Tang Shi be the team leader! "

Yan Xu's expression finally had a change, wring eyebrows and Wu Zhong will stare at each other, "he can't be the team leader."

"Then you come!" This is what Wu Weiguo said.

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