Chapter 62

After a day's work, both of them were very hungry. Fortunately, there was a lot of dry food in the small grid of Tang Dynasty, so they took out food and water immediately.

YanXu looked at the pile of food in front of him and laughed, "I really want to know where your things are hidden."

In Tang Dynasty, like YanXu, he only took one person with him, but there were many things hidden in him. He could take out what he wanted, but YanXu couldn't be curious.

When Tang Dynasty was eating biscuits, he hummed: "hum, is it envious? That's the beauty of the Mei family's treasure. "

Yan Xu looked at his proud little appearance, just want to drag people over to kiss a few, but he held back, in this security so bad place, or don't mess, must concentrate to prevent change.

When they finished eating, they didn't continue to chat. They tried not to make any sound, even the sound of breathing was as low as possible. One of them was watching the night, the other was sleeping, and they came in turn. Tang Shi went to sleep first. Originally, he was resting against the wall with his combat blade. Yan Xu patted his thigh. Tang Shi laughed for a while, very to the face of pillow Yan Xu thigh sleep up.

In the middle of the night, YanXu suddenly heard something outside the door. Something touched the cosmetics on the counter outside. The broken sound was very harsh in such a silent night. Tang Shi, who is sleeping, sits up and stares at the door of the warehouse. Yan Xu taps him on the shoulder. Tang Shi turns to look at him. His vision has adapted to the darkness. You can see Yan Xu gesturing to him to relax. There are so many poisonous spiders upstairs, so it's possible to come down to look for food at night.

Two people listen to the outside of the movement, see not found here, Tang Dynasty learn Yan Xu's appearance, patted his thigh, signal Yan Xu should go to bed.

Yan Xu grins and sleeps on Tang Shi's legs.

During the day, they have to concentrate on dealing with the alien race. If they don't have a good rest at night, they can't support themselves. Although they are awakeners, even if they don't sleep for two days or two nights, they should not force themselves when they have the conditions. Who knows what monsters they will encounter the next day? If they are powerful creatures and need to fight for a long time, they have a great influence on their physical quality And concentration is a big test.

They can't take risks. If one person dies here, the other may not be able to leave alive. Only when two people live together can they hope to go out.

When the day is light, Yan Xu wakes up. It's still early. After a short sleep, they get up to eat something and get ready for a new battle.

They inspected the first floor again, and found no poison spider man. They went to the second floor, but still didn't find it.

This surprised Tang Shi. Last night, he heard the news clearly. There were things in the shopping mall. He was very sure. Could they only move at night?

In the old days, the lights were always on at night and in the daytime. Because of the large space, even if there was light near the window, the shops inside would be very dark, so they had to use lights for lighting. Now the circuit has been destroyed. Even in the daytime, the light in the shopping mall is very dark, which is suitable for those who like to hide in the dark.

They turned around and decided to go to the third floor. There are only six floors in this commercial building. As long as they are in this commercial building, they can't get out. They will meet each other.

On the third floor, they met the poisonous spider man again. Just like the day before, a few of them were led down and smashed one by one, slowly killing off their number. In this way, they cleaned up all the poisonous spiders on the third and fourth floors. The day passed, and they had to go back to the warehouse to have a rest.

In the past two days, they have killed a lot of poisonous spiders and got a lot of Yuan Neng Jing, which is enough for them to be promoted. However, it's still not safe here. They plan to wait until the threats are removed and then they can be promoted. At night, they heard something outside again. With the experience of the previous night, they didn't react much and still fell asleep.

On the third day, they are going to clean up the fifth and sixth floors, so that the mall will be safe.

They thought that the fifth floor must be the same as before, and they would gather a lot of poisonous spiders, but they miscalculated. There was nothing in the fifth floor men's clothing area, and they didn't even see any poisonous spiders. Tang Shi and YanXu found a shop and changed into a new suit. Tang Shi even chose a few suits and put them into his "universal storage space".

There's no doubt that those things are hidden on the sixth floor. When they were ready, they went to the sixth floor. They climbed up the elevator that had stopped. Before they reached the sixth floor, they found that the elevator was covered with black cobwebs. Looking up, they found that all the cobwebs on the sixth floor were horizontal and vertical, and there were Oval Black cocoons hanging down from the top of the sixth floor. They were as big as adults, dense and spread all over the sixth floor. Look I feel numb.

Tang did not continue to move forward, but to Yan Xu gesture, two people slowly back down, until back to the warehouse, lock the warehouse.

"The sixth floor is probably a high-level ghost spider. In fact, all the ghost spiders we encounter belong to" juveniles ". They can't spit spider silk, and they can't become" ghost body ". They all appear as entities. At most, they can only shrink in size. Ghost spiders are mature only when they reach level 4. They can spit spider silk and possess ghost bodies, which are similar to undead creatures. Ordinary weapons can't hurt them at all. Only undead weapons can work on them. "Tang Shi is eager to try. "This is our chance. I have the sickle of the dead and met the high-level ghost spider. It's a rare chance."

"Such a ghost spider will undoubtedly be very dangerous. I don't agree with you to fight. How do you know it's one, not many?"

If it is true as Tang said, such a ghost spider should be very difficult to deal with, Yan Xu don't understand Tang so excited why.

"Risk goes with opportunity." Tang Shi said excitedly: "although ghost spiders are everywhere, there are not many high-level ghost spiders. They have another name, which is" treasure spider. ". They will drag all the collected treasures to the nest. Of course, the things that can be seen by the advanced ghost spider are not simple. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Maybe this ghost spider has a treasure, and we can't miss it. Unlike other spiders, advanced ghost spiders don't like to live in groups. On the contrary, in order to protect their own treasure, even the same species don't allow them to get close to their nests. So I guess there should be only one spider on the sixth floor. "

Tang Dynasty turned over all yuan Neng Jing on his body and said to Yan Xu, "I'm ready to advance now. I must try my best to defeat the high ghost spider."

YanXu didn't stop him any more. There is a saying in the Tang Dynasty that risks are accompanied by opportunities. In this new era, everything is possible, but without exception, you have to have strength to do everything. Even if you have strength, you can do everything. Therefore, even if you are in danger, he will no longer stop the Tang Dynasty, because he will fight with the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Shixian was promoted to level 4. Unfortunately, he still didn't get his own life card. "Only the scythe of the dead can deal with the advanced ghost spider, but it's far from enough. The dead are afraid of fire. I'll make some fire handles to reserve. You should hurry to advance."

The treasure of high level ghost spider, the trend of the Tang Dynasty is inevitable!

When YanXu was promoted, Tang Dynasty turned over all the things that could be burned in the warehouse, and tied them up with ropes for reserve.

When he was busy in the Tang Dynasty, he suddenly heard something moving outside. At the same time, a strong sense of oppression and chill came to the bottom of his heart.

"Finish the promotion, don't come out!" Tang Shi finished this sentence, quickly materialized the sickle of the dead, opened the door of the warehouse and rushed out.

A giant ghost spider is moving its slender and powerful legs and crawling towards this side. This ghost spider is three times as big as the first level. Its whole body is blue-green and transparent. It has a circle of red eyes on its small head. When it sees Tang Shi rushing out, it immediately speeds up and catches up with him.

Ghost spider may have been attracted by Yuan Neng's fluctuation in the promotion of Tang Dynasty. Instead of waiting for Tang Dynasty to find it, it came down first.

Tang Dynasty led the ghost spider to run away from the warehouse quickly. The size of this spider is bigger than the level 5 higher ghost spider that Tang Dynasty encountered. This higher ghost spider is definitely level 6!

In the Tang Dynasty, when running around, I couldn't help being excited. The higher the level, the greater the chance of treasure.

In the last life, he had no strength. He could only hear that other people met the advanced ghost spider and got the treasure. When he met him, he only had the life of escaping. Compared with the treasure, his life was still important. In this life, I met again, and I wanted to get the treasure of this higher ghost spider.

Although this ghost spider is big, its speed is not slow at all, but it is not as flexible as Tang Dynasty. The first floor of the shopping mall is not high, and there are many counters dedicated to selling cosmetics, jewelry and watches, which will cause certain obstacles to the action of ghost spider. However, in Tang Dynasty, it was able to run around and avoid the spider's legs.

The advanced ghost spider is undead all over the body. Ordinary weapons can't touch it at all. Only when it attacks the prey, it will instantly become local entity and cause damage to the prey. In the past, if there were no undead weapons, there was really no way to deal with this ghost spider. But this time, Tang Dynasty was very confident, not to mention that he had undead weapons, and now he was in a very good position. Ghost spider had attacked the air twice, and all of them waved on the pillars of the shopping mall, leaving deep marks.

This time, it was just the right time and place. Tang Dynasty could not lose in any case, even if the ghost spider was two levels higher than him.

In the Tang Dynasty, when he evaded, he turned back with a sickle and cut off the sharp beak of the ghost spider. There was no entity falling, but only a small part disappeared. The ghost spider hissed. It was estimated that it didn't expect that the prey could hurt it. It stopped and didn't continue to chase the prey.

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